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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks saltyd!!!
  2. Your good til end of December... keep at it, one is bound to do a stupid thing Good luck ww! May you set your sights on a big boy
  3. Very sad in deed Brian no clue why it happen a dreadful tragedy Condolences to the family.
  4. Thanks strik!!!
  5. Thanks Chris!!! Yeah that's my signature series
  6. Speckle trout - 13 1/4" Speckle trout - 12" Speckle trout - 11" Speckle trout - 10" Speckle trout - 09" Speckle trout - 8 1/2" That's all I've been targeting this past couple of years You did good Christopher
  7. man what took you so long nope Chev Hauled the 2 does we got that year Thanks Chad!!!
  8. I still think this would most relaxing for some Just click it
  9. I figured it was the case the cat was kind of familiar to me Good luck with your upcoming opener... if you can't be good... be careful
  10. Chad mon chum... you did it again the reel must be facing down Now that we have the technical stuff taking care of... I'm very jealous of your 2 man hut If you ever feel the need to drive up north into la belle province... be sure to give me a hauler... would be glad to show you some of my spots up here Jacques
  11. That's awesome I know exactly how you feel about getting out fishing and dedicate the day to loved ones had a similar day as yours last January 7th... my dad would of been 80 years old and limited out on speckle trout I'm sure your brother would of been proud of you Kudos Bernadette Thanks for sharing! Jacques
  12. Yeah that was a beauty buck Kyle Congrats again waterwolf: From what I can gather of our week in the bush, the rut never fully developed this year due to mild temps Usually in the second of week of riffle hunt, deer are in full rut... we had cold nights but warm days -6C overnight and +4C during the afternoon. On Tuesday the 13th, temps went up to +16C Good for us but not deer First year we don't see snow on the ground while out in the bush Also deer don't usually eat while in rut... well our feeder got decimated every other day.... during our week of hunting, we've put out 150lbs of carrots, 30lbs of corn, 25lbs of alfalfa beans and never seen any deer during the day like others said, deer got into a nocturnal behavior. The last weekend of season end, we (the 3 of us) decided to make chases and on the Sunday, had a couple of close calls but no cigars Brother stumbled upon one that dissappeared real quick... and I, late afternoon heard lots of commotion coming my way but never could see it All this to say, that it was a hard hunt to say the least Ah well... there's always next year I could go on for ever but will stop... Friend's daughter got us a 4 pointer and it's all the matters now Can't wait to get the meat from the butcher TJunkie
  13. No Dave... not at all our group got one but I wasn't the shooter Lol Skip
  14. Yowser That was close now you got some cleanup to do
  15. You boys struck Gold Great job Dave & Co Thanks for sharing! TJunkie
  16. Now you done it Why d'you click it? Winternet seemed to have settled in quick this year thought I'd post this vid that I compiled to keep your mind sane Don't be shy scroll down I know you're going to like it TJunkie <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FWinternet%2FTroutJunkiesWinternet.mp4">
  17. Thanks Brian!!! Huge buck Good luck
  18. Thanks Skud!!! You bet Thanks K_F!!! Thanks Roy!!! Wish I'd of thought of it before it went to the butcher chop Too late now Yep Thanks Chris!!! LOL Nick... Thanks!!!
  19. Back from the bushes and happy to report, that our group got a nice 4 pointer, 118lbs field dressed We had a mixture of rain, freezing rain and snow beginning of the week and below temps, dipping into -10C overnight and pretty steady there after Glad I had my ground blind to battle the element This bird wasn't too shy to perch on a branch close to the bind Enjoy TJunkie
  20. I'm off to the bushes now!!! You guys be good... if you can't be good, be careful See ya's
  21. Done deal mon chum!!! Nice shot by the way
  22. I kind of figured it was the case Art If you don't hunt... better call your brother Joe
  23. Merci Kevin!!! Il me reste encore une pleine semaine Part Vendredi Did you get to bag one iFish4real??? If so... AWESOME
  24. Looks like a great sled Simon little pricy but nice I'm sure which ever model you buy will serve you good
  25. You bet Ron I'd much prefer put in 16 hours in the blind then work thats for sure Awesome that your friend was able to bag an 8 pointer... well deserve high five from me I still have a full week of hunting left... just hope I can set my sights on something like this... buck from my 2008 season... would make me very happy
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