Got out today for a couple of hours on Lac Leamy.... didn't have any hope of catching any thing since last time I was there, got skunked was just glad to go out
To my surprise, managed to catch 5 perch and a couple of snot rockets in the 20" range. Temps was around -7C with a slight northern wind, bright and sunny, no clouds in the sky
Got there around 1:30pm and left around 3:30pm.... did not bring my camera ( forgot it in the living room ) Thank God I had my Blackberry with me cause the fish were active... caught my first perch after setting up literally.
I was fishing at the mouth of the creek that leads to the Gatineau River in 12' - 15' fow on top of a weed bed. Kept getting hits.... got a few more perch, then all of sudden I get a huge hit.... BANG... FISH ON and it's pulling drag doing big head shakes.... had no idea what it was until it surfaced. Here's the pic
Since I was by myself thought I take a pic next to my slush scooper, the handle measures 22" in length.... After that got a couple more perch... was just about to call it a day and BANG... another huge hit
I says to mysefl... OK maybe I'll get another.... decided to stay a little longer but it went dead.
Glad I got out today and hope you enjoy!
Until next time