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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Hey guys.... I get this error also when trying to open a post. I just noticed if I use the Lo-Fi version, the error does not popup. This option is located at the buttom of the General Discussion screen. There seem to be a problem with skin version. Jacques aka Leechman
  2. I've never seen my computer in standby mode that long before Man I just didn't have any interest in surfing the NET.... thank God were back LM
  3. Thanks TJ and the gang Real happy that we're back online Leechman
  4. Great report and pic freshwaterfanatic That is one huge beautiful brookie Congratulations Good job on getting the skunk off and thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Thanks Bill.... I don't play against her no more cause she beats the crap out of me LOL I'll stick to fishing too LOL
  6. First and foremost... Happy Anniversary to both of you Second... you guys sure got into a frenzy... beautiful whities.... congratulations Temperature wise was a lot better than Friday, maybe a little nippy early morning but nice and cozy in the afternoon. Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Well guys spent the day at the YBC 5 pin provincial finals, my daughter was competing in the junior single division and had a shot at going to the National that is hosted in the greater Toronto area this coming May 2nd - 4th. She played 5 games and had a 190 average. Not bad for a 13 year old She was able to finish 3rd and got a bronze medal. I'm real proud of her accomplishment and could not ask for anything better. She had a good time and that's what counts. Here's a pic of my champion Thought I'd share this moment with you Leechman
  8. I don't buy coffee there that often, but from the ones I bought recently, It's a big zero for me
  9. Happy birthday Joe Hope you're feeling better by now! Leechman
  10. Great report, pics and videos bassassin That is one huge burbot Congratulations Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Great report and pics kickingfrog It's funny how only one hole will produce and the others don't Guess you just never know.... sounds like a great time Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Right on Bernie Beautiful scenery and perfect weather condition.... can't ask for more Thanks for sharing your journey Jacques
  13. You said it Wayne "Couldn't have picked a better day..." Awesome Thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Jim.... I don't get it!! J/K LOL Up here where I live in the Outaouais, I'm surrounded by so many bodies of water, it's incredible and to answer your question I'll say the Outaouais Valley. Jacques
  15. Glen better go buy some snow tires in case you get some more Wouldn't want you to get stuck in that white powder
  16. Glue?? no..... never have and don't think ever will.... the only thing I will do to any type of line is burn the tag end after the knot is tied and this is not all the time.... UNI knot for me is what I use and it's one tough knot
  17. Great report and pics Steve Looks like you guys had a blast out there and like you said "how awesome!"... congratulations Nice lakers and whities Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Great report and pics ehg Kudos to you guys for braving mother nature today Cause it was cold Real nice looking browns and good mix bag of fish Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Just can't ask for better timing for this special moment... your parents must be excited about the little one coming and sounds like your mom is one cool lady Want to wish you and your wife the very best for the upcoming events Now go out the back yard and put your parents into some fish LOL Jacques
  20. Great report and pics Joeytier Got to love it when you can ice that many whities and release some.... congratulations to all involved Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Great report and pics Jeff Beauty crappie you caught.... congratulations It sure was on the cold side this morning but as the day progressed, got real nice and cozy. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Great report and pics Bruce Looks like a fun day for the kids and teens.... want to congratulate you for providing the fishing gear to them and making their first time out a success Again good job Bruce and thanks for sharing Jacques
  23. Great report and pics jds63 You guys did pretty good considering the bad weather.... congratulations It's a good pic of the ling but man aren't those the ugliest you ever seen... you guys must of been fishing deep cause it's eyes were bulging. Did you keep the ling? suppose to be real good eating Again great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Good job Bill for getting that skunk off and great looking chrome to boot
  25. Great report and pics Mike Those are real nice looking chrome you guys got into.... congratulations Up here, were back in the deep freeze.... -20C without the windshield Great job you guys!! Well done! Thanks for sharing Jacques
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