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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Did a lot better than I did. I got the fresh air and a bucket of bait. Thank God I had fish leftovers in the fridge.
  2. Everybody was too busy last night feeding to take any pics. On the menu was a generous mound of walleye, perch and smelt, served up with sides of fresh buns, sausage, beans, salsa and smoky fries. Topped off with trifle and apple pie. Washed down with liberal quantities of a strange amber beverage I'm not too familiar with That salmon sure looks mouth watering
  3. It can be such a blast fishing florida lakes with a good guide. WTG
  4. The OPP will enforce in a pinch, but you can forget about the local donut patrol. To quote one constable, "It's not in our jurisdiction".
  5. Great little tool for when the ice is out. There is still lots of ice up in the Skokas.
  6. The shop in Fesserton is the only one left in the area and gets to charge whatever they want in the lower Muskokas. Your only options south of Mactier are Midland or Orillia, and they know it.
  7. Those are some fine looking trout you and your father caught. WTG
  8. He just has to set rules. The boy has got to be able to fish and hold his own against the daughter. IF not I just embarass him to death. It has been a great tactic for weeding out the weenies and hormone jockeys.
  9. Good on you for getting out and sharing some fun with your girl
  10. I like having the full back behind me, and the existing seat was too low to the deck. so I replaced the seat post with a pedestal post.
  11. My Mom is nearing 70 and a regular in my boat. Fishing has always been a part of our family's way of life and I'm proud to have Mom along any time. She tough's it out in the gnarliest weather (and she wonders why I'm such a stubborn cuss ) Be thankful for that Mom of yours, and cherish her always.
  12. Unfortunately, scapegoating is a political way of life in Toronto. Anglers and Hunters are not welcome. There are lots of other venues that don't have this problem. The Feb show in Mississauga, Buffalo, Niagara Falls Apr. 3-4, etc...
  13. Definately biggie sized
  14. I just keep making more tackle, and more tackle, and more tackle........ Wifey wants to know when she can have the kitchen table back I'm hoping to escape to the water real soon before I use the cat's tail for a muskie bait
  15. I like my old Weber charcoal BallBQ. 10 years old, and I love being able to add hardwood chunks to the coals for some smoke. Spend more time BBQing on the waterfront than at home to justify a fancy grill.
  16. I like to keep my fish fresh and alive til I get home. Clean them in the kitchen and green bucket for the waste. There were a few mornings in the summer and fall where the trash collector looked like he would be violently ill. A couple of collections go to the compost. I don't put the scraps in the freezer. If you did that at a restaurant, the health board would shut you down. So how is it suddenly OK to do at home?
  17. Hockey was invented in Nova Scotia. In Windsor to be exact.
  18. Great report. I am so green with envy.. Miss those sunsets.
  19. I have my doubts about a limited species winter season. MNR lacks the manpower already for adequate enforcemen, and I doubt they are going on a hiring spree.
  20. Quite the successful daytrip. Some fantistic looking fish.
  21. Now that is the kind of fishing report I just love to read. Forget about the big monster fish and the bragging. Sharing time and our favourite pastime with our young ones. Getting them to try something new and succeed at it. The proud smile on her face posing with her catch. As for playing hookie, There wasn't a month in the school year where we didn't take at least one day off to go fishing and have quality time. The school principal even expressed his concern that I was depriving the kids of a valuable education. Trust me, our children will gain far more in a day shared outdoors with parents than they can learn in a week of school.
  22. Whether it be celtic or maritime, there is one string that binds all together. The music celebrates life. So put a song in yer heart and a wee kick in yer step. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fzRZuGEr04
  23. Couldn't get eno' last night
  24. Hard to do considering how parliament is overrun with em
  25. Unfortunately, all the laws and protective gear in the world will never save us from stupidity. There are lots of responsible people on the ice, and then there are those others.
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