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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Exsactly my thoughts. Cougars are extremely quiet, and smart preditors. I'd say the same for Lynx, and bobcat.... I know 100% they are here...the MNR agrees, and yet I've never seen a print left behind, or a kill site. Smart animals, that are usualy 2 steps ahead of us....unless you throw a pack of hounds after them
  2. I booked a Deep sea trip from the resort but...it turned out to be more like a tour up the coast It was alright. First time we went out...the captain was drunk, and never slowed down enough to let the baits fall. We "tried" to get him to slow down, but he didn't understand us, got agetated and basicly took us home. We complained back at the resort, and got a second trip out with a better captain. Caught a few Cuda's but nothing to write home about.
  3. I don't know how "easy" it is to hunt cougars? Maybe with a pack of hounds you could run one up a tree, but simply tracking down a cougar would be pretty tough IMO. that...and there is no season here in Ontario, so why would one try. I think the evidence starting to pile up...only a matter of time till the MNR confirms it
  4. It was slow 2 weeks ago on the Sauble, and the gents I chatted up said the same abut the Saugeen...hope its turned around. Slow start to the run, but the best it yet to come right? "crosses fingers"
  5. Thats ridiculous, Pretty sad when you have to worry about being shot at while fishing in town by kids... I'd go back with a set of 2 way radios next time and a freind who "happens" to be parked at gulfs. Catch the lil sots red handed.
  6. Oh ya...thats the stuff Nice Buck! One week for me, and I'm excited to say the least! Been counting the minutes since last Fall LOL!
  7. Does it matter? Not to me... Money is great but I often pity guys like him...it must be horible to be so miserable all the time one would think? I suppose that kind of money is temping but its not in me to sell that product. But thats just me.
  8. Ya at the time it was a site to behold, and now these many years later that image is like a fine wine...it gets better with age. He's a total twerp...but a smart twerp He knows who not to fight, and who he can hold his own with. When he's out matched he'll just "ignore" the person he's ticked off, and let the officials or his team mates bail him out. Its crap... I'd liken his play to that of a small dog, all bark and no bite unless of course its puppy he's messing with. But when the bulldawg rounds the corner he barks lounder behind the saftey of a window, and while the leash is firmly in place.
  9. Tough call, No doubt a presence on the ice, and an effective one at that. But its anoying as hell to watch as well... I might as well watch the industiral leagues, or pick up hockey with a bunch of local hot head teens. Unfortunatly for me (because some actually like this style) thats the Way the games going so I might as well get used to it or stop watching. These shinanigans are one of many reasons I now watch the OHL about 95% more then NHL Same crap goes on, but its also penalized much more consistantly, and discouraged as opposed to embraced. IMO it seems the fan base, or target audience for the NHL advertisments and growth markets are no longer in my demographic. I enjoy a hard hitting, CLEAN, game were players keep each other honest in the corners, and what they can't keep in line the leauge takes care of in order to maintain a level playing feild for the Talent to shine. Now its more about "growing" the Leaugues popularity as opposed to "keeping" the true fans. And the business plan is about sensationalism, contraversy, and high energy drama... Yup I'm bitter, but hey if i'm the minority I suppose their better off with out me anyway. We'll see how long it takes for the NHL to flounder or boom I suppose....anyone else smell a strike? Anyway... How about Unsportsmanlike conduct? If it was on the officials minds one would think that call would pretty much undermind everything stupid he does, and force him to simply "Play hockey" But as it was mentioned before its entertainment, and given the leagues apporach to "growing fan support" I highly doubt we will see any push for firm enforcement. BTW...for all you Avery haters I've seen the man cry after taking a beating after school LOL! And yes he's as big as a tool off the ice as he is on.
  10. What could they do with the disfunctional parliment they were dealing with? It Wouldn't be any different had the tables been reveresed....non of the partys like to play fair with each other. Its not as if half the motions brought up were voted down, or as if they were CONSTANTLY under the threat of being brought down by Mr. Dion There is no innocent party out there...PC's are no worse then the former Liberal regime I've personaly seen enough Red in the last decade, and its not all been great as some would have us think. Either way, Traditionally with a minority governments regardless of the leading party you'll see very little change. From one party to the next they don't like to support each others Ideas, In their minds each bill, or plan is a chance to defile the other partys name, and win back some public support. And in the off chance its a good plan it still won't be passed because it might make the leading party look good so it won't be supported. Its always a big Dog and Pony show regardless of the ring master in minority governments. Not saying a Majority doesn't present some issues as well...I'm just saying For my self Blue is good, but there are way to many personal reasons to list. Just know this, If your informed...and by informed I mean very informed and involved You should be able to identify a "best" party for you. Get out and vote folks
  11. Nice Job on the bows! I love when there hitting the Spinning gear...got My PB on an original Silver/Black Floating Rapala 2 years ago. I had seen a few guys catch some real beauty's on a silver and Black Panther martin, so I figured the same thing...must be the silver flash of baitfish they were liking....I beleive it was my 2nd cast and whammo! Thanks for sharing!
  12. I fished it pretty hard a week ago and it was S-L-O-W Not a sign of anything. We worked the Gate, Burleigh falls area, and Hurricane bend, and found a lot of healthy weed yet, and some what warmer water then expected, but not much info to offer out side of a thorough skunking LOL! Info thats been passed to me that I can pass to you is cast the islands were deep water meets the hard edge of weed beds. Good luck.
  13. Lucky is right...Adrenalin must have been a factor in perfecting his swing I'd say!
  14. Myself I think I'll go the proffesional criminal route and specialize in Robbery
  15. Hang in there Bud, No one should have to go through the kind of loss you've endured. Its little comfort but its all I Have to offer....the Strength it takes to keep your head up and feet moving is admirable. Try and enjoy your day, and keep those tender memorys positive.
  16. Theres a fine line between all of this.... I'm all for showing respect to others including my Harvest/Trophy. So I'm not one for displaying a head on my vehicle thats a bit "overkill"(pun totaly intended) That would go under imature and a bit childish in my files but... Would I tarp my Kill? Nope, air chilling that meat is the next best for transportation outside of a refridgerated trailer. And besides that... As its been mentioned I've done nothing wrong, and I shouldn't need to Hide anything associated with Hunting. By "hiding" we're actualy making ourselves, and our trade more obscure, misunderstood, and more likely to be done away with.
  17. Ya...fire proof safe to hide your cash after todays poor showing
  18. Ya Tonka We tried that as well, We pushed out to deeper waters in the Burleigh area, in that 18-24' range, even swung into some 30' water by default, but temps were really consistent at that 63-65 mark regardless. Personally I think it was just a rough couple of days fishing, and the lack of response to the thread tells me I'm probobly right
  19. I'm curious if anyone has any Water temperature Signs they follow when Fishing fall Muskie? Reason I ask is I was out on Stoney This week, and couldn't rise a single fish...no strikes, no follows, nothing. We worked the Burleigh Falls/hells gate/hurricane bend area's REEEELY hard over 2 days, and didn't even get a sniff. We Worked the green weed, and the edge of dying weed, we hit the drops, humps and shelfs... We casted out token 10,000 casts, we trolled, fast slow, big, small, and every color in the box LOL!!! We were on the water during the cold front, and even through the warmfront that brought the Thunderstorm on Monday. There was no exuse IMO, I just figure they were off. Thats why its called fishing...not catching But... One Local we spoke to seemed to think the Temps were a problem? So much it appeared he decided to not even try? He was setting up his gear when I was talking to him, but after the conversation he never launched? Anyway, Water was between 63-65 degress pretty much everywere. I suppose thats a bad thing? It seemed like a bit of a lame exuse to me considering they'll feed through the Summer when things are obviously warmer. Anyway, My question is whats the ideal Temperature?
  20. Yup but... If his buddy is not licenced he could be in trouble, as it would "appear" he's hunting with out a licence. I'd actually reccomened against tagging along at all out in the bush, According to the Instructor I had for the hunter safety course, an unarmed unlicenced person tagging along in a deer hunt can be in contravention of the law as they can still be involved in a Drive. For exsample I could put my self in a stand and have my unlicensed buddys run the dogs, or even just hoof it through the area running the deer right to me....if a C.O. thinks your involved in any way shape or form you could find yourself in big doo doo. I wouldn't chance it if I were you.
  21. Some people talk about their dream trip, and then some like you live it to the fullest! Very epic story, great Pics, and a fantastic results to boot.... Thanks for shareing this. The effort you put into that report made for a great morning read before I head off to work and is very appreciated. cheers,
  22. Were there is a will...there is a way. Bravo!
  23. Nice day out on the water fer sure! And that thar is a Fisher. Lots around these days? I've seen them before in the same habitat, chaseing mice, and birds in the rocks around the Dam At both the Shand Dam (Belwood lake) and Pittock conservation area(Woodstock) Cute little buggers.
  24. I've seen some beautifull specs but never at this stage... Pretty wild stuff
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