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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Are they Hiring? And do their benefits includ free bait?
  2. Cooking you say? Don't give up on it yet...if you truely love it you'll make it work. It just takes some time, but advancement in a Good reputable place can be quick. Stick to Hotels and Resorts, avoid Mom and Pop run places...favoritism and limited funds can make them difficult places to advance. Trust me... I've been at the culinary Trade for 16 Years now, I'm currently 31 and was the youngest Exec Chef in the Company at age 25. Still am the youngest LOL! But there is alway a Lot of opportunity for young guys in this industry if your willing to work hard, be loyal, and tuff it out. Just choose your place of employment wisely. Anyhoo... I'm inbetween 2 jobs right now.... I am the Executive Chef at the full service Hotel and Conference Center I work at, and just recently stepped into the position of "Acting Director Of Food & Beverage services" as well. Not 100% sure I am wanting to step out of the Kitchen just Yet, but.... Its a new challenge holding 2 busy positions so for now its good. (challenge is the nice way of putting it ) I do however LOVE cooking proffessionaly...its a rush Its been compared to working the triage at a busy E.R. You never know whats comming through the door, and no matter what it is.....it's urgent and needs attention NOW!!!! No room for mistakes, every Pateint...errrr Customer demands "personal" service, and expects perfection. Days are long sometimes...pay is "fair" But the rush, the creative freedom, and the ever changing enviroment is addictive. Competition is fierce but that just makes it that much more rewarding when your the leader, and you have a great team to lead into the game... I was voted Favorite Local Chef in the Tricites area via the Kitchener Records Diamond awards this past year which pretty much made all the hard work well worth it....very proud of my Guys(and gals) Takes a team to win something like that, and thats my favorite part about this industry. The social comaradery that a kitchen provides is second to none. Yup... Can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now(except fishing of course) Or maybe working at a nice northern ontario resort.....thats if the wife was ok with the move Plus... Chicks dig a guy who can cook
  3. Leafs suck because they sell out even when they suck.... Managment is a joke. They play for a playoff birth every year so they can fill a few more seats, when they should be dumping the whole lot, bite the bullet, and rebuild already.... You think pittsburg has been great the last 5 years stong?...no sir Do you They picked up early draft pick gems like Crosby, Malkin, Staal, Malone, Orpik, Fleury by having great seasons, and lengthy playoff runs? Hell no! They had some bad seasons, saved their draft picks, invested in their scouting, develpoed young talent on the farm, and when the time was right they brough the right talent in via their draft picks to strengthen their emerging "YOUNG" and talented team. They picked up a few key Vets and went to work.... Look at Detroit with young up and commers like zettleburg, datsyuk, and Cleary... Cripes you need depth, and to get depth you need youth to develop. Toronto's biggest issue is they are always looking for the hero...that one or two guys to be our salvation who always tend to be Vets? Sure Sundins great but he's only one man??? Simply put The Leafs biggest issue is the "TORONTO FAN" Not to be confused with a Leaf fans... You know...the guys and gals that will cheer for Toronto pro teams in every sport, no matter how bad they are. The same guys and gals who know nothing of the sport but will still buy the seats with their corporate credit cards, and go to the odd game even though they have seasons tickets... The same Guys and gals that think Sundin, and Tucker are the greatest hockey players in the game but if you asked them they couldn't name another player on the team. The true leaf fans know we suck, and know their needs to be a big change before we can get better. Petty has got to go first....we need a true hocket owner as well, not a union retirement group. thats my 2 cents... I feel much better now
  4. Check your control cables to, and ensure they are pushing the gas as it should. If he tuned the engine he may have been manualy pushing the throttle, and choke whil testing it. Easy to check... Just pop the lid, and watch to see if the controls move as you push. If it appears to be lacking motion get a freind to turn the key and manualy push the throttle in bursts to get it started, pleeeeeze ensure you keep your fingers away from the engine If it still doesn't start try over pumping your gas a bit to ensure you have gas flow...check to see if your flooding, leaking etc.... If thats working fine I suggest you clean the carb, if it still don't start change the plugs. and then....take her back, or to a mechanic. Could be your starter?
  5. Bring it on! The heat that is... 30+ with humidity is just what the doctor ordered for me. This Spring sucked...got snowed on while camping in May and its been cool and rainy all dam spring, and I am ready to bake a bit. I work in a kitchen were the heat can pass 45 degree's behind the line, and It does't bother me a bit. Sure...I sweat, but then Again I ain't made of sugar, so its not like I'll melt? Global warming you say?... No such thing as Global warming in Ontario! Radical and sudden changes in the weather "are the Norm" here From 15 degrees to 30 back to 20 down to 15, and back up to 30 in June is nothing I've not seen before. I've worn shorts on the March break, and swam the lake in November, broke ice in a puddle in September, and been Snowed on for the May 24 weekend several times over.... Its nothing new, and thats what I love about Ontario! If you don't like the weather....Wait a day and see what happens.
  6. I'll third that, although I've seen even larger Carp in Wiarton.... Good luck,
  7. Thats a nice spot you got there for sure. thes a huge bonus to have your own dock right there...not many parks can boast that as a perk! thanks for shareing.
  8. Cripes that was a good read! Left me wanting more LOL.... Solo trips are what seperates the boys from the men, and you sir are no boy! Thanks for the reports/story
  9. In bad bug conditions... Long pants and a sweater with Deet spray around my Neck, wrists, and Ankles. Have a good hat on, and smoke a cigar. Or if its hot get a bug jacket and do the same. That will pretty much cover you, but also if your out for more then 2 days...incorporate lots of Garlic, leeks, and onions into your meals, and be sure to drink lots of Beer! It works incredibly well, so you won't need the Deet after about day 2... This method works so well that It actualy repells women as well LOL! But seriously... The coverage of the netting keeps you safe, while the deet keeps them away from any openings in the suit, and the smoke from the cigar keeps 'em out of your face. The natural odors you'll sweat out after 2 days will then take over for the deet. But if your only out there for a weekend, the deet will do. Nice thing about this method is you don't need much deet either....just a bit round the edges. Some guys I know will spray their hat, and pants around the waist as well but, they also have been known to have holes in their hats, and pants LOL!
  10. Exactly... You can slice it up anyway you want with Graphs, and Stats, but at the end of the day that’s one fact to rule them all. Taking Guns away from Responsible law abiding citizens does NOTHING to help combat crime what so ever... I'd like to see a graph that illustrates the number of Suicides, Homicides, and accidental deaths in a controlled Study that looks at these targets Against legal guns owned by law abiding citizens, and Criminals.... And then while we're at it, I'd like to see the Same study data put against other common weapons such as say...Knives, and other clubbing apparel. Here’s something a bit more geared toward debunking the Firearms make Suicide easier debate raised in this discussion... Right from Stats Canada http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/11-0...ticles/6349.pdf Successfull Suicides, and failed attempts can be measured as follows in Canada Suffocations which includes hanging 39% Poisoning which includes Drug overdose and the inhalation of Motor vehicle Exhaust 26% Were Firearms attempts landed at only 22%.... The graphs posted here are slanted, and rather meaningless in this context of debate, as they are to broad, and only include Firearms stats vs tradgity....The case study is all wrong and needs to have other non firearms related variables to compare against other wise, it carrys no weitgh in this debate. But I guess We're just spouting opinions, which by the way is fine by me... Cause I know I'm right, and every one who disagrees is wrong Life is good when your a know it all (and yes...I'm kidding)
  11. I have a Magellan Explorist as well, and have no isssues with it yet.... Works as its supposed to, and has been great to have. Meanwhile My Dad had an older Garmin that workes everynit as good, but it developed an issue with the Radio feature, so he sent it in and it was repaired and upgraded free of charge in 4 weeks, no questions asked... Given the Customer service night mare you've endured I will certainly think twice, should the one I have need to be replaced. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Never have truer words been spoken IMO.... Why ban my handguns because some drug dealing loser used a stolen one to kill some one? Should you ban my car too because that same stole a car and ran some on over? Or should we also ban kitchen knives, Rat poison, baseball bats, tire irons, golf clubs, glass bottles, belts, rope, hammers, screw drivers, chainsaws, Pipes, chains, ice picks, shovels, axe, hatchets, pitch forks, steel toes boots....... I'm sure You get the point. Even if you could some how take away a criminals guns(good luck with that), they will just use somthing else. Its cheesy, but its so true. Guns don't kill people....people kill people Criminals will always find a way to get their job done. Banning hand guns will only serve to take them from law abiding citizens, and inturn will do NOTHING to Curb gun Crime amongst criminals. The best solution available is put the Criminals away for longer if not permenantly... Remove the criminal...remove the threat Removing the Guns will only make them become more resourcefull. but thats just my oppinion
  13. Yup...I'll third that one. He had a nack for important points, and kept the other team honest as well. All around just an exciting guy to watch.
  14. People these days just have no common sence... In a lake that size why on earth would you need ride by someone that close? Its an absolute shame... I hear that, There were a lot of idiots out there this weekend.... Its just simple curtisy to slow down, or steer clear of other vessles, yet people don't seem to care. 's
  15. I think the Junior C are still there? Tonights game..... What a shame. Spokane wins by 3....2 short handed goals, on stupid...stupid penalties, and an empty netter. Call it sour grapes but after peppering the Cheifs with 54 shots vs 26 The 2 factors deciding that games were the goal tender(bravo BTW, and the referee's)
  16. FYI... Bear was shot in Salem Friday Afternoon... http://news.guelphmercury.com/News/article/331976 http://news.therecord.com/article/355326
  17. I actually fished that derby today...and totaly rememberd why I hate Competitive fishing We had a couple of strikes, and one fish on that shook us at boat side wich was fine. Weather was beautiful but bloody murder on the trolling motor...went through 3 batterys in the wind!!! But man, there was "A LOT" of boat traffic, and a whole lotta idiots out there today too.... At least three times I had some one Cut into my Obvious drift line and weigh anchorr, making me go around them, and then have them shoot me looks for passing with in 12 feet of them 's You'd think that spot was the onlyspot on the lake that held fish? Cripes a 34" winning the derby is slim pick'ns, and the word out there was Fishing through out the tourny was S-L-O-W...... Either way I got out, and enjoyed a nice day inbetween the exchanged evil glances whoopdy do... I think I'll have to give the lake a month to cool down now though after that marathon of pressure.
  18. I sprayed beer out my nose when veiwing this Picture and My wife says "what kind of F&%king trip were you guys on again?...." I swear to you...I "AM" wearing Shorts!
  19. Coydogs are more dangerous then that bear for sure.... I had a run in years ago in the winter of 99' Taking garbage out to the Dumpster at a restaurant I was working forin Terra Cotta, by George town....they came RUNNING out from the bush and got reeeeely aggressive, bareing teeth the whole nine yards. I dropped the garbage and said have at 'er boys and walked away s-l-o-w-l-y, and then very fast New company policy came out the next day. Garbage goes out in the morning light. We told the story to one of the locals in the Pub one night, and he said they were having issues with some very bold critters, but the municipality was planning on taking care of it... Don't know if they ever did or not, As I took a new job that January.
  20. Ya the Hockey house is a fun venue to watch from fer sure. I got stuck working late, so getting to the actual game was out of the cards, but I was lucky enough to score tickets to the Final on Sunday and I am on cloud nine! I wouldn't trade my Mem. cup tickets for a Stanely cup pair to be honest....not to watch pittsburg and Detroit anyway I'd rather watch my junior home team compete any day. What a great year for the boys.... They had a free ticket into the round robin, but decided to EARN their way in anyway! They are already winners in my books, a win on Sunday would just be iceing on the cake But I reeeeely felt bad for bellville....honestly I've been feeding the boys for over 2 weeks now(they are staying at my hotel) And I've been talking with George on and off and can say they are truely a great bunch of guys, they were really hyped up to be here, and they played so well up until last night...just a bad way to end a great season. I think Suban, and Wilson are gonna feel pretty crappy....They did not play well at all against K-towns big line. When one line scores 15 points combined to enter the all time Memorial cup record books, and you happen to be the deffensive pair that was "Supposed" to have stopped them....ya I'd feel like crap too I have to wonder... heres a small funny, yet not funny peice of Information. Appearently A girls University Soccer team checked in the night before the game....right next door to the Bulls George was not happy. Think it has anything to do with their game play?
  21. WOW! That wasn't game that was a slaughter!!!! Feel a bit bad for the Bulls though...crappy end to a great season. Geroge and his crew are a class act...so hats of to them as well. But l am looking forward to Sunday big time! As its bound to be a great Game!!! Anyone else lucky enough to score Tickets?
  22. Yup... There was one at Chicopee ski hill last year here in kitchener...it was ALL OVER the news LOL! So if they don't mind walking the trails in K-town, why not do some window shopping in Elora The bears are doing well down this way with VERY little hunting pressure, which definatly helps those populations to grow. Me thinks we'll hear more of this as time goes by
  23. Ya this Kinda Talk both scares, and infuriates me.... I'm fine, I don't need much, and will gladly scale back on the Luxuries I have in my life if/When I need to, but I fear for my Kids. I have many friends who missed the boat when it came to Buying property, and homes, and are now sitting back watching the real estate market sore, while feeling the pinch of an ever increasing cost of living directly related to oil prices. They get further, and further away from financial stability by the month it seems.... I have to ask what will this country have to offer my kids in 20+ years from now? The American Election will "hopefully" bring some stability to the markets, and we'll see a stop to this slide. But at the end of the day if the Canadian Government does not restructure the way we currently Disperse/import and export our oil we're done for... We have a substantial supply, and do in fact have some weight to throw around.... We just need to grow a pair, stand up and plug the artery with our finger, cause if someone don't slow the bleeding we're gonna run dry and fly right past the recession piece of this issue and flop into a full depression that will make the dust bowl look fun. And all this Oil conservation and "clever" governmental dispersement for what? "Future" consideration of the worlds limited Oil deposits, and subsequently the "future" Canadian Economy.... That would be great for our Future generations assuming the worlds economy will ship & Manufacture its goods on the backs of Oil run machines, and vehicles in the future....But then again once no one can afford to run a car, or purchase petroleum products what good will our oil be worth anyway? What market will sell to then? The smart people are already looking to getting out of oil, are moving into alternatives, and creating industry around it. Our government needs to smarten up and think about the present situation and evaluate its longevity. We should be capping our exported oil, subsidizing fuel for our citizens and seize the opportunity to strengthen our economy while its Possible...Its a matter of time until Oil and gasoline are not needed. We "should" be getting cheaper fuel based on our supply, which "should" trickle down and give us a break... It would be beneficial in business, travel, consumer spending, and lower our transit costs across the board including the cost of freight for things like food. A well fed society, with extar spending money will keep the economy strong!!! But what do I know....I'm just an average peasant right?
  24. Bet the bugs were good....cause the weather sure wasn't LOL! I Imagine The lakes would have been tough to fish on the fly in that wind.... But it looks like you did well regardless Nice copper color on that Second Spec by the way! Thanks for sharing.
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