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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. You and yer Dad will just love it here. Welcome. So who does the fish cleaning?
  2. We got the van back today. After the taxes $1250 for the rebuild. A lot better than the original estimate. To all those who offered their advice and assistance......... THANK YOU. Its a great group of people here at OFC
  3. I would second Bernie's suggestion. The only real outdoor exposure for many of these kids is Scouting. I also spent many years proudly wearing scarf and beads. Some of those youth, now full grown, are my 'part time sons'. There is also Big Brothers.
  4. The Toronto area CA has some great fishing guide maps available. They are always at the Sportsman's show coming up next week.
  5. Those cases hearken from the days when beer was drunk by the quart. Good old IPA or Molson Blue, and Pilsener for the Labatt's types
  6. Quite right. The vehicle was a compromise, when bought, to meet family and household needs.
  7. 04 Freestar. Up til this week it has been a great vehicle hauling the boat and timber and 180,000 kms on the dial
  8. Nothing like chipped blades, sheared pins and lost blades It's happened a few times. Also note that the hex bolts for the Swedebore are soft metal and will strip or shear off easily. Especially when someone gets an auger stuck in the ice and tries to force it out.
  9. Well, Here I sit. Totally bummed out Son had the van in that wicked rain Saturday and, long story short, out in the middle of nowhere, the van loses power and the gears won't engage. I was hoping electrical fault, sensor, etc... something reasonably simple. Not so lucky. They figure the coupling(?) snapped and want $3000 to do the fix. I near about crapped myself. Wife and I have been ill for some time now and all we have is the disability cheque to get by on. There's no way we can come up with that scratch. Asked around for a second/third opinion or estimate. Now we can get the trannie repaired/rebuilt for $1500 (we hope) by only replacing what needs replacing Of course it means being stranded for another week around the house. 2 weeks back we replaced a smashed out window. The silver lining? More time to pour and paint jigs, tie bucktails and harnesses. I guess I'm going to have to sell a lot of these things to help pay this bill Seein as trouble comes in threes, I'm really dreading the third roll of the dice
  10. I am so sorry Bernie. My old girl is 13 and going blind and it worries me. I get that lump just thinking about it, and I've hated the times I've put my closest companions down over the years. You gave him his peace. It's the best you could do for him.
  11. Wheel weights are just fine Cliff. A lot better than some of the casing lead I've used. At least it does not flame up.
  12. I'm just plain jealous I am That is some fun fishing you are having up there.
  13. Binbrook was closed for the season as of March 5th and will not be open until May.
  14. Have to admit I have met a couple of poor chiro's, but mine is golden. Works hand in hand with my doctor. I've done way more damage to my neck and shoulders than I like to think about and over the past 10 years Ray has kept the parts working without steroids and pills. In all medical fields, like any other profession, there are gems and there are bad apples.
  15. As Alice Cooper sings, "Welcome to my nightmare". There is no known cure for the addiction you now suffer from. Withdrawal symptoms can be near fatal to you and those around you. Best scenario is to continue with a treatment plan of at least 1 on water therapy session per week. In a bad week you may need 4-5 treatments to avoid ill effects. Remember to nourish yourself properly for the physical demands of these treatment sessions. Copious amounts of coffee (water in summer), and keep a readily available stash of jerky or pepperettes on hand. Liberal amounts of draft, lager or ale, in the evening, will replenish your carbs adequately and hold back the DT's til morning. Of course, you have taken the two most important steps already. 1) You have admitted you have a problem 2) You have joined an encounter group; OFC
  16. Time and patience are everything. WTG
  17. Good you got out. No white stripe either. ME, I had chores to do so i can get out Sunday.
  18. Ain' it a beauty. Finally over the worst of the flu and the sun comes out. Got 1/2 a cord cut, split and stacked ( I was down to my last few sticks) All dry even. Almost lopped off my toe but I still gotta heat the house
  19. I think I'll stay inside, by the fire, tying harnesses and bucktails.
  20. I guess Bala is a good town. Don't seem to remember too much from my visits there
  21. Meanwhile, back at Nortel. The monetary waste and stupidity of this corporation is nothing new. It is a 10 year old running story of mistakes, excesses and losses. Every time the 'splat' hit the fan, senior and corp management closed ranks, padded their wallets and petted themselves on the back. A large number of the management had received stocks as bonuses and when Nortel's stocks first hit the wall many of these people had already unloaded them days before Nortel had posted it's losses. My one cousin was given 3 days lead time to unload his stocks in the firm because of a head's up from his boss. He has been kicking himself in the ever since because he hedged his bets and only sold off half.
  22. Ice rubs, stretch exercises, and when really inflamed, a few visits to a good chiro for massage and 'Tens' therapy.
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