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Everything posted by oxcowboy

  1. looks like a great day despite the rain. i love that smallie, i can only dream of one over 5. congrats. jason
  2. homemade deer jerky and ice cold coors light for me(if not driving) i also like some saltine crackers and brick cheese. jason
  3. WOOHOOO!!!!!!! just won my new baitcaster at less than half the price of bass pro. jason
  4. ive bought everything from fishing tackle and hunting gear to nascar tickets, ive been looking at atvs lately and trying to buy a baitcaster right now. i love it. i have only been burned once, and thats because it was to good to be true on a pair of binocs, they came, but just real cheap made. i guess you get what ya pay for sometimes, but still alot of good deals to be had. jason
  5. welcome to the board from a fellow buckeye, i live in adams county right down on the river, went to college at moorehead st. in ky right next to cave run lake, you should try it for musky sometime. jason
  6. boy my maaa goat would like him. lol happy birthday rocket. jason
  7. sometimes you have to kiss on them before you mount them.lol jason
  8. welcome, glad you joined, im sure you will love it. i am also a teacher grades 9-12 vocational agriculture in southern ohio. jason
  9. wow ! that is one amazing buck. a once in a lifetime trophy for sure. great job on the mount. jason
  10. boy that looks like fun! lol thats more people than i ever care to see. jason
  11. will it affect my plans? YES however it wont stop them. my annual trip north usually runs about 2300 miles round trip so its gonna hurt the wallet pretty bad, but im going to have to deal with it. it may mean a few less toys (lures) purchased when i go to bass pro but ol well im sure i got one or two that can still catch fish. its pretty bad when the gas to get there and back is going to cost nearly what the cabin rent will be for our weeks stay. In the long run its still worth it to put aside the world for a week and just worry about which lure is going to catch that big one. jason
  12. yeah we are getting pounded with the white stuff here in southern ohio too, supposed to get 12 inces or more which is a huge snow storm by our standards. gotta go feed the cows, and then spend the rest of the day inside, makes for a good family day. jason
  13. love the pics, i cant wait to get back up that way this summer. that area is simply beautiful. jason
  14. man, that bottom one is a pig!!!!!! way to go. jason
  15. way to go ! beautiful color on the fish. jason
  16. looks like ya had a great time down there. surf fishing sure is fun, you never know what might be lurking out there, and its a good way to meet alot of new people. great report. jason
  17. great read TG, its good to know that there are still some great people and young heros out there. i have been on the recieving end of a similar situation before. Farming can be very hazardous to your health. jason
  18. why is everybody so negative about this? I think its a great idea for her, Now as soon as she introduces herself to anyone in society, They will immediately know what WACKED OUT WEIRDO SHE IS !!! This should stop any confusion some poor lad might have if he tried to pick her up at the bar. after she said her name, he would be able to move on to some other chick with a brain. P3TA people never cease to amaze me with their thought process. jason
  19. Not so good now, i just seen where one pilot has died, the other is said to be in good condition. i sure hope he can make a quick recovery and my prayers go out to the family of pilot that has passed. jason
  20. around here farm ponds are always a good place for lm bass,catfish, and crappie as well as alot of blue gill. also i have a favorite spot on our local creek where the riffle or white water enters a deep pool of water. i have caught many different kinds of fish there. lm and sm bass, flathead,blue,and channel catfish, sauger,blue gill,carp and then some. another favorite spot for me is near the exit of one of our local coal powerplants, the warm water really brings them in especially in the early season when the rest of the water is cool. hope this is helpful to ya, and good luck out there. jason
  21. OUCH !! well it was a good race, but sure didnt get me off to a good start. hope everyone else did better. jason
  22. hi, doubt if this is any help, my wife just bought one last week at a pamida store for 250 us. i dont know if you guys have them up there or not. jason
  23. i will second the idea of going straight to the farmer....( i am a beef cattle farmer in ohio) if i were you i would try to get a buddy or 2 depending on how much meat you want and split a beef. you will never have better meat than what you will get this way. on another note, dont be suckered into the certified angus beef premium price! to be considered certified angus beef, they only have to have predominantly black hair. you could be paying a higher price for a different breed even a dairy breed or cross. yes the cab steaks are good, but their are also alot of other beef breeds that are good as well, simmental, hereford,charolais maine anjou are all good and limousin are good but often leaner which is healthier but maybe not as tasty. just my 2 cents. jason
  24. glad to hear your all ok, we had pretty hard winds in southern ohio, but nothing like what went through you fellas. jason
  25. Alot of people dont like knight for the way his temper got the best of him sometimes, but one thing for sure his players kept their nose clean while under his watch, very seldom did you ever hear of one of his players doing something off the court that got them in trouble with the law. maybe if more parents were like him you wouldnt hear about all this crap of kids mugging old ladies and vandalizing peoples property. he was as strict as they come, but in the end was usually pretty fair and caring towards his players. if you went to indiana to play ball, you knew what was expected and you did it. its a shame he didnt finish his career there. jason
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