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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. There's a whole lot wrong with that concept. Beyond the added stress to the animal, a paintball does hurt. Especially in cold weather when they can be frozen. What happens if the bull or bear you just painted decides to run at you?
  2. Repetitive stress and over extension from long hours of fishing will get at the joints eventually. If you've had any previous muscular injuries the problem shows up much quicker. My shoulder locks up after 3 days of continual casting. I carry the usual assortment of ices and liniments for the quick fix followed by a few visits to the chiro to loosen things up. Its the price to be paid for the sport.
  3. Gotta love when plan "B" works out for you. Were you on the docks or in the boat. Might give a run up in a couple of days.
  4. That was one gorgeous looking fish Jack. Now the pressure is on you to repeat the performance Saturday.
  5. Dip the tips in liquid silicone, mineral oil or good old olive oil.
  6. Do not put too many layers in yer boots. You take away air spaces in doing so and speed up the chill. I have an extra sole liner to thicken the insulation from below, and a double layer of wool socks. I stay toasty.
  7. I'm still in with jwl. Looking forward to meeting some of you fine folk.
  8. Thanks for the report. Looks nice down your way. Now I've got some more ammunition to bug the wife with. Been trying to convince her of another winter road trip.
  9. Don't feel too bad. I don't always have the camera with me when fishing. I have to share it with the "princess" once in a while
  10. Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you.
  11. I can't add much to what most have said. As long as you can maintain an open and honest discussion and dialogue with your son, all will work out. The big plus is you love your son no matter what, as any good parent does. The open affection/ sexual display is an irritation no matter the sexual orientation. Its a detail to be worked out. You're a good father, BiteMe.
  12. Who cares if you didn't get the pikie in your hands. If you got it to the shore or ledge, got to see it before it shook off, good enough for me. Water shot is even better. WTG Thanks for the porn. That turns my crank for the day.
  13. Some of us just dive in headlong and hope we don't hit bottom , CCM just chose to test the waters first.
  14. Nobody was supposed to know about that one. Nothing like a little tunnel rat porn on Yonge st. A T.T.C. secret.
  15. There are days where fishing Port is like the Gannie on opening day years back. That also used to be a zoo (might still be). There can be 50 anglers along one small stretch. Some, especially after belting it back, are down right nasty. Knightfisher is correct. I have not been on the wall in over 2 years. I haven't been to the Gannie in 20. Like Lew said. Why bother? At this time of year I can find numerous quiet pleasant spots to fish.
  16. I miss getting out on the ice Boxing day. Getting out to try our new sticks and gear we got for Xmas with a litlle pick-up game of hockey, or going for a run on the sleds doing a (wow) roaring 40mph on my Olympic
  17. And how many anti-Toronto and anti-oriental comments have been made by some of the "posse" over the past year on other boards? How these people are stripping and raping the local fishery with their "white buckets". Bluetops partner told me he got a warning and a fine for decking somebody last year during an argument. Then there are those who like slinging lead at boaters drifting the channel. Then there is one individual who likes threatening people on a regular basis. You know who. When I am there, which is rare these days, I stay away from the crowd. I find no enjoyment in having to watch my back while I fish. I was on the legion side Sunday. Two weeks before I was up by the lighthouse. Away from the crowd.
  18. Not quite the same here, but the amount paid in is factored to a certain degree. There is also an income supplement for seniors also. Put together they still only provide a meagre pension to live on.
  19. Too funny Is this what I can look forward to at an OFC G2G?
  20. Yer showing yer age Dawg. I haven't heard that in ....... ages
  21. That's one of the risks of fishing Port D. They don't much like outsiders. Every year same story. Pushing, shoving, threats made, fists flying.
  22. I'm a baaad boy I just couldn't help myself. One moment i"m just fishing away. Minding my own business. Next thing I know I've got this fish in my mouth and I'm hearing the music of ..... "da dum da dum da dum da dum..." Jaws!
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