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Everything posted by Dano

  1. That is pretty cool. Felt sorry for the horse though.
  2. Thats great, congrats Jaden! Just make sure you get a 100% positive ID on that large hairy smelly beast crashing through the bush before pulling the trigger......it just might be your dad.
  3. So Wayne, you've been holding back on the walleye spots huh? Glad to see you get out and have a good time with gracious hosts. And Joey baby, you're sssssmokin!
  4. I would key in on or just off any mid lake structure/humps with deep water access I could find, saddle areas can be productive too. Trout will also use a fast/very steep drop (read cliff) into deep water to trap forage against to feed on. The depths you fish will depend on the depth of the lake I would think, but I have seen lakers caught in 8' of water while jigging for walleye! Good luck, I hope you post a report.
  5. Thats awesome, thanks for the link.
  6. Looks like you guys had a ton of fun, thanks for the report, it is a good one.
  7. Looks like a blast Cliff!! It also looks like you guys were getting on the ice a little late in the morn. I have had some of my best luck there before sunrise.
  8. Nice to get out and like you say, no white stripe! Looks like good eats too.
  9. Dano


    Go see whats at the local animal shelter. I'll never understand people who buy a dog from a breeder when so many good dogs are available that need a home.
  10. No, no Pete, I didnt wish him any harm, just thought it would be funny to see him tripped up with a soaker is all.
  11. Congratulations Pete, I wish you and your lovely bride all the best. I gotta admit though, I was kind of hoping John Gillespie was going to step into the hole in the ice, that would have been perfect.
  12. That looks like a blast, nice fish too, thanks!
  13. That is funny stuff, I love pulling (and getting) pranked like that.
  14. The photographer is probably his ex wife sitting in her warm truck with all doors locked....
  15. Who in Barrow Alaska besides this guy locks their doors? A game of tag...
  16. Interesting, it cerainly makes sense to me, modern man is brilliant at screwing the balance up. I heard the average size beast in the herd was getting smaller.
  17. "Wayne, Terry! Wake up, I've got another one!"
  18. Yea, he is definitely a horses . Must be tough being the only contractor who knows how to do things right......in his own mind anyway.
  19. Why not just go propane? Probably be a lot less headaches all around. If not, I would imagine you could get a woodstove custom made to fit your specs, or weld one up yourself. I think you are shooting pretty high to find a portable woodstove with a 8-10 hour burn, especially when you will likely be burning pine/spruce etc. Just for general interest, a friend of mine has a web site with directions to build your own. Make your own woodstove.
  20. I checked one of those huts out when I was on the lake yesterday, it looked pretty comfy inside. The guy told me it takes about 5 min. to set up, is this what you find too? Nice to see you get out.
  21. OK, thanks for the clarification.
  22. Fern and I decided to give the fishing a try on Sat at our local resorvoir, so we loaded up the sled and the dog and headed out. We were fishing the flats in 6' of water and missed a few but I nailed a nice 13" er, which I added to the ones I had caught earlier in the week and I figured we now had enough for a meal. I didnt bring my camera with me so I have no pics of the couple hours we spent out. When we got home, Fern got on the web to look for a good chowder recipe to use while I did some cleaning around the house (true story). She found what looked like a good one and made a list and went off to the store to fill it while I walked the dog. Back at home she suggested I take a nice hot bath while she prepared supper..what a woman! Soon wonderful smells were wafting their way upstairs making my mouth water. I came downstairs to what amounted to a gourmet meal, man was it good. I dont know what I did to deserve her. See below..... here is the recipe, it came from experiencelifemag.com, and is a Lucia Watson recipe. Tomato-Basil Fish Chowder 2 tbs olive oil 2 stalks celery, coarsley chopped 1 onion, coarsely chopped 1 carrot, peeled and coarsley chopped 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, mashed 5-6 ripe tomatoes, peeled, cored and chopped (or one 12-ounce can of diced tomatoes) 3 to 4 cups of chicken broth salt and pepper a splash of balsamic vinegar 3 fillets or 24 oz. or so of firm fleshed fish a big handful of fresh basil washed and chopped In a large heavy soup kettle, heat the olive oil and add the celery, onion, carrot, peppers and garlic. Cook over medium heat, covered, for about 10 minnutes, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes, broth, salt, pepper and vinegar. Cook over medium heat another 15 minutes. Add the fish and simmer gently for eight to ten minutes, so fish is cooked and not falling apart. Divide basil into four bowls. Ladle the fish soup over the basil and garnish with croutons. We decided to throw a little bacon into the mix too, though I must admit in our haste to eat (well, mine anyway) the basil was forgotten. It was delicious anyway! So how does everyone like to eat their fish, lets hear some recipes! Fixed, thanks Roy.
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