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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks msp!!! Thanks Manitou!!! My pleasure Glad you loved it Dan Thanks!!! Thanks Rick!!! Yeah I know, it's a big file (around 100MB ) It sure is a great place for fishing
  2. Thanks Drew!!! I know, it's the dilemma I go through every year Thanks shasta!!! Will see
  3. You did it again eh Slayer8 It's eggzactly what I expected of seeing from you
  4. Awesome Blaque You got talent dude You're right about the music not being everyone's cup of tea... it falls right into my daughter's repertoire and I dig it too
  5. Looks like fun Mike Great job on the video Enjoyed it
  6. Great job Manitou Glad it all turned out great for ya Sounds like a riot reeling these beauties from the deep
  7. Thats' Awesome Rick Looks like the perfect place for a family getaway Thanks for taking the time to post and share the pics with us Jacques
  8. You can read all about it here belippy: Dave's Journey
  9. I'm no expert in the matter here manitou but will vouch for 3" white power tube... caught of few of them casting to shore and letting it slowly fall to bottom, drifting... if you can locate structure, flats and drop offs that's where I would start Good luck on your laker hunt
  10. Awesome report and pics Joey Sounds like you all had a super great time out there Thanks for taking the time to post and share the pics with us Roy looks really happy in this shot Awesome
  11. I'll be keeping an eye out for your reports B Thanks mon chum and good luck to you too this fall
  12. Thanks gino!!! Thanks letsgofishing!!! Good luck with your trout hunt this fall Thanks Doug!!! Thanks Paul!!! Thanks Joey!!! Thanks Dana!!! Yes, up here in Québec we are allowed 5 lines during hard water season, some areas down towards Montreal (not all), are allowed 10 but no live bait (minnows) allowed... only frozen ones Only other bait allowed are leeches & dew worms. Referring to my video, where I was explaining my setup and was abruptedbly (spelling here ) interrupted by a strike, -18C was the temp at the time... I was basically cleaning the ice buildup in the holes every minute or so Most of the trout lakes I fish up here are stocked & accessible... the ones that are not as easily accessible (back lakes deep in the bush) are not and holds some true monsters Wish I had an ATV and a small tinny to get to them Rainbows are fun to catch and put up a great fight especially on a 24" jigging rod The ones you see in the vid are my very first ones I caught... was my first attempt at them but not my last One out of 5 times trying was successful for me so don't dispare and keep trying for them Good luck on your rainbow quest this winter and thanks again for your kind words!!! Tight lines Jacques
  13. I know... I know... your going to say... what the hell dude giving up already this, the best time for fishing For me, mid August is a time to get ready for hunting and nothing can get me more pump up My time along the water's edge has expired for a short time Not that I really want to, but other things must get done before the fall hunt So I thought this would be a good opportunity to share my best moments with you all Enjoy!!! TJunkie <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FSoftwater%2520Season%25202012%2FTroutJunkies2011-2012Season.mp4"> Sorry for the error on the above vid... ran out of bandwidth on my PhotoBucket account but here's another one <object width="640" height="480"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value="https://www.facebook.com/v/347769808639073"></param><embed'>https://www.facebook.com/v/347769808639073"></param><embed src="https://www.facebook.com/v/347769808639073" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1" width="640" height="480"></embed></object>
  14. Great job Paul Got to love it when a plan comes together Now you need to get that section slimed
  15. It happens to me from time to time... this when I whip / force the rod on a cast... just don't over do it and it all should be fine
  16. It's kind of weird to see you holding largies since it's not your usual style Got to love it when they come out to play Great job Chad Good luck on your laker hunt Jacques
  17. Awesome report and pics Manitou Good on you for taking the kids out and making it a fun time That breaky pic is awesome Proper you say I say, more like a complete meal Man I'm hungry all of sudden Thanks for sharing and again great job! TJunkie
  18. Awesome Maureen Sounds like you and the boys had a Great time
  19. Are you serious dude? I don't know man, you seem to be spoiled rotten up there Kidding aside... sometimes walleyes are finicky and hard to get / locate Wish my days were like yours Looks like you guys had fun anyway, even on your so called Sloooooow day Great job you two
  20. Eggcellent Pikeslayer8
  21. Simon, here I thought, I was going to see, two beautiful speckles, perfectly cook, pan seared, laying side by side in a butterfly position Some good looking fishes boys Congrats
  22. I've done mine back in 2008 under a different displayname when I joined... Greetings Everyone - New to this Site But just in case some of you guys don't recognize me, name is Jacques aka TroutJunkie aka Leechman and love to fish & hunt I also enjoy listening to music of a different breed Tight Lines TJunkie PS... Enjoy my latest video <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FSoftwater%2520Season%25202012%2FLacSt-Marie-Aug6th2012.mp4">
  23. Thanks shasta!!! Thanks Rick!!! You bet Thanks Doug!!! Yes it is I Thanks Joey!!! It's such a beautiful place Thanks Frank!!! Thanks Drew!!! No, not his usual style but he wanted eyes for supper and he caught one I'm sure it tasted great! Thanks Chris!!! It was awesome
  24. Nice work Chad May be it got the blues before meeting your filet knife
  25. Awesome report Brian Quality time spent with your daughter and a PB to boot... Priceless
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