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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Hey Mike, we could always have a water skiing get together!
  2. The guy right above me here. I look forward to all his posts as they are informative and interesting with awesome photos to look at which make it very easy to live vicariously through him. Thanks 'bunk, heres to ya buddy.
  3. Yup, all the best Roger! Hate those "combination" birthday/christmas gifts though....lol
  4. Great stuff! Nice day to be out and even better seeing those idiots get nailed!
  5. Hey, welcome back Mike! I was wondering what had happened to you, glad to hear you got those issues sorted out.
  6. Awesome post Ron, thanks for that. I plan on actually getting out to Simcoe for some ice fishing this winter.
  7. Morons. I tell you one thing, if these idiots go through, I hope no one risks their own lives in an effort to rescue them. Just wave bye bye from shore.
  8. You are not alone Terry. I just dont get it, kinda sad really.
  9. I agree, just some tophy hunters who are clearly trying to feel better about themselves by torturing a beautiful creature because they are angry with the size of their peni...
  10. Hmmm, got a PM from the mods stating that I must remove my avatar "according to the rules", well here is the rule: "Please keep your avatars tasteful and not degrading or insulting to any race, sex, religion or political entity. " Not sure which category it falls under, maybe she makes some of the guys feel emasculated or something. So dont whine to me that she is gone. Man this is such metrosexual politically correct crap. See ya
  11. Dano

    Old Pm's?

    No worse for the wear Terry!!!
  12. How can I retrieve my old PM's, anyone know? Rick gave me a link in chat the other day but I couldnt get it to work. Dont want to lose some important info. Thanks
  13. Geeeezus Wayne, what the heck? Is that a fuel barrel or what? You didnt waste any time heading up there huh?
  14. Yea, it was a great weekend with a great bunch of guys, lots of laughs and some pretty good fish to boot. What Wayne didnt mention is that out of our group, he landed the biggest 'eye of the week, and we both got personal bests! The charter with Lloyd was excellent, he is a stand up guy, I'd definitely go out with him anytime, thanks Lloyd, and thanks again Wayne for letting me in your boat, now I cant wait for Lakair!
  15. Seems my old avatar is too big and will not be accepted here, kinda tears at my heart, time for a new avatar I guess..
  16. Yea should be a great time! Dont worry fellows, I'll kepp an eye on things!! Thanks for the best wishes!!
  17. a new car!!! Pretty jazzy I must say, eh fellahs? I'll soon get the hang of it, no fear!!!
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