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Everything posted by cram

  1. Heading out to subway to get a bite in a few minutes. Was going to eat my sandwich in the car (the tables inside are usually pretty full) but maybe not. The last thing i want to do is scare the people in my neighbourhood with criminal-like behaviour.
  2. Wow. So 2 guys sitting in their cars eating lunch in a parking lot look guilty of something? Are you insane?
  3. I think you should assume it was a case of mistaken identity (thought you were someone dangerous) or just a bad apple. Its one guy, not indicative of all of what cops are or aren't.
  4. any recommendations on a stream?
  5. Cuba?
  6. I guarantee 95% of readers smile when they first see that advertisement (and probably more like 99.5%). I know I did. Its a great advertisement. I'm also pretty sure the folks at St Croix were VERY pleased with whoever came up with that campaign. If they weren't they wouldn't have run it for what seems like years, in what is probably the most expensive ad space in that magazine.
  7. Try your tbone without the cattle boyz sauce -- you might get to taste the meat and like it a whole lot better. I like TBones as well.
  8. Its on the back of EVERY musky hunter magazine. Personally I think its a great ad and is clearly a joke. Hardly a dog with a hook through it. If you're offended by this you probably need to lighten up.
  9. If its a good floater suit and the only thing holding you back, just carry a life preserver with you in the boat.
  10. If its a good floater suit and the only thing holding you back, just carry a life preserver with you in the boat.
  11. Actually i have my PhD.
  12. In the Soo all cars are sold with ABS disabled. Drivers from here just don't need it.
  13. In the Soo we drive on rubber slicks. Treads are for wussies.
  14. Winter tires are for wussies. Military/police rescues on the hwy are for wussies. You guys are all wussies.
  15. Real paradise you have there...
  16. To the OP -- there are apparently all-seasons that are better in snow than others. I know there's a flavour of Yokohama all seasons that are winter rated (probably due to rubber compound). I don't know how to find them, but assume google can help you out. I bought my snows off of tirerack.com. US site, US prices, and even with delivery/tax/duty I saved $400.
  17. I wonder -- are winter tires more or less expensive in quebec? Or same price as rest of country? On one hand, if EVERYONE has to have them there'd be more demand.....but with more demand, there should be ample supply ready. Any idea if they're more expensive there?
  18. that wasn't the question. What would a non "wussie" do if stuck on a 400 series hwy with zero visibility and 200 cars parked in front of them? what would a tough winter-hardened non-wussie do??? Simplest of questions...
  19. And? Cat got your tongue?
  20. So like i said, what would you have done in that situation? Pretty simple question.
  21. As a side note -- chatted with a buddy from the Bruce Nuclear plant in kincardine. They were locked in at the plant for 2 days. Roads were closed. Everyone eating from the snack vending machines. Pretty crazy.
  22. Dr Sal -- what is it you would have done if you're stuck on a 400 series hwy with 200 cars parked in front of you, and nowhere to go?? Do you pull off-road and 4x4 home? And what advice do you give to those who aren't as tough and smart as you....especially the elderly couples and families with little kids stuck on the hwy all night. Pretty cold if you remember. Tell me -- what does a super tough, brilliantly smart, winter-hardened dude from the Soo do? Bestow some wisdom upon us...
  23. There's a massive difference but you don't know til you try. Ironically I think most mainstream winter tires are actually ice tires (vs. snow)
  24. Here's a question along the same lines -- if you were to buy a portable fishfinder that would be used in both summer and winter, any recommendations on which one is best? I don't want to buy a flasher, but i understand some fishfinders are better for ice fishing.
  25. You're smart. The 300 people stuck were morons. We get it.
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