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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. Caught quite a few of non clipped lakers and whities the past few years.
  2. I won't deny that putting minnows all day long can be a pain in the *** and plastics and artificials do definatly work. That being said i have done a few experiments the last couple years when the fishing is fast a furious two hooks on one rod one with a minnow and one with a little tube jig/other imitations. 8 times out of ten i would get one perch on the minnow with the odd double header or odd fish taken on the artificial. Scuds or little shrimp may be the main food source down the bottom of cooks bay but i have caught and cleaned all kinds of simcoe perch with shiners in their bellies. I have also found when the mid winter blues set in and the perch are scattered and not thick like smelts you can't beat te real mcoy. All that being said i do tend to go with a perch eye or strip of belly on my jig when the action is fast and furious so i'm not rebating every 30 seconds LOL. So there you go it is debatable
  3. He must not like you cause he only charged me $5 last week, and the thing about plastics outfishing live bait is debatable.
  4. Perhaps you're right Terry. That being said last year we had a massive school pass underneath me and a buddy. We watched down the whole for about 5 minutes as they passed and i recall seeing small like 8" to bigger i would say 2 pound or so herring. One thing we can agree on is that its definatly a positive sign.
  5. I'm no biologist but it seems the simcoe herring have come back to a healthy level. Already seen a few pulled out perching in cooks this year. Last year caught quite a few whitie and laker fishing and many times had massive schools cruse by under the ice. Seen some pretty good sized ones as well like 2lb+. You would think they will be having a limit on them soon, not that i care to target them.
  6. Voltage Regulator.
  7. Um don't go to innisfil park unless you have a boat because theres not much ice there yet.... You will see where everyone else is parking at gilford get there early unless you feel like walking for five minutes to get to the lake. Watch the no parking signs and don't park close to any intersections the ticket guy is there everyday boning people for this. My best tip for tomorrow would be to bring a rainjacket...seriously LOL I like staying away from the crowds personally and heading out a little farther off gilford for best action. That being said i wouldn't head too far north because the farther you go the thinner the ice is. I have been out twice from Gilford this year 23 and 35fow were both non stop action although mostly little dinky perch. Good Luck!
  8. Like mine more medium thought. Friend of mine just opened a butcher shop in town and carries some AAA natural local beef and the steaks have been consistently excellent.
  9. That was hilarious!
  10. More than one way to skin a cat. Now i don't have to take pictures tonight thanks.
  11. I more than likely could post a picture later this evening if i have a few minutes. You don't "need" to buy the iceducer unless you have a few dollars burning a hole in your pocket...
  12. Summer fishfinders work just fine in the winter. You do not need to go out and buy a 4 or 5 hundred dollar flasher to catch fish through the ice. I've been using my 130 dollar eagle fisheasy for 4 years now summer and winter and it still works great. The only limitation is the screen will freeze up much below about minus 12. Never really been an issue though when i'm in the portable. Johnny mentioned a simple way to mount your transducer and there are plenty of other ways to get it done. My dad whipped up something simple aswell using some threaded rod with an L bracket that hangs off my travel box. The real trick is getting the angle of the skimmer just right and playing with the speed/sensitivity to get it just right. Heres a pic of my setup: And yes i put alot of fish on the ice last year.... with the help of my el cheapo fishfinder....
  13. For all the cat haters that say they are not trainable..... I'd like to get a kitty but it appears as though over the last few years i've developed mild allegies to them.
  14. My work just put up 48 panels last week. It will take them roughly 6 years to pay off the cost of the panels then its pure money in the bank.... Being paid by our tax dollars and more than likely increased hydro costs.... I like the whole renewable energy theme and glad the ball is rolling but it is going to cost alot more.
  15. Yup it's pretty pathetic. Every year just south of alliston right by my work, the van loads of guys show up during the controlled hunt. Wandering through random properties not a care in the world. About 5 years ago we had this guy come wandering through our parking lot shotgun in hand wondering where he was cause he got lost from the other guys. I'm thinking about doing the controlled hunt in december next year for 76D but you've got me thinking differently....
  16. Only took 4 years but i finally got one. Got it last Monday on the north side of the french river. Pretty good sized deer for that far north I'm told. Terrible pic i know but thought i'd share for the other hunters on the site.
  17. I guess it has been about two years since I've seen him on the bank. LOL Maybe one nice day here i can drag him down.
  18. Fall is definatly my favourite time of year. This year has been no exception. Hit the river bank about a dozen or so times now with the company of some friends. Anyways not much for story telling but heres a few pics. Salmon were slim pickings still this year but still managed a few. Trolling flatfish have taken a few bows. My favourite has been sitting in the fold out chair still fishing a deep pool. Not many big fish but lots of little guys with crazy air shows. Definatly some good spawning went on and good survival a few years ago. Up to the french bright an early tomorrow for the deer hunt to put the icing on the cake.
  19. I can't see why not as long as you don't have any bigger than #4 shot in your possesion but hey that just what i think.
  20. Ya what Bill says. I managed to floss 3 bows yesterday with this rig so good the hooks were in the gullet... With a non floating roebag to boot.
  21. Only met the man in person once, but what an impression. Truely great guy will be missed by many.
  22. Tough fishing up there for sure! I guess it was persistance and putting the hours in that finally paid off! Just a coincidence that i was in the market for a new smoker when you one this one this past week Decent week off nice scenery will have to try her again next year i think.
  23. I bought my 870 black synthetic taxes in for 4hundy at lebarons 2 years ago. Just came with the 28" barrel though. Trombleys is OP! You won't be dissapointed with the gun definatly best bang for your buck.
  24. They are in, just small numbers the runs are nothing like they used to be. I watched a few pass through Angus last weekend. I also bumped into a friend this evening who has gotten three this week but has been fishing it very hard. Will give it a try this weekend if the lake is too bumpy.
  25. By the 14th there will be a few making their way up. Its not just rain that pushes salmon into the notty. A strong North wind will definatly push fish into the mouth. Also a cool night or two like last night will get them running too.
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