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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. I put 2 EverStart group 29's in for the same motor , but it's to soon to tell good or bad but 3 year warranty is alright. They were $129 a piece plus a $15 core charge
  2. I really like the Curado I so far, I got a great deal on ebay for it new in the box I think I paid $120 all in
  3. I really like my android box for a lot of shows and great for movies. I bought a small wireless keyboard makes navigating really easy. Pretty much turn my TV into a 60" computer. I have no regrets for the $100 it cost me
  4. Thanks! I'll check the screw adjustment
  5. I have a pedestal seat in my boat for a butt seat up in the front of the boat, and the damn thing won't stay down anymore. I lean forward a bit and it's like an ejection seat shooting up like 8" and almost pushes me over the side of the boat! LOL Is there away to fix , adjust these things or do I just scrap it and buy a new one? Thanks for any help!
  6. Mines green, hunting and fishing
  7. This is the email response you get Hello, I must tell you, from the beginning, that I have moved to Munich, Germany because I have finished my work contract. I have worked in Canada, for one year and now I came back home. I hope this is not an inconvenience. If you are interested in buying, then I will answer your questions and I can arrange a delivery to your location, of course free of charge. Thank you
  8. Great set up your got there Mike!! That's quite the trip. Looking forward to picking up my bump board in April at the show and my list of baits is up around 25 now haha
  9. I have a bunch of power drive stuff I'll be listing soon, can maybe being the cost down, I have 3 wired pedals, 2 remotes, co-pilot most of it new . I just need some time to go over it and see what I have
  10. They did that to us years ago in the falls, there was a park that always had a rink, we flooded it maintained it. Then a new neighbor moved in beside the park and didn't like the noise and had it shut down. So instead of having happy people outside playing they made many enemies
  11. http://www.patagonia.com/ca/product/r1-fly-fishing-gloves?p=81720-0# I ordered the skeena gloves last week I'll give them a shot
  12. Awesome!! Rooster fish is on my list to catch
  13. I read this post title and immediately had the same idea LOL
  14. A couple years ago I booked a Lake Erie Charter for Bass for my 85 year old grandfather and myself. I get to the ramp and get all our gear loaded into the boat and off we go for a full 6 hours of fishing. It wasn't until the ramp came into sight on our way back in it dawned on me, I had left my truck running beside the boat ramp passenger door wide open and windows down the entire time we were out. When I got back to shore my truck had been moved and the keys placed under the floor mat and a business card from the regional police asking me to give him a call. Guess I was pretty excited to get out there fishing with Gramps. Officer had a good laugh at my expense
  15. Crazy just heard about this as well http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/authorities-hunt-for-suspects-after-fishing-vessel-hijacked-on-niagara-river-1.2141281
  16. Lol not single, actually just bought my first house in March with my GF, she got the hot tub I got the lund it's all about balance and being sneaky hahaha
  17. Oh man hahaha how much time do you have, Picked up a used 16' lund explorer new Hds 8 New Ipilot terrova Curado I Chronarch CI4 Abu Garcia Nacl Beckman fin saver musky net New 9'8" IMX for trout in the boat Loop Cross S1 switch rod Have to purchase a fish finder for the bow of the boat yet (maybe santa) And I'm sure there's still lots I think I "need" yet
  18. Awesome!!!! Great video!
  19. I got spooled trying to fight a sturgeon in the niagara on my float reel, he just swam away slowly
  20. http://www.simmsfishing.com/shop/socks-gloves/skeena-glove.html
  21. I bought a lund for dodging ice bergs on the niagara
  22. It turns whatever you spray it on a hazey white, I've tried it on cardboard before and it stays dry in water. My experiment has begun lol
  23. I bought it for my works boots against coolant and oil, it didn't work worth a crap. But water it worked great on the boots, just turns everything a pasty white color
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