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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. Little Abitibi prov park, fsr access to river at south end of Pierre lake, can then boat into Pierre, Montreuil and Harris, excellent walleye and pike, lots of moose and bears around, also brookie lakes in the area bugs will be killer in early june, definitely want to pack a full bug suit
  2. long since discontinued, striking out on ebay...if anybody has one they'd consider selling, or happens to come across old stock somewhere, please pm me....feel free to pass it on to any friends that might still have one...any action, doesn't matter, I'll make a generous offer on it thank you, cheers.
  3. ON is a highly saturated market for new grads, for many industries and not just enviro...plays to the employer's advantage and NOT the employee....your degree/diploma/mba/msc whatever you got, does not equal big bucks fresh out the door from grad, the way the fill your head with those ideas during high school/uni...all that talk was Bull IMO, only the very lucky have that land on their laps young man's solution: back your bags, head west, immediately make 3-4x the money with the same skills, gain experience/training you would never have a crack at back home, and then head back to ON with deep pockets and a well established career....seems to be the common trend, half of BC/northern AB is filled with guys from ON, myself included, put in 3-5 yrs and head back to a life that would've taken considerably longer to build if you stayed in ON Live like a king for 35K in Peterborough! not a chance, I lived there for 5 years...good luck on that salary (that job is still fairly priced, but merely a stepping stone, everybody needs to start at the bottom somewhere) I had major difficulty supporting the lifestyle I wanted making 35K in London, ON; after 4 yrs of college/uni, 25 yrs old living with my gf and splitting bills...I made more per hour from summer construction jobs than I did during the first 3 yrs with an accounting degree moved west and major lifestyle change within 1 month, if you have no obligations keeping you in ON, head west, the jobs are here
  4. sounds completely fair for an entry level position in any company I've worked for, especially reading the job description, doesn't exactly list many skills required ha I'm not sure about that, if you're saying a bachelor degree is overqualified? no way...mba or other advanced degree then yes....I love reading the cover letters of a uni grad, "I expect to make 80K with my degree and zero experience, I will be available in 4 weeks once I finish exams" lol
  5. ardisam was great with customer service for me, express shipping on a warranty item (arrived to northern BC in 4 days), that's a first in my experience...let them know which parts you need and I bet they'll ship them
  6. not bothered to link quotes here, but the issues about displaying your legally harvested animal isn't about lack of respect for the animal, it's not about proving to the world you can kill animals...(admittedly driving to the local pro shop with a dead animal is about the bragging rights lol) the issue is why do hunters need to hide what we do? no other recreational group is forced to hide what they do give the anit's an inch, and they will try to take a mile....hunters and anglers are cut from the same cloth, we need to realize that and support each other hunters hide what they do and we lose rights....we show what we do and we still lose....today's culture is very different from 50 yrs ago the masses of society are so out of tune with what hunters are about, in my experiences I've found many urbanites truly think hunters only kill for the trophy on the wall, I've educated several of my past neighbours that the meat is actually utilized
  7. it depends, age, diet and how the meat was handled/processed....I'd take a fat fall berry bear over a skinny spring any day....bear fat is amazing, makes the best pastry dough, lots of uses for it the bear meat/fat that tastes horrible comes from dump bears and salmon bears....those stinky things are not the best shooters
  8. I think the eskimo pop up's are the best out there, the new models this year are insulated...the new clam insulated popup looks to be similar quality, but I still prefer the eskimo and I will say that ardisam is good at honouring the warranty....broke the cast alum handle on my ice auger and with in 4 days it had arrived, very fast shipping on a warranty claim in my experiences
  9. I'm not denying that the radiation is a very serious issue...don't misread my post (I said the media likes to play the fear card but didn't say I don't believe the reports) I fully believe man is causing damage to the ecosystem...I don't question the science....I just get a laugh out of the people who believe suzuki's word to be enviro gospel...I wish Canada had real reporters and journalists like the kind who grilled him in Australia....oh, wait, CBC is in bed with him... I just think Suzuki is a scam artist, hypocrite and was a self centered righteous dickwad at ron zalko's gym on burrard street in Vancouver....what cbc portrays him to be, is not what he is.... even the green peace founder has publicly stated Suzuki has become redundant and is a liability to his own cause...he can't answer questions unless his handlers screen the questions are you aware of Suzuki's extreme anti hunting views? hunters and anglers are cut from the same cloth....when the anti's win the hunting battle, who do you think is next in line?...
  10. suzuki is only reporting this issue....I trust the credibility of the real researchers and scientists behind the data.....not the crap the falls out of suzuki's mouth
  11. his handlers/CBC are very good at helping him with that...
  12. Agreed, suzuki is a scam, the Aussie interview was not the first time he's been exposed, but it was the best example.....on a side note, we've worked out at the same gym in dwtn Van, he's a complete dickhead and throws his name around like it means something Although I don't think anybody can dispute the serious potential of this situation, everybody likes to portray the worst case scenario...media + fear = ratings....suzuki just jumped on the band wagon, something else to boost his fake image, since he's become a liability to his own cause he needs the boost
  13. even with the largest travel package I bought from telus, my 7 day bill was disgusting... I'm not sure where I missed the "fine print", but I got royally effed somehow....the plan I bought by calling telus was highly misleading, the way they explained the charges was not how I was billed, and it was a losing battle arguing after the fact...I'd suggest going into your providers store and going through the plan details very carefully with somebody
  14. fishing line too, it really does take a long time to break down....I've came across more than one dead goose/loon tangled up along shoreline with fishing line around his neck, sad way to die my last visit to London, ON I watched a cop on a bicycle write up a ticket to an angler at springbank park for littering, angler wasn't too happy and was quite verbal about it LOL but good to see him get a ticket littering is one of those things that is inexcusable in my books, I get ripped on for having a filthy truck (at times) and my standard reply, "not the tidiest guy but hey, I don't litter"
  15. heard nothing but amazing things about those new kast gloves, got a pair ordered but hasn't arrived...they sound like exactly what you want arcteryx makes an awesome mountain glove, expensive but they are multi purpose if you board/ski, I wear my ski glove with a wool liner for winter river fishing (might change when the kast gloves arrives) http://www.arcteryx.com/product.aspx?language=EN&gender=mens&category=Gloves&model=Zenta-LT-Glove http://www.arcteryx.com/product.aspx?language=EN&gender=mens&category=Gloves&model=Caden-Glove http://www.arcteryx.com/product.aspx?language=EN&gender=mens&category=Gloves&model=Alpha-SV-Glove doesn't fit your criteria, but they are good gloves for anybody else reading the thread: http://www.intheriffle.com/store/Chota-Stow-A-Way-Fleece-Flip-Mit.html
  16. I replaced my 10 yr lund factory seats with these, although I was at first skeptical of the molded plastic, they've shown no sign of any issues....I'm 230, one of my regular fishing buddies is 270, the seats don't feel flimsy, I'm happy with them http://www.basspro.com/Tempress-Navistyle-Boat-Seat-HiBack-or-LoBack/product/30333/
  17. islander was designed as a west coast reel and a lot of guys still prefer bushing over the bearings, islander and milner bushing pins are very popular....the great lakes crowd seems to be more concerned over fancy bearings, light weight, startup and spinning speeds, which makes sense, smaller flows and much lighter terminal tackle involved at the end of the day, some guys are minimalists, some guys are techies and gear hounds, whatever floats your boat, stop watch your reel all you want lol.....sounds like the OP got a good reel, sounds like good spin time...but staffman, sounds like you had bad bearings, maybe greased up? did you contact islander? I hear they have great customer service
  18. how big are the lakes you fish regularly? how far are you hand pulling? I have a 2 man otter flip over, insulated, 90 lbs plus auger and gear, you can hand pull it but hit some deep or slushy spots and you feel it use a long rope to hand pull, makes it easier on you, I use one of my 20' tow straps If I was strictly hand pulling, I'd get a light weight sled (not the heavy otter magnums lol) and a pop up tent.....I was looking at the new eskimo and clam insulated pop ups, they look pretty nice
  19. definitely not safe, but risk=reward....hence my 'amount of money you can burn without crying' philosophy and yes, I would be extremely cautious about trusting blind advice, due diligence indeed.....but the penny stock email I signed up for was actually accurate, just don't get greedy and hold out to the end...sell on the climb, not on the fall I'm a big believer in resources, they are cyclical so I like to buy when the market is rock bottom...ie: I maxed my employee stock plan through my company, company matches dollar for dollar....coal bottomed out but I predict 3-5 yrs I'm going to double up my invest at a minimum.....the glory days of $130/share are gone, but buying at mid teens I believe it'll climb up again within the next 5 yrs if I had the initial cash I'd buy a big lump of oil and gas to collect the dividends...but until then I'm fattening my tackle inventory with penny stocks lol
  20. one of my buddies is also very good at that, I let him make my picks, sure adds excitement to watching the games!
  21. I wouldn't say this is a lucrative investment, but is very fun and addictive, so if you're into gambling, learn about penny stocks....I've managed to turn 500 into 3300 in about 30 months when I sold my best pick stock and overall i'm up 2400 net from all my activity in the past year, lose some and win some I look for exploration mining companies (it's what I know), that are past the exploration stage and proposals, and approaching development, I buy a few hundred bucks worth through an online trader account and sit on it for a year or two....either I lose my money fairly quickly or I sell after the mine enters production and the stock price has risen, most publicly traded mines will see their stock spike after they entered prod....for example buy at 0.12 and sold at 3.50, it seems small but if you buy enough volume it's an outstanding gain....sell on the quick rise and accept a small gain, rather than holding onto the risk for longer, works good enough for me you can google penny stock advice, get weekly emails about the next hot stock...believe it or not, some of those sites put out accurate info, the one I used was about 80% smart picks.....pick an amount of money you could literally light on fire without being too upset and invest it in penny stocks the downside is most of these stocks are very low trading volume, so it's not easy to sell and jump off the sinking ship, so to say not a long term retirement strategy, but roulette and poker gets boring after a while, and plus I can 'gamble' at work lol
  22. wicked, glad to hear you had a good time, looks like a great trip!
  23. LOL not until the Vancouver tree huggers realize that populations are out of balance and stop protesting management solutions
  24. no, beads aren't flossing, the fish hit them becasue they are a natural, finesse single egg presentation....they can be used to floss, just like any other bait, just depends on the angler holding the rod if you fish steelhead/salmon you WILL occasionally floss a fish, it's part of the game, get used to the idea or give up fishing....no different than snagging a walleye or bass in the back with a rapala, which I think most guys have done a few times over the years
  25. know your wind don't get caught up in all the marketing hype, camo, scent blockers, etc...know your wind and learn how to stalk quietly don't take shots (yardage) that you've never taken at the range, whether bow or rifle, if you haven't practiced that distance at the range, don't take the 'hero' shot at game....what they don't show on tv, in the long range hunting shows, is how much practice and technique is required to make those long shots magnums are all the rage nowadays, but are not good for a new shooter, end up shooting dinner plate sized groups....IMO the 270 is a fine calibre for anything in ON, savage is affordable and among the most accurate out of the box don't measure success by dead animals, every day hunting is a great day! joining a club would likely help the learning curve, and possibly try to make friends with a farmer what and where do you plan to hunt? cheers and good luck, your buddies were right, hunting hurts the wallet more than fishing LOL
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