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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics Dirk Looks like you had a fun time out there nonetheless.... perseverance is key to success. Good job Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Thanks pengvaj!!
  3. Leecher

    Feb 8th

    Great report and pics jwl Those are real nice chrome you guys caught today.... congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report and pic Bruce Glad you got out and enjoy a good days fishing in the milder temps Thanks for sharing Jacques
  5. What were you feeding him to keep it in your tank?
  6. So what your saying is that you can't wait to go back for some eyes at St-Marie and get some more Will have to do it again soon... that plan was a good one
  7. Truly amazing.... I haven't eaten it yet but it did go under the knife.... poor old bugger just wanted to swim anywhere it could.
  8. I second and third that
  9. Sorry Dano if it offended you, this was not what I wanted to share.... How can I put it so you understand... the perch was caught and put aside on ice for a while until we decided to leave. Temp was at -12C and with the wind shield -16C. When time came to leave, it was put into a plastic bag with 4 more fish, by that time it was frozen solid. We drove to another lake, fished and return home only to find it coming back to life after I had put it into the kitchen sinc and under very cold running water. To me this fish was dead and just can't believe that it came back to life. Again sorry if that offended you Leechman
  10. GBW funny you mention the tank, I have a 25 gal and that thought cross my mind but just wasn't sure if it was legal to keep a fish that was caught in our waters and also my poor tropical fish that I have would of ended being her dinner My daugther took the video and she just could not believe that it was still swimming around in the tub when I got home Mike not poutine but I think it was sardines LOL
  11. When I got back yesterday afternoon from our outing I immediately dumped the fish into the kitchen sinc and added cold water to thaw them out before filleting them..... to my surprise my PB perch was moving and coming back to life I caught it around 9:45am yesterday and was stuffed into a plastic bag until I arrived around 4:15pm, so 7.5 hours later..... just can't believe it This has happened 3 times to me so far. Here is a little video of it 12" PB Perch Enjoy!! Leechman
  12. LOL Glen... Yeah maybe I Hahahaha!!! but just think for a moment.... I make my own tipups and if I had to build 10 every time I come up with a new idea I wouldn't go out on the hard stuff at all I think I'll stick with 5 minus 2 for now then I have a couple for backup
  13. Glen, that's down by Montreal area.... not up here, it's 5.... wish I could tho
  14. Ahhh OK... Me bad Read your question wrong There was 13" of black ice where we were yesterday
  15. Must be a good 2' feet.... It looked like they had flooded the road again.... driving on bare black ice That sounds like a plan Steve.... would be easier then walking Thanks Ben and Kickingfrog!!
  16. Leecher


    Congratulations glen.... a real hog
  17. Great report and pics VG Love the pic of the trout with the head sticking out of the hole..... massive and the whities are huge Congratulations to everyone.... awesome day for sure Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Great report, pics and videos Simon Beautiful lakers.... congratulations to both of you May be a slow day but you still manage to catch some for supper Thanks for sharing Jacques
  19. Thanks everyone for the kind words Had a blast yesterday.... Simply awesome Thanks again Paul and Kevin!! Will have to do it again soon Jacques Joey, out here we are allowed 5 lines per person but only use 3 and a jigging rod most times I think so Glen.... I'm just not fast enough with the camera to snap a pic of him before he put his catches back into the hole Hahahaha!!
  20. Great report and pics Ryan Loved the pic of the one with the spreader.... kudos for releasing her Man you guys sure put a beating on the lakers... Congratulations Leechman
  21. Well guys since mother nature was giving us a break this weekend with some milder weather, the plan was for Paul, Kevin and I to hit a couple of lakes today.... one for eyes early morning and the other for whities in early afternoon. Got up at 5:00am, temperature was -12C and no wind. Paul and I left home at 5:30am to pickup Kevin and made a pit stop to Timmies for some hot brew and the way we went, destination Lac St-Marie. Arrived around 6:45am and got setup. We each had 3 tip-ups rigged with dead small minnows.... here a shot of our setup and Paul jigging away Did not take long for the action to start Kevin got into his first walleye, an 18" incher.... BEAUTY!! Then he gets another, same hole a 17.5" incher..... here he's holding both.... WOW Then it's my turn with a 17" incher All the while Paul got a hit too but could not land it I was thinking eye frenzy and could not believe that we just landed 3 eyes in the spawn of 30 minutes.... but all of a sudden, we get into a perch frenzy jumbo style Kevin was first to land a 12" incher.... incredible!! and I landed also a 12" incher... my personal best Here is another one around 11" Here's a pic of some of the ones we kept for a fry At this point, around 10:00am, the perch were very active and diminishing our stock of minnows. The eyes were no where to be found and decided to call it a day since we had another lake to tackle. So we packed up and headed for our new destination. Arrived around 11:00ish and could not decide which area of the lake to target.... decision, decision LOL didn't have to flip a coin.... headed out to the south end of the lake only the find someone fishing the spot that we had targeted last week and the wind was gusting pretty bad so we decided to head to another area that was about 1000 meters away but the draw back was we had to walk there We hit a lot of slush holes on the way there and made the walking very difficult.... once arrived, Kevin started to drill holes and got setup and started jigging.... NOTHING... Moved a little closer to an island and this is where Kevin got a hit, fought this fish for a couple of minutes, was taking drag and lost it :-( Moved a little closer into the channel and this is where Kevin landed his PB!! a 4.5Lbs whitie and what a fight it was. Took a pic while he was fighting it After the pic, started filming with my camera but it does not have sound capabilities.... here is the vid What a beast.... check it out!! Then after an hour went by, was jigging a silver / blue Foxee tipped with a white fish fry and all of a sudden this fish hits my Foxee like a freight train.... BANG.... FISH ON!! the battle lasted several minutes and was able to land my first ever whitie MAN what a fight that thing gave me.... It was nuts... was going around the hole all the way up to the top LOL Took a couple of pics of my trophy FINALLY THE SKUNK IS OFF LOL :-) All in all caught a dozen perch, 3 very nice eyes and 2 whities Doesn't get any better than that Hope you enjoy Jacques
  22. Great report and pic Pure Real nice whitie for sure.... Congratulations Thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Terry Nice looking whitie.... congratulations Thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Great report and pics Ben Doesn't get any better than that..... Congratulations to all Real nice eyes and lakers Thanks for sharing Leechman
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