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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. It's not an amature event anymore thank god, it's a showcase of the worlds best atheletes which in my opinion is far more entertaining
  2. over 35 is old in the hockey world these days. Pronger, Neidamier, Ignalia. Wheres Green, Phanuf and Stamkos the young Canadian Talent deserves a shot. Canada won't advance far enough in this tournament to meet Russia, the same as Gretzky's 2006 team this bunch ain't going anywhere
  3. Oh boy we beat Norway hahahahahaha. Russia will make the Canadians look like pylons out on the ice. I still get frustrated when our young tallented players sit and watch on T.V while the old guard plays on there 3rd olympic team. The old guys looked ok last night, but this is Norway there playing against.
  4. Mice fly's are the beast thing going in Labrador, but there specks are monsters I agree with most on here that a good quality vacum sealer is by far the best way to freeze fish, great for doing roe aswell for rainbow fish'in. The thing is freeze the roe first then vacume seal it, it'll be as nice as the day you caught it.
  5. I apologise to the very tallented singer she does have great voice, so my disgust goes out to the producers. Get it together, perform our National anthem in a traditional respectfull manner, your not producing a new song to make the Bill-board charts have some National pride and respect for the anthem.
  6. I thought the opening ceremonies were a solid A-. The National Anthem was butchered to death, it is our national anthem not some R&B soul song, I wish singers would have alittle more respect and play the song in a traditional manner, it was unrecognizable in parts and to me an embarisment. The performers sang great, not sure exactly what K.D Lang's deal is but she does have an awsome voice and performed well. The olympic hym was alittle much, but all in all a good show.
  7. Great News at least our neighbours to the south are putting money and resources into dealing with the problem, I wish Canadian powers to be would take a similiar interest into the plight of the Great Lakes. I applaud Obama and the rest of the bordering states for once again putting there $$$$$$$ first and there mouth second. We as Canadians are the first to critisize our neighbours but when it comes down to actually investing in our great lakes we come up empty everytime, give it a rest Canada we do crap compared to our neighbours from the South in perserving or maintaining our Great Lakes.
  8. when did Daiwa whiskers become rear drag, I' ve been using them for 30 yrs and mine are all front drag. Cardinals were the best rear drag reels made. For me I like the compact design of front drag and it's more convient for me since I've used front drag most of my life. I don't adjust the drag while fighting fish, I've seen way to many fish lost while dudes are screwing with there drag during the fight. #1 tip set your drag when you start fishing and don't worry the rest of the day, do this every time you start because it can be different day in day out!! it only takes a second.
  9. Rest in Peace captain Phill, this is very sad news, my condolences go out to your familly
  10. Dude it's freaking micro ice, ICE it's made to work in the freaking cold, by the way I'm using it -5c to 0c so not that cold what the crap did you do to this line. Micro ice for years was the best freaking line you could buy, I loved it untill this year and don't blame my reels I use Diawa 700 wiskers on all my ice gear
  11. The boys at advance taxidermy are true artists, if anybody wants a mount made these are the dudes to get your work done. not only will you get an unbeleivable recreation of your fish you'll also have a piece of art
  12. so what are you telling me, now I have to buy a tackle bait managent system to use there product. Are you freaking kidding me, at $5.00 + dollars a jar they should be baiting my line with there crap!!!! Give me a break I pay good hard earned $$$$$$$ for there product, Berkely should at the very least give me a product that is usable and does not interfere with the rest of my gear.
  13. I agree but why can't they make it so everything I own dosn't smell like there idiot product gulp alive. At 5+ dollars a jar or 20+ dollars a tub why do I have empty freaking jars and there stink all over ny fish'in bag. Screw you dudes at berkely you want to sell me your product and then I have to put up with cleaning the mess!! Live bait is 10X cleaner then any of those stinking Berkely products and 100% more effective, don't get con ed by the berkely reps, I fish with one and they no poo
  14. Sorry to rant on this great fish'in site , but I've had enough crap from the Berkely corporation there products are below anybodies quality and for the fisher's on here I would ask for a boycot on there all berkely products. There selling substandard crap and expecting us fishers to use there product because of the name. For years berkely made and sold a fine product but unfortunatly they have chosen to manufaction there product cheaply over seas and the results suck
  15. I've been using berkely lines and products for almost 30yrs and have found them more then satisfactory until this year!!! Your micro ice line sucks, it has more memory in it then any mono I've ever used no matter what pound test from 2lb- 8lb it sucks big time, it's ashame considering this was once the best line for ice fishing. Your gulp products in a jar are also a freaking joke, everything I own is covered in your stinking gulp juice your freaking product leaks out on all my gear. I don't care if Berkely gulp is the answer to live bait, it's a dirty, stinky slimy product to cary in my tackle pouch.It really gets me angry when a company like this absorbs a bunch of small companies and turns there products into Berkey crap
  16. Best game they played all year, the whole team was clicking on all cyclinders, nice to watch after Fridays fiasco and the Burke tragedy it was great to see the team come together. It's seems to be a closer more effective team since the all the trades but I know it's still early to judge them
  17. I agree, time to hang it up boys the tempo was way off the old boys can't hold a note anymore without Entwhistle's driving bass beats it's just not the same. I saw the band 8 times in the late 70's, I think 3 of the shows were there final shows hahaha. We all didn't want them to stop but now it's time boys to give up the rock & roll and retire and spend the 100's of millions of $$$$$$$$$ and hang out on the beach.
  18. Dude we don't have Asian carp on the Canadian side so why put up barriers. I do agree the U.S does care because there the ones initiating the closer of Chicago system and they have alot more tourist and use $$$$$$$$ at stake then Canada.I don't think the last word has been herd on this subject, the states bordering the great lakes will be seeing red if this decision is true.
  19. Pickled Smelt yummmmmmmmmy, the only way to preserve them if you don't eat them fresh.
  20. Here's a better idea come down to Niagara and smoke steelies or shore cast for Brownies
  21. I know what your saying, the trouble is decent 4x4 atv's go down to about $4,000 and it's tough to find somthing worth buying after that, not impossible but tough to get a decent machine.
  22. If it was me I would just put casting deck up front and leave the rest of the boat alone. I wouldn't put a floor or remove the middle seat, but a casting deck would not be that difficult to install
  23. Honda.........don't know what you'll get for $2500, might want to double that
  24. Giguere has a Stanley cup ring and a con smyth trophy while playing for burke, he also is reaquainted with the best goalie coach he ever had so things may turn around for him big time. This will probably be the best opportunity he has to turn his game back on and reach the potential greatness he showed early in his career.As for Ian White his numbers are about the same as Phaneuf this year but phaneuf is having a bad season. I think White is at his full potential right now and I think Phaneuf is playing below his potential so straight up I think Phaneuf is by far a more effective player. Why do leaf fans want to trade Kaberle so bad, he's by far the best defence men that team has seen in years, check out his numbers he's consistantly in the top 5 defencemen in the league, while playing on a dismal leaf team He stays out of the penalty box aswell, theres 25 other leafs I dump before Kaberle infact I'd be keeping that boy around for awhile.
  25. Thanks bud, I have issues with both my stradics and the hard bail closing, I'll give this a try and see what happens.
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