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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. The biggest terrorizors on the face of the globe.
  2. Not much of a pike fisherman, but I'm thinking a trip up to Parry Sound might be in order this weekend. Thanks for sharing
  3. R.I.P. John
  4. Its unsustainable. The price will go back down again once the economy goes down the crapper again.
  5. Already seen one launch ramp outboard diagnoses/trouble shoot saturday.... Atleast they got out of the way so we could put the boat on the trailer
  6. I'm just curious if anyone else's lower body sphinctor tightened like mine did when Iggy started ranting about gun control?
  7. Pretty cool and I'm sure the kids will benefit from the experience. Raising chickens something I've always wanted to do.... one day... Keep us updated on how they do, and thanks for sharing.
  8. Totally off topic but a huge pet peeve of mine. Like do we even need to stand in the water 2 feet away from where we're drifting? LOL
  9. Sheeesh and i feel Guilty after nibbling off the crispy fat from my steak....
  10. I used to have a couple buddies big into the online shooter games. I'm sure they're probably still in their mothers basements playing right now...LOL
  11. I was going to jump in and say how about a ban on roe fishing.... Just didn't want to stir the pot too much.....
  12. Nah don't think. We headed out of foots bay. The only people fishing near us were i think of eastern european origin.... and what do ya know we must have been sitting on the golden spot cause they kept getting closer and closer.... till we headed out a bit further.... Would like to explore the north end of the lake sometime though...
  13. Nice report HIK! Made me laugh when you mentioned your buddy casting into an open bubbler pool cause the thought crossed my mind when i was up with a couple friends as well on saturday. The fact it actually worked.... The wind was chilly but it was a nice day. I see more evidence of lakers in Joe bigger than 20" and i got one myself saturday. LOL
  14. Thanks! Now I'm looking even more forward to the last ice trip this weekend on L Joe!
  15. Had a few lakers on simcoe spitting up gobies this year and cleaned a few whities with them in their stomachs too. So i decided to try and make a goby imitator only tried it two days and it will need some more work but it produced....
  16. Nice Steve. Knew i shoulda gone back out today.
  17. Nice greaser
  18. A bit congrats to you for showing all us fellas how to get it done LOL.
  19. Yup funny to see one a my hotspots is one of your hotspots too Slept in this morning shouldn;t have though just got a text and there smashing the whities again with the odd trout thrown in the mix. Man i need to find a GF to do the cleaning around here for me....
  20. Third year in a row i made it out this year didn't fish with dad but dragged a friend along with me. Blasted up to BBP first thing marked a few fish here and there but nothing to serious. Met Terry out there chatted with him for a few minutes he wasn't into much action yet either. Decided to move then move again and repeated the process 4 or 5 more times. One more move a few miles into the middle lake produced the same thing initially one or two fish on the screen then nothing. Ten am and no fish yet. So we made on last move even farther out. Bingo! Right off the bat steady marked doubles and triples moving through. Jimmy was the first to hook up. A nice lil whitey. He dropped several more fish and i was getting discouraged but then I went on a tear. Nice whitey and another After missing and dropping several fish and watching me get 6 through the hole and losing a couple more half way up and at the hole Jimmy was itching for a second fish and he got one more. Quarter to 11 things started to slow down i told Jimmy it was make or break time with a half hour ride back to the park. One more hookup for me and it felt like something a bit more decent. Ended up being a plump little laker 25.5 inches Packed up for the long tour back in. Not really that long of a ride 11 miles to be exact but long when you've got two on a one up antique machine plus an auger LOL. Made it back in with time to spare. We both made off with a nice prize and were happy We still had the itch though so headed out to try for some perch. Only ended up catching dinks though. Thanks to Tyler and everyone that makes this thing happen.
  21. Good to see so many people and fish show up for a good event. Nice seeing you Brian.
  22. Should have done that instead of poking holes in the running boards... but the set was given to me...and one broke in half third run... welding a new tip on tommorrow
  23. Do the bolts through the skis not make it a bugger to turn and fight with the carbide runners?
  24. Yes you still need them with a studded track. There are many different types you can buy, and if your seeing smoke its probably too late. Last year i wondered what the red crap on my snowflap was when i was out one day... red slider being shaved off. Your track lug height makes a huge difference on how much snow gets up on the track clips. This reminds me i have to do some ice scratcher fixing tomorrow...
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