If any of you folks with Facebook would be so kind, I'm enter in a contest on The New Fly Fisher Facebook page If you could take a second and give my fish Fumble picture a like it would be appreciated! Plus it's good for a laugh https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151697870332750&id=262565577749&set=pb.262565577749.-2207520000.1384557885.&source=42 Thanks Jeff
Check sierra trading post.com
The have great deals
Redington sonic pros for just over $200 and Patagonias also some simms if you catch the right day they have promo codes for up to or more than another 30% off worth a shot. I've bought from there without issues,
I had bare blackwater II for 4 years and they just started to leak so I aqua sealed them for back ups and bought simms g4s time will tell on those though
I think the conservation license is like $18 as well
Starting in February New York license will go for a year from the purchase date, hopefully Ontario will follow soon after
If you need a hand getting one shipped to MURICA I can bring it over for you. Just need to pay the tax. I ordered 3 telescopic ones a couples months back and shipped them to my ups address, I have a 9' telescopic I'd sell I want to go one lighter it's an XH breaks down to 7'6"