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Everything posted by oxcowboy

  1. i will second wendel's place, pretty affordable and has a nice beach for the kids. we usually catch a ton of fish there too. if ya have any questions shoot me a pm, been going there for about 16 years now. jason
  2. GREAT, glad ya gotter going, hope ya catch lots fish. jason
  3. check the vent, looks closed. jason
  4. is the vent to the gas tank open? just a thought been there before. jason
  5. found this on a website--- Distribution and Habitat Exclusively North American, box turtles occupy the eastern United States ranging from southern Maine to Florida along the East Coast, and west to Michigan, Illinois, eastern Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Due to their popularity as household pets, box turtles are sometimes found far outside their normal geographic range. if they are in michigan and maine i would guess some could be found in southern ontario as well. jason
  6. these are land turtles, they like moisture but are poor swimmers, they basically hold their breath and walk across the bottom of streams to cross. jason
  7. Thanks guys, i think im going to build a little cage out of rabbit wire and burry it around the perimeter of the nest. that way my boys will get to see them and help deter the coons and skunks from raiding the nest. i will post an update if and when they hatch. i checked this morning where she was laying them, and you could hardly tell where it was. she did a fine job. jason
  8. those are some awesome pics sinker. looks like your pops has a piece of paradise. very nice. jason
  9. While doing some yard work this evening, as i was cleaning up some fallen branches from our storms last night i came upon this little girl (western box turtle) performing a labor of love. i was careful not to bother her and im gonna stake off her little area so as to not disturb her nest. I looked it up and they say it takes around 70 days for the eggs to hatch, so it will be fun for my boys to keep an eye on the area for the rest of the summer. I have found alot of egg shells in the past and even a newly hatched baby, but this was the first time i have ever caught one in the act of laying the eggs. jason
  10. down here in southern ohio we have really took a pounding of rain and wind in the last 24 hours. at one point this morning we got 2.5 inches of rain in 10 minutes. this is probably the hardest ive seen for a long period. there have been several reports of tordadoes touching down, i nearly had some cattle get caught up in the rising creeks this afternoon, most low areas are under water. all in all we have got around 9 inches in the last 24 hours. dont think i will be gettting much fishing done anytime too soon. jason p.s. whopper how you all doing up that way?
  11. dang, nothing like roughing it up in the wilds of northern ontario. lol ive noticed alot of the bears up that way have that white mark on there chest. is that common for black bears or is that unique for that area? looks like a great time. jason
  12. wow what a start, move over al linder channelles up and coming.lol great job. jason
  13. nice crappie, im sure those were some good eats. jason
  14. chet, ok when you leaving in july? im going up to elk lake on the 23,maybe we will be in the same camp. been going for years. elk lake has a lcbo on the edge of town. you also can bring it across the border too. i believe 1 case per person, i usually bring 2 and they have never had an issue. depends on where you are staying, but matachewan also has a beer store. shoot me a pm, and i can give u some info of the area. jason
  15. those are very delicious, ours down here have already ran their course, but cant wait till next year. good find for sure. jason
  16. i will second the fact that sheephead can be good eating, never ate one over 4lbs, but snidley is correct, they have a different texture to the meat, but are quite good when cooked, slightly boney but not really any worse than a bass. try one sometime, deep fry in fish crisp and it will taste fine. jason
  17. great report and story as always solo ! hopping beaver dams reminds me of a few of our honey holes we hit every year. wonderful report. jason
  18. beautiful scenery shots and that is one heck of a tent, i dont think the trailer i lived in at college was that nice. lol sorry the fishing wasnt much good, but im sure you still had a good time. best of luck on your next trip. jason
  19. looks like a nice haul of walleye, good job. jason
  20. good job, those are some brutes, i would love to tangle with one that size, big and beautiful fish. jason
  21. I dont get it? if these two guys had broken into someones home or garage and were stealing something and got blasted with birdshot, most would have said good job to him, but since they were stealing fish out of his pond many are shaming him? is it not his property and were they not poaching? its not like he was loaded with deer slugs it was birdshot. i bet the two think twice before raping somebodies pond again. poaching is poaching whether it's keeping oos fish, spotlighting deer or fishing in someones pond without permission. i still believe he handled it wrong, but without hearing his side of the story i dont blame the landowner. jason
  22. sounds to me like the fella just finally hit his boiling point, just by the posts it sounds like everybody and their brother fishes this mans pond. it takes alot of money and time to have a nice pond, and im sure he is probably sick of everyone taking from him, i'd be ticked too. now the way he went about it is clearly wrong, but sometimes in anger people dont always think things through real good. i dont think anybody wins in the situation, just puts a black eye on all sportsmen for tresspassing and bad for the land owner as well. jason
  23. one guy in our group last year caught a little one on a lake in north eastern ontario near kirkland lake, it was only about 10 inches but pretty neat to get to see one in person. i have also heard that they will turn the ice or snow blue colored when layed out . jason
  24. that next monster pike may be a piducken.... sad but true, they may not all make it, but it is natures way of dealing with such matters. jason
  25. did that outsice of islamorada at a place called jaciks marina, really neat experience, well worth the money. what i wouldnt giive to smugglea a fishing rod in there, several were pushing 150 lbs jason
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