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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I am ever so sorry for your loss. When we lose someone close to ourselves we lose a part of ourselves as well. Cherish all that was beautiful in your mother. Remember the love she had for you. That is thr greatest tribute you can give to her memory.
  2. Past 2 days have been wet and miserable. Time to catch up on the seasonal kitchen chores. After 48 hrs, one freezer is chock full of veggies, and the table.... .... is covered in salsa and pickles. Would be real nice to have some outdoor kinda weather.
  3. copied wrong link. Fixed the problem
  4. Absolutely nuthin wrong with layin a beating on the perch As for getting skunked on the other tactics.... That's part of the game. I go out with 2 or 3 game plans for a day. I just keep changing tactics or species til I find success. It's all about getting out and enjoying the day, and it sounds like you did just that.
  5. That was the trio out on Lady S, this morning, hunting for perch. crappieperchhunter, BigCliff, and yours truly, got out for our annual perch slaying session. Good friends. Some laughs. Despite the morning showers it was even a nice day out. The perch weren't too co-operative, but we still managed a few good feeds. My sink before the carnage began. We really need to do this more often.
  6. had cellphones for commercial use years back. Am I ever so glad I do not have one now. Been cellphone free since 2005
  7. An opp to meet some more OFCer's??? Me and the Mrs. are in.
  8. Paul Castellano of Cast Adventures. He really knows the river well. http://www.castadventures.ca/
  9. White perch are in the same family as white bass. Quite edible.
  10. Well, the puppy is nearly a year old. The wife has been hounding me to get him groomed. All because he likes rolling in the manure pile at the farm. He won't geting any bigger than 10-12lbs, unless we let him get fat. Personally, I think he is cuter as a fur ball.
  11. Had us a perfect Turkey dinner yesterday. 7lb bird and 6 side dishes + dessert for 7 guests. It left us with 2 days of leftovers. Yes, I spent 6 hours in the kitchen doing all the cooking, but someone else does the cleaning. Harvest weekend is, naturally, more than one day. The day prior was a lighter meal consisting of items fresh from the field. A big pot of leek and potato soup, marinated cukes and stuffed cherry bombs. Tomorrow will be hot turkey sandwiches and leftover soup The biggest challenge was moving stuff around to sleep 3 houseguests for the weekend. Usually, at this time of year, there are cases of jars everywhere, and 1 or 2 bushels of produce waiting to be processed.
  12. And now for something totally different... They can be hilarious and brilliant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4U_FBwY6ck&feature=related
  13. Perhaps you should be communicating with TroutJunkie, aka Leechman.
  14. I only do 3 am when I go to market.
  15. This was my first time back to the Sault since '85. Lots has changed, yet much is the same. They really made a nice job of the waterfront. The main reason for the trip was to take the Agawa Canyon rail tour. In my opinion, money well spent. I could have easily hopped off the train and just disappeared into the beautiful countryside. Water levels everywhere were critically low, sot the falls did not have much show. Even so,.... I did fish during the road trip, but I was so taken up with the beauty of my surroundings that i never thought to take pics of any of the fish caught.
  16. Ain't really made for walking in either
  17. Tomatoes have been ripe since the beginning of July, and I'm cranking out a steady supply of salsa for winter. Gotta pickle some jalapenos soon.
  18. For those few wondering where I disappeared, Life doesn't always unfold the way we expect. To start, the puter folded on me, again, early August. I have been very busy with my garden. Seemingly endless bushels of produce are being picked each week. I've made numerous hospital visits with the Mrs. The bones and joints have been rapidly deteriorating, and now, she has to contend with skin cancer. Put simply, I've had very little time for fishing. I did set aside 4 days for our anniversary. We went for a little road trip to the Sault to finally take care of another "bucket list" item; a trip up the Agawa Canyon. Despite having lived there a bit, some decades back, I had never taken the rail trip. It was beautiful. Stunning scenery, landscapes and lakes. Lots of great places to stop and fish when I finally slow down. A trip up the 17 has to include some fishing. Along the boardwalk in the Sault. Smallmouth and pike at various road stops along the Mississagi, at Blind R. and Elliot Lake. Was nice to get out with Mr Bill, a week ago, for some Niagara region smallies Tomorrow will include another unpleasant task. At 17 years, it is time to put our oldest dog, Lucky, to rest. Despite having been an abused dog when we found her, she has been a wonderful companion. Now she is tired and hurts and it isn't right to let her suffer Sadly, since the puter was attacked, I cannot access photobucket, so I can't put up pics.
  19. I'll stick to watching the juniors. Far more entertaining. The NHL and NHLPA have both outlived their usefulness. Let the league fold.
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