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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Awesome season Brian A great mix bag of fish in that video Sounds like fun times amongst friends Thanks for sharing mon ami! TJunkie
  2. Great job Jet What a fight that bull gave you Congrats on your PB Truly enjoyed watching the action pack video Thanks for sharing TJunkie
  3. Sorry to hear Chris Hope the police recover your van without any serious damage to it.
  4. Right on Simon Can't complain about this 60 min laker fest
  5. Awesome Joey Loved the a-la stick shot Looks like the perfect weather to get out for some splakin'... Good job bud
  6. WOW.... place looks good!!! but I feel like I have to introduce myself :-O

  7. It's looking to be warm up here for the next 5 days... 1C, 3C, 1C, 1C, 5C :-O

  8. A beauty start to your hard water fishing Nick Thanks for sharing TJunkie
  9. Awesome videos Terry and some nice fish
  10. Yes worms are excellent for trout... also salties when they are finicky and don't want worms
  11. Awesome Dave These ain't pokadots but sure looks like a tasty meal I can smell the pan sizzling right now ummm perch fest
  12. Some nice looking crappies B and that plate shot looks mint
  13. For my jigging rod I use Northland Macho Minnow 1/4oz tip with Gulp fish fry or 1" minnow. For my dead sticks, hook tip with salty and a cone shape sinker above the leader.
  14. Nice going Dave Looks like you have plenty of safe ice all around you That yellow pike sure looks odd to me
  15. Couple of nice reports Blair Good to hear that the walleyes are being cooperative despite the negative talks about the fishery
  16. Thanks for the props Chad I was merely speaking of the plastic reels
  17. Wish I could say the same about decorations in our home this year... spent family time at the hospital and didn't have time at all to even put up a single light, decoration or tree for that matter Our family's gift exchange (wife, daughter and I) happen on December 26th, early in the morning (2h00 - 2h30am) and when we woke up, wife went back to see her dad and late in the afternoon, FIL took his last breath You have a beautiful place Roy Grand kids must of been very happy to be there with you guys! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  18. Not sure what kind of tipups you are using but you need to fit them with spools like this to avoid having it go thru the ice when a big fish strikes You can buy those at Walmart or CTC
  19. I have the same sentiment as you Ron It's amazing how a trophy fish caught and then being posted, get decimated in seconds ......
  20. Don't be afraid to explore the 4' to 5' range... use biggest golden shiner on a quick strike rig and set your drag accordingly... you should be golden
  21. Nice going Simon!!! Dinner plate looks great Is there a reason why you don't keep whities?? They're good eats you know Looking forward to seeing some gopro footage from you
  22. Merci mon chum!!! Thank you Loonietoon!!! you be strong too for your family... condolences from my family to yours... it's not easy to go through this during the holiday season, but twice in a short period of time and this.... just insane You be well my friend, wish you lots of courage in these hard times. Jacques
  23. No haven't been out yet but have a date coming January 7th... It's a special time for my dad and I Look forward to slamming some dots on ice Rainbows sounds good... let me know your schedule and will make it happen
  24. The pike worshiper surfaced it's ugly face but I love it About friggin time Kev
  25. My original idea was, you get a point for each species of fish caught per day but like Mike Rousseau mentioned, we could do this on a monthly basis... every month members submit their pics and get a point for each species that have caught.... that way, you get the feeling that you belong and contribute to your team. From my personal experience, not having a boat and being shore bound, this gives me the extra kick in the $$$$ to go out fishing. It's hard for me to explain and may be I'm not getting my point out the way it should but I still think a tournament based on points will get more of us to participate / contribute to our individual teams. TJunkie
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