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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Always a delight to read your reports Drew Felt like I was tagging along and enjoyed the pics You guys got into some sweet gold and oversize bage pike like you call'em Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!!! Tight lines TJunkie
  2. Two PB's in a single outing, got to love it Congrats Mrs Mike P.
  3. Congratulations
  4. Thanks Simon!!! All released except Paul's 17'er and some
  5. Paul and I talked last night about going out fishing today, walleyes was in the back of our minds since we both, had not targeted them in a while... and the weather was looking better / cooler than it was these past couple of days, was really looking forward to it We left home around 8h00am, made a couple of pit stops for gas and hot brew and the way we go Destination North bound, the Old Pond Weather wise, a North Westerly was blowing at around 10-15km/h and the sun was shinning.... PERFECT To make a long story short, we got into a few walleyes, LMB's, SMB's, snot rockets and had a great time Lures of choice were: Whitespinnerbait, Live target cranks (deep & shallow diving), walleye diver (deep diving), 3/8oz & 1/4oz jigs with twister tails tip with dew worm Did not take many pics throughout our stay, but managed a few for your viewing pleasure First fish for Paul... 17 1/4" walleye Next up.... Smallie Dark Colored Next up... Largie Smallie Hand shot Largie Hand shot We moved around quite a bit to try and locate the active walleye but it was a hard bite I caught 2 eyes that were under slot and had to be released... no pics Paul finished the day with this beauty largie a solid fish that hit his walleye diver like a freight train All fish were released to fight another day (except Paul's Keeper eye) Hope you enjoy Until next time Tight lines TJunkie
  6. I couldn't agree more Smallies are fun to catch Big or small... you get your money's worth Great report Mike Pike!!! Thanks for sharing TJunkie
  7. Why not just use mono as your main line if you're worried about visibility??? 10Lbs of any brand is all you need for what you're going to be fishing for. I only use mono on all my spinning reels and it's strong enough for bass, trout, pike, channel cats etc... I tie directly to the lure now but you may want to use a fluro or metal leader for pike just in case My 2 Cents TJunkie
  8. Awesome report Walleye'm Fishing Huge pokadots and beauty gold Great job you two and thanks for sharing! TJunkie
  9. Ah I see, thanks B... My wife and I use to make them too... They're so easy to make and SO GOOD!!! Will be making bread & butter soon Once the temps drop to a normal level that is Too hot right now
  10. Incredible trip Doug Sounds like you guys had a super time
  11. You can't beet beat homemade pickle beats beets I stand corrected Question B: How many jars yielded out of a bushell???
  12. Nice PIG Congrats Kev
  13. What that statement "Dad, one more cast please..." He's hooked One word for this.... PRICELESS!!!
  14. Your Welcome!
  15. There's still two version of you out there (WFN) It's all about the EAP Congratulation Dave on your accomplishment
  16. She's a keeper Congrats to the nancur373 clan
  17. Happy belated birthday Paul! Hope you had a great one!
  18. Simon, I'm here Best way to cook these beauties is to remove the head & fins, drop them into a hot pan with a dab of butter, salt & pepper and garlic salt to taste... that's it, that's all Make sure you open them up like a butterfly first and sear a couple of minutes, flip on each side and enjoy! Here's the link to my report I made some time ago Speckle Papillon
  19. Thanks everyone for the kind words!!! Glad you enjoy it!!! Yep My sweet precious little girl Sure is Simon!!! Your telling me.... Mélissa is going to be 17 this fall One more year in High school and then she graduates times sure flies by fast Brother in law calls the scarecrow "The Beach Keeper"... he protects the flower beds behind it from a doe and her 2 fawns from eating them... They always come out during the night and in the morning, see their tracks on the beach Your right, bijou is the right word for this place
  20. Awesome Chris Congratulations to your daughter Well deserve
  21. Man that looks GOOD! I just had lunch and looking at this pic, I'm still hungry Can I be your friend for supper next time... I promise I won't be late
  22. Sounds like the doré are stack like a cord of wood down there Paul Regrettably, I have no words of wisdom to give you about how to save a fish that got the bends from being reeled in from the deep, sorry Great report and beauty GOLD!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  23. Well done Ryan It's always fun when you can figure out a pattern and stay on top of active fish Thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. You got the walleyes figured out pretty well this season Chad Good job you two
  25. Awesome Will Memories of a life time for Hannah for sure Thanks for sharing Jacques
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