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Everything posted by dannyboy

  1. As a fly angler think about it from a different angle and figure what food the #2 Mepp represents, say a minnow, and choose a fly that best mimics the local minnows. Zonkers work very well. Rabbit strip, mylar tubing, hackle, streamer hook and painted eyes - variations per the local forage. Not my tie. Dan
  2. I hope everyone on involved is ok. Why is it that we don't like the Government interfering with our lives and paying more taxes but at the first sign of trouble there is a call for a law? smells of socialistic brainwashing to me. If we continually want the government to make sure no one gets hurt, then hand over your paycheck comrades and get in line with the sheep. Nothing personal just an observation. Dan
  3. Check out places like Kijiji for stuff like this- $125 off list and no tax. One place I deal with on the web for tying materials is Johns Fly Materials good prices, and shipping by post is quick and cheap. Dan
  4. Sirloin, rare - reverse sear. Grill some onion slices, poblanos and potatoes at the same time, all over charcoal. Dan
  5. Been doing it for several years, started at 100k and am now close to 300k on the truck, it seemed to quiet things down on spool up with a slight increase in mileage (2% to 3%), no problems with sensors or catalytic converters. Speaking about additives; it bothered me that when fuel companies started adding ethanol to gas, my mileage dropped about 5% running that stuff. It seems counter intuitive that we have to burn more fuel (more $$) to be environmentally sustainable. Yet the government pays subsidies (more of our $$ again) to support the program that essentially raises crop prices and makes less food available in the world. Dan
  6. Nice kit, join a local fly fishing club it is a great way to get started. Oh, welcome to the dark side. Dan
  7. We have the same problem with bow hunters trespassing, the upside is that I am up 8 tree stands and 2 trail cameras so far this year. Dan
  8. Great report, tough news. I admire your spirit and positive attitude, lots of Karma coming your way. take care, Dan
  9. My Grandparents and parents lost many family members and friends to the camps in the second war. If it hadn't been for unselfish people like those in Lew's and many other families willing to put their selves in harms way many people, myself included, wouldn't exist and our world would be a much darker place and we certainly wouldn't enjoy the freedoms we do. 152 Canadian soldiers have died since 2002 fighting terrorism in Afghanistan so we can live in peace at home, let us keep them and their families in mind along with all our current and previous military personnel. Many thanks, Dan
  10. Our thoughts are with you and your family Wayne, going down a similar road ourselves and can sympathize. Dan
  11. Be strong for each other and stay positive, you are in our thoughts. Dan
  12. I have been having good success with intruders, purple and pink seems to work (not my tie)
  13. Don't forget a few streamers - Muddlers, Mickey Fin, Black Nose Dace Klinkhammers Loop leaches Damsel Fly Nymph Elk hair caddis San Juan worm Crayfish and scud imitations Now that you have plenty of flies tied get out and fish - lots of steel in the rivers. Dan
  14. Well done, great pictures. Nice to see another convert to the Dark Side. Dan
  15. Elderberry Dan
  16. I use both compass and GPS, there are places in the bush were the iron formation in the ground keeps a compass from working correctly. It is hard to beat a GPS to mark waypoints. Dan
  17. We use Roadpost and have had good service and the phone has worked well in many isolated parts of the world. Dan
  18. About $100 000, but just imagine the look on the jetskier's face!
  19. Neat watercraft, no casting deck though. Seabreacher
  20. Does the ranking you give the essay have anything to do with the vote count?
  21. I will add my vote for Lloyd Daume at U and ME Guide Services Great guy and works hard for his clients.
  22. Keep those votes coming. Dan
  23. Two years ago we watched a pair of jet skis run up to the whirlpool, just crazy. Dan
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