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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. A far more fitting and dignified end for the old girl Lew. My cousin had the priviledge of serving on HMCS Ottawa on her last tour doing the 'good will and show the flag duty'. She was both his first ship and his last. My uncle was a life long carrier man on the Maggie and Bonnie. I was a weekender, couldn't pass the physical. My family are bluejackets. Hey Biteme. I saw the Fraser a few years back and she was a sorry state. Sad really. Don't know how well the work has progressed since. The South Shore link wouldn't open for me.
  2. I actually remember hearing the tune, not the words, when I was small. One of my fave recordings is a 1981 tape from the Tapiolan Kuoro That my Gram bought for me at the Suomi Aitta. Always played at Christmas and when I spend long hours cooking. The fave track would be " Vesi vasyy limen alle " I know every note and harmony of the following even though I don't know the words http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB3uiCF39Hs...feature=related Gram would have me play it on the horn every once in a while.
  3. If'n they's the fruit of yer loins, yeah And they should be proud of it too How many "normal" kids you know go fishing for chipmunks?
  4. No kitchen sink. Mr Poike and 5 of the larger perch will be guests of honour at a later date. Having one of our notorious pot luck fish fries here at "Ugli Acres" in a couple of weeks. we end up with 30-40 redneck fisherpersons for some good clean fun and stuffed bellies. Great way to start my Christmas season.
  5. Nice fish. Can't complain about those smallies.
  6. Despite the winds today managed to find some fish along the shoreline. Hard to detect the bite with the winds. Still managed some perch and one O.K beasty. Better than another day indoors.
  7. My wife saw this on the screen and I am now getting "The Look"
  8. Daniel son, if you have a Mrs, or other significant other, do not, I repeat, DO NOT! even hint at the price of your addiction. Yer in for one big heap of pain and sorrow otherwise. THat or you are gonna have to buy a real big suck up gift
  9. THat is one nice haul of walleyes Somebody is gonna eat well for a while.
  10. Sure looks like some of the guys I went to school with. Tony C. and Bob R.
  11. A neat video. Obviously a very well practiced and skilled hunter. It's amazing how close an animal will get to you if they don't smell you and you can stay silent and motionless
  12. I went to a bag a few years back. Talk about making life simple. No more rats nest in the bottom of the box. Easier for organizing species specific or tactic specific gear. Especially when you have a limit on the amount of gear you can carry. Just take the trays and packages you need, and leave the rest in the bag.
  13. I remember in private those I knew who died peacekeeping or in training. Regretably, we also laid to rest a good friend today. I admit I turn into a blubbering mess every year. We never forget. In that vein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA4hxcdaMn0 The lament is called "Flowers of the Forest" it is played to mourn the fallen. The dead, the missing, the wounded who never heal. Those we knew. Those we would never have the honour of knowing.
  14. Thank God! I can stop shaking now. Starting to suffer withdrawal. On this day, of all days, I need the distraction.
  15. I have one of the earlier Uglystiks , and I still have the original pkg card that has the lifetime warranty printed on it.
  16. Do not feel bad about not coaxing the stories from your uncle. A lot of the old sweats just couldn't bring themselves around to talk about the wars. My uncle Bob didn't talk to me about the trenches til I was 18-19 and a reservist. Every sentence was a struggle. Even at 90, faces of his mates and memories of that living hell still haunted him. He told us about fighting in the gas, the death, the stench, but we never knew about the "gongs" he had been awarded. First time we saw them was when we were gathering up his things after he had gone.
  17. Rule #1 one of winter necessities, when going to the honey hut, never sit on the seat. Especially at night. Yer likely to leave behind a patch of skin. L Nippissing has a lot of good operators to choose from.
  18. Don't feel bad. Most people wouldn't know. My family serves and, I hope, will always serve. There are three different types of military medal. 1) campaign medals or stars which identify the military campaigns one was involved with. If you look at the bars on the Boer War medal, it has added distinctions. 2) Battle honours which shows that, not only was the recipient in S. Africa for the campaign, he actually fought at certain major actions. 3) Then there are "gongs". These are the medals you read about in the news. These are the ones given out for distinct acts, leadership, bravery or sacrifice. The greatest distinction is the Victoria Cross, easily recognized by the solid burgundy/maroon ribbon and the simple inscription "For Valor" I almost forgot to mention that the VC is such an esteemed award that the wearer of such an honour customarily receive a salute. Even if that means a general having to salute a lowly private. It is recognition of the honour and the recipients selfless sacrifice.
  19. It would seem you lads had a fantastic day on the stream WTG
  20. Standard pop and go. Cash, cards, anything electronic they can quickly grab and pawn. Easy dope/booze money is what they are looking for. Same thing happening in household break-ins over the past 20 years. Once in a while they get caught, but not often enough, and the judicial system has them back on the streets in under a year.
  21. I believe the second set of medals belongs to Holdfast. The 3 campaign medals for peacekeeping are a hint. Quite an appropriate moniker for someone who would stand to and "holdfast" the line for 25 years.
  22. Really simple. There are thousands of seatainers leaving and entering the country each day. You might have the manpower to inspect 50 a day outbound. At present, authorities can't keep up with the inbound traffic of goods, so outbound shipments are low priority, as opposed to inbound containers from Latin America or the Far East.
  23. A while back, a couple of counties were using work gangs out by Chatham. Signs were posted on the county roads identifying the work area and the prison uniform. You could spot them a mile away. Bring back the labour gangs and make them pay for their stay.
  24. Well done and well put. Never forget their sacrifices. Always remember what the sacrifice paid for. " WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM"
  25. Had the car broken into and stolen a few years back. Took the police on a hair raising chase for nearly an hour. The idiot had just drawn probation 2 weeks earlier for another car theft, and had just been thrown out of a bar. He smashed open the car window, jimmied the ignition, and proceeded to stalk the bouncer at bar closing. The cops saw him slowly cruising the block with lights off and gave chase. By the time they caught him there was $5000 in damage to the car. The worst part. He was back on the street in 48 hours despite the parole violations and repeat offense. The guys family had the nerve to come to my house asking if they could search the car for a ring he had lost! I got a warning from the police for losing my temper with these people. Yup, our criminal justice system works real good.
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