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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Happy birthday sweetie pie, I hope you have a terrific day!
  2. Yea, and there is all that crud from the fish too!
  3. Geeez Cliff......do ya hafta remind me?
  4. Glad to hear it was a success Ron.
  5. Yea, nice ride! Congratulations.
  6. you guys crack me up.....
  7. Thanks for the chuckle Rich.
  8. Yea, cant stand the Hortons, stopped going there years ago after getting tired of them consistantly messing up orders etc. Went back a couple weeks ago (a friend I was with went in) and asked for one of their new roast beef sandwiches (the one they are pushing in the current commercials) and they said they had none. Guess nothing has changed, but the sheep still line up....
  9. That doesnt look too bad! The way they were talking, there was no meat on the legs, which I found funny, because I see far more turkeys walking than flying. Thanks Brian.
  10. Call the nearest police station, they have the power to charge them as well. This has worked for me in the past.
  11. With the season underway, I have been talking to a couple of turkey hunters about how they prepare and cook their kill. Both said they only take the breast meat because it is too much work for too little to pluck or skin the birds. I'm guessing this is standard practice? Am I correct? I belive this is normal for smaller quarry like grouse etc., but I thought turkeys were quite large birds.
  12. Congratulations HTH! Nothing like being on the water, I hope you enjoy it.
  13. Go and get em meely! Have fun.
  14. Sorry to hear this Dave, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  15. As most of you know, Wayne is one of the most respected and helpful individuals that graces this community. He has become a very good friend of mine both on the water and off and I know he has shown his endless generosity and kindness to me and to many here. We now have an opportunity to express our gratitude while funding important research to find a cure for an affliction that has touched his family. As you may or may not know Waynes' daughter Jen, has Crohn's disease and is involved with trying to raise funds to find the cure. Some of you have expressed interest in her story so i thought I would let you 'hear' it straight from her. Click on the 'Donate Now' link below to learn more (and don't worry, no one will jump out of the computer to get money from you, haha). No pressure or expectations but if you do feel inclined to donate great, if not, no worries. Who knows, you may even know of someone else that you think might be interested and want to pass it along. Either way, thanks for your concern and support of Jen and her family through her tough times. OK everyone....pony up! (please) Jen: by going to my ePledge page you can read 'My Story' of Crohn's Disease and learn how it has affected my life. I truly appreciate every pledge, whether you can give a little or give a lot, you're helping me attain my personal goal. And with every pledge, we get one step closer to finding a cure. I'm walking so that hopefully one day others don't have to go through what I have! ============================================ This June, I’ll be participating in the 2008 Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). The CCFC is a national not-for-profit voluntary medical research Foundation, whose mission is to find the cure for inflammatory bowel disease. As you know, this cause is very important to me, and that is why I’m asking you to help me out in my fundraising efforts this year. Sponsoring me is easy – just click on the ePledge link below and follow the prompts. If you’d prefer to send a cheque, just make it out to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada and send it to my home address. To make your secure online pledge, please click on the link below. Please Donate If you have trouble viewing this link, cut and paste the following address into your browser: https://secure.ccfcfindthecure.ca/Participa...=39&GC=GTv2 An electronic tax receipt will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as your donation is processed. Thank you for your generous support. P.S. - Anyone is welcome to participate in the Heel 'n' Wheel-a-thon, so feel free to forward this link on to other people you know who may be interested in joining us in our fight to find the cure!
  16. The poor lamented great lakes lake trout.... I feel that as anglers, we sometimes have to take a step back and look at what is going on in terms not directly related to how much funn we can have reeling in the fish on the end of our line. I realize we can never bring back the eco systems of yesterday, nor the diversity of our native species, but I certainly think it is an honourable mandate, and perhaps (hopefully) a sign of things to come.
  17. Hey Bill, I hope you have a wonderful day and all your birthday wishes come true! All the best.
  18. "In an ideal world, this is the fish community we would want to see," MacDougall said. "Most of it is centred around native species, and native species that have been lost, like lake trout." I was pleasantly surprised by that, I was expecting more rainbow/steelhead or some other non-native species of trout. I believe this to be a step in the right direction and hopefully a start to restoring our native fish populations wherever possible. Thanks for the link.
  19. Yep, thats basically how I feel.
  20. Way to go Joey! Those are some nice lookin fish, glad to see you keeping the tradition alive by catching the biggest one again!! Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Yea, the brookies have all but dissapeared from the streams I fished in Southern Ontario as a boy and a young man. I used to wet wade the Credit river from Creditview up through to old Meadowvale and catch specks on my Shakespear fly rod & reel all day long.
  22. Hey Minnow, thats awesome, I always wanted to catch me some of those cats. Very well done and thanks for the report.
  23. Yea, perch and crappie for now. barbless- used to be able to catch all kinds of specks around here, not so much anymore.
  24. will be next Friday. I was doing some work there today and it looks like most of the ice is off, which surprised me because when I was there on Monday, the ice had blown to the west side and was covering at least half the lake. They were trying their best to get open this Friday, but that just isnt going to happen.
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