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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Dammit, I'm gonna short my computer with all the coffee spray one of these days.
  2. That's because most of the inshore fishery had collapsed a long time back. For every 30 or so mackerel you'll hook, you might haul up 1 pollock, haddock or cod.
  3. I grew up using a cedarstrip as our working/fishing boat. they are beautiful. The one thing I hated was sanding down and recoating the fibreglass every other year.
  4. Great adventure there. Your making me just a titch envious at the moment. WTG
  5. Happy Thanksgiving. May your turkey be moist, the potatoes fluffy, and the gravy rich. And if they ain't, Don't tell the Mrs.!
  6. I thought FNC did their show in New Brunswick on either the St Johns or Miramichi rivers.
  7. Organic materials, as they decompose, will produce methane, whether we use it or not. By choosing to harness methane, as a biofuel, we are choosing the lesser of two evils. CO2 has a lesser ecological impact. Only other way to significantly diminish our output of methane, globally, would be to reduce the human population by 20%.
  8. Used to hunt, but that was a long time ago. A wolf 5' at the shoulder would be the size of a gnarly old bruin.
  9. Dung has been used for centuries as a primitive cooking fuel in parts of Asia. Simply apply new age tech to a primitive resource. Compost can generate more than methane. When the process is accelerated, the heat produced is phenomenal. It is not unusual for compost mounds to spontaneously combust. It's happened in my pile a couple of times. Nothing more embarassing than standing knee deep in hot garbage with a pitchfork and a hose in the middle of winter trying to put out the hot spots, while a crowd of curious neighbours look on I had too much rabbit waste in the pile.
  10. I've gotten mackerel right off the govt. pier in Lunenberg. Sometimes you can jig squids off the docks in the evening.
  11. Wonderful report. It just keeps getting better year after year.
  12. They run into certain tribs in the maritimes, and the St. Lawrence, fall to spring for the spawn. Beyond that they are an offshore fish.
  13. It hasn't been that long since they dropped the bounty on wolves and coyotes. A bear would be quickly dealt with if it showed itself within an urban area. Like the bear at the IGA in Parry Sound. People fear anything they cannot control.
  14. And you live on the shores of a great freshwater supermarket? Am I missing something?
  15. Pack dogs( domestics gone feral) have attacked people in the past. They do not have the same fear of man that wolves and coyotes have. Yes you can shoot them to protect yourself. There used to be a serious problem north of Toronto, early 80's. There was a 2 year shooting, trapping and poisoning campaign for them. Biggest pack we encountered was 23 dogs.
  16. Of course there have been 3 top 100 hits played by pipers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbWlWdXzOVM...feature=related I still have the original album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvGWm4N-WGU
  17. Despite the slush and freezing rain I got out for a few hours on the canal. Had a bucket full of minnows and the panfish were biting. After 5 hours I didn't have a minnow left. I think there was one other fella fishing about a 1/2 mile down from me. As usual, a few of the pigs got greedy, so I invited them home. They were the guests of honour for supper. Nothing like fresh fish for dinner.
  18. He'll never live that one down. Can you say "Traded to the MINORS"
  19. There used to be a number of grade #1 pipe bands in Canada. Black Watch, Toronto Scottish, Metro Police, etc.. But that was in the days of the Scottish World Festival in the 1970's. That was a world class tatoo. Nothing like the sound of a thousand pipers marching into the stadium to raise yer hackles. I had the privilege of participating one year. Many brass bands were also in the same class. The 48's ( under drum major Brian Mackinnon), RCR's (under the direction of Capt. Gino Falconi), the GG's ( where my brass instructor was from, home of the Sopers), The Stad band (home of another instructor, Sgt. Llewyn).
  20. The old Holiday Hotel and Tavern?
  21. Keiths and 10 Penny for brews. Cognac or Napoleon for sipping.
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