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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Nice buck Looks more like an 11 pointer to me Must of been a little chilly out on the water yesterday Up where I was, temps was -3C with a north westerly gusting at 25KM/H Nice bunch of bronze
  2. Been wondering what you were up to Randy... I see that there's never a dull moment in your life Man cave looks AWESOME Great job mon ami
  3. Awesome season recap Steve as always Lots of quality fish in that video
  4. Nice chunk of bronze Chris Congrats
  5. Yes Brian, the forecast looks a lot better for the up coming weekend Below zero overnight but just above during the day over this way too That should get them moving and also going into the full rut.... one of them, is bound to do a stupid thing such as stroll by and stopping to catch it's breath MAN I just can't wait Good luck to you too this weekend B
  6. *** Update *** Got back last night and sadly, opening weekend was a bust Lots of fresh tracks all over but they are moving around at night We had snow early morning and rain during the day... weather wise not quite cold enough. I must say that I'm quite comfy in the blind and very happy to have it Spent roughly 16 hours in it this weekend Leaving again this up coming Friday for a whole week and just can't wait Thanks Paul!!! Thanks Simon!!! It's a possibility Thanks Ron!!! Thanks Art!!! Sounds like you have lots of them around Thanks Terry!!! Thanks Grant!!! The boots I'd look pretty with those on eh There's actually two loafs in the box
  7. You bet Christopher!!! Now I must leave cause my brother is going to arrive any minutes now No shock here Paul Season ends on the 18th Thanks will try my best Thanks Brian!!! Will do Thanks Terrence!!! Will do Thanks gino!!! Report to come I hope Thanks Dave!!! Batteries packed and ready Brother's here now... must go... See you guys later
  8. It's finally here folks... the day I've been waiting for A quick update on our plans.... Last Wednesday afternoon, my brother went to our hunting grounds to drop 150LBS of carrots and to his surprise, the feeder had been cleaned right out While he was dropping the food, got grunted by a buck So all this to say that we are pumped to the max Now I wait for him to pick me up... I'm as ready as I'll ever be See you guys end of November TJunkie
  9. You're doing great so far Paul Good luck on Quinte As for me... will concentrate my efforts on those 4 legged fins this weekend
  10. Very sorry to hear the bad news Nick. Sincerest condolences to his family and yours.
  11. Nice surprise for sure Now just imagine hooking that same fish on ice, thru an 8" hole I experience this a few years ago in my hard water fishing debut and sturgeon was 49" long and ice was 30" thick I have a pic somewhere, when I find it will post it TJunkie
  12. It's an Atlantic...
  13. With the camping gear in the back of the truck and the canoe on top, nothing to worry about Chad Man.... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING Looks like you sank pretty deep the minute you got greedy At least you guys got birds for your troubles
  14. Nice going Kemp!!! Sounds like you had a riot
  15. Thanks Chad!!! Not many fishermen target them beauts and they're plentiful Wish my sister invited me more often early in the season
  16. Thanks Christopher!!! Don't know how big they are.... been 5 years already If they survived... had to put on some weight for sure Thanks Rick!!! That's my sister's boat... only used for water skiing If I recall, that was in early July Thanks B!!! Just for you.... a complilation in ping pong format <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FSoftwater%2520Season%25202012%2FCamp%2520Danielle%2520et%2520Phil%2520-%252028%2520Juillet%25202012%2F2007%2520Shore%2520Fishing%2FTroutJunkiesBronzeBackHunt2007.mp4"> Sure is Trevy... Thanks!!! LOL Rob LOL The point I was fishing off the beach had a rocky bottom and smallies were stack like a cord wood that day
  17. Awesome Joey Looks like you had a great time Love the tub shot Perfect for the pan
  18. Hey all, Since I've not touch any of my fishing tackle in quite some time and concentrating my efforts in prepping for the upcoming hunting season, took a brake for a short time.... was browsing thru my photo albums and came upon some good memories that I thought I'd share since you guys haven't seen them It goes back to 2007 at my sisters cottage, shore fishing for bronze backs with 7" cherry seed senkos, what a blast I had that weekend They were pretty well all the same size except for the last one... back to back action All released to fight another day Hope you Enjoy!!! TJunkie
  19. The single barrel swivel is what I use for trout fishing on my slip bobber rigs and never had any issues with line twist The triple looks like over kill to me but mind you, never seen any of these on the shelves at any of the sports store in my area
  20. September Must of been late growing those antlers for some unknown reasons An exception for sure but cool to see nonetheless Funny you mention you hit one cause it happened to a friend of mine while I was riding in the passenger seat of his GM Bronko We had just started to accelerate on this road and could see a deer on my side running along beside the ditch, when all of sudden a second deer made his appearance a little further up the road and jumped in front of the truck My friend jammed the brakes as the truck hit the deer broad side sending it doing a 360 in the middle of the dirt road Thank god the vehicle wasn't doing 100KM/h... deer got up, ran straight for the mountain on the other side of the road and 3 jumps, was at the top and disappeared
  21. Cool pics Simon Your little man sure is growing fast! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  22. I'm in hunting mode right now but yes, I'm anxious for ice Sounds like a plan MANG!!!
  23. Very sorry to hear of the news Paul. Sincerest condolences to you, your family and friends. Thoughts & prayers are with you in this time of sorrow. Jacques
  24. The dynamic duo is at it again You've got to love it when the water sharks come out to play Congrats Will on your first tiger what a beauty Great job guys and thanks for sharing! Jacques
  25. A couple of nice chunks Kev You seemed to have the upper hand on those fins this year Keep them reports coming and thanks for sharing! Jacques
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