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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. A good salesman would know to talk 'up' his product 'Why is my product a better boat and how'. Not talk about the competition's flaws. My first thought would be 'what is he avoiding'.
  2. If you pre-paid and registered, you go to the derby HQ right on HWY#12 at Tudhope Park. This is also where you register your daily catch for the draws.
  3. Looks like you had the right plan happening
  4. There is a huge gap, in this age, between need and want. I don't have 1/2 the tackle my son does, but I use everything in my bag of tricks. All the bells and whistles are nice, but they don't make a good angler. I remember being told this story once. At one of these big tournies, in Florida, you have the big names, boats, reputations to match going after big $. One angler had carefully prefished the Big O with all sorts of lures and tactics. He kept quiet about the areas he had fished, hadn't spooked them. Knew what they would chase and marked them on the GPS. After the 1st day this angler is in the top 5, and he has saved his honey hole til day 2. Next morning, blasts off in his Ranger with the big Merc doing 100 across the lake to race to the sweet spot. He figures he's got the tourny in the bag. Gets there to find a local is sitting right in the middle of the hole. As he pulls up, the local waves him over, as he catches another hefty fish. Being a typical fisherman he can't wait to boast. "Fish were on fire. They just kept inhaling the shad", he'd boast. "You can have the spot now, and don't you worry son, I put all the bigguns back"
  5. You must have been one of 2 camo'd tinnies. Must have been the V hull, the Jon boat 's motor tanked.
  6. I have to plan out my fishing breaks a little more carefully these days. Someone has got to be with Anna all the time. We've had far too many scares the past month.
  7. That is the Lake st ramp, then go left. .
  8. Some tournies do have a registration cap on the number of boats.
  9. I guess I took care of some of my stuff better than i thought, or, they were built a lot better then. I still have my very first glass rod and it is still in use. In the display box I have my first reel, a 300A, a heddon spincast, and an old level wind Behind the level wind is an old "Red Eye" (they still make em). There is also an old wooden plug or 2 My grandfather and uncle had matching Luxor reels from the 50's. My son now has one of them and both are still working
  10. Too bad I could not stay longer, but the daughter needed to get home. Sounds like things really warmed up later.
  11. There aren't too many places that carry 'bear' sized clothing. last time I went hunting for rain gear someone suggested I visit a tent maker
  12. Good friends tend to make for a great day on the water. Glad to see Steve got you onto some fish despite the wind
  13. Went out again, today, in the hope of connecting with perch or crappie. Kept hitting OOS bass and small rockies. Had the apple of my eye out with us this time. At least we all caught some fish.
  14. There is a free launch across from Tudhope Park and the Port of Orillia launch. I've gone numerous years and never caught a tag, but I've seen several caught right from shore.
  15. Love pike fillets. My keepers are in the 24-30" range. Any smaller than the 24 and there isn't enough meat to carve. I keep the small ones, if damaged to make "fish head soup" according to old Finnish recipe.
  16. Got my sucker baits and heavier rods ready and ran out to the Welland R. Never saw any channel cats. Got a number of bullheads scarfing the cut bait A little while later was joined by Smokin Joe and his son "Curious George" At that point the little stuff started showing up. Some OOS fish decided they liked cut sucker as well Little Joey kept trying to go swimming in the river, but no white stripes, even if the rest of the fish were really small.
  17. Was out on the French once and were running back to the lodge to avoid a storm. The storm got ahead of us. Heard the crack. Never saw the flash, but we felt a little shock and tingle on our bare feet. Working in groundskeeping as a young fella, one of the co-workers was ripped by a bolt. Cut through his backside like a knife through hot butter. The foreman found him lying on the road. He never had a chance. I prefer to be a chicken when it comes to lightning.
  18. We had a swimming muskrat bait. Don't know if it ever caught anything more than my uncle at the store
  19. The Mrs wants to be a part of your act, next year, Dave
  20. What a great seminar. Learnt a few new things, and got some good laughs. Love the "Poopie dance". Met some great OFNer's in person finally. Hometownhandyman was giving Powis and DeRose a good run for the money. Then Nautifish and my Mrs got into the act with Dave. Funny. Gotta love being in the rowdy seats Subway was more than generous as a sponsor. Free eats ,and a gift card. Finally, if only briefly, I met the boss and his "boss" and more people than I can put name to at the moment. Well worth the drive out.
  21. Wash yer day down and celebrate with a glass er rum an sum fish n brews bye.
  22. Boathouse mice were always great pike bait back in the day. One heck of a surface strike when you let them swim.
  23. It does not take much for a 7 year old to get bored. One hour is a very long time for a boy that age. I'd be very content with a fish every 20-30 minutes. That is a looonnng time for a young lad. You need to be somewhere to put in a few "Plan B" options to keep him busy, interested, and wear him out.
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