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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Bah.... He puts on a show, but thats about it. C'mon Holdy you must have played a bit to be such a fan. He's useing the old strait arm clutch every time. Oldest trick in the book when tossing with a guy you know is more then likely gonna kick yer little behind. Grab the sweater cross arm to tie up the arms then keep your foe an arms length away with your head turned and way...way back. The distance keeps his pretty little face clean...sure he'll get some lumps on the back of his noggin but its all for show. Plus that little death grip on his opponents sweater gives him the ability to pull him close with head down to minimize the damage if the battle goes south...AKA the Turtle LOL! Sure he'll muck it up, but its all for show...he's not laying the beats to no one. But! I'll meet you half way...he can play a grinders game better then half the Habs or leaf for sure! I just don't think his antics, or morals fit my idea of Canadian hockey. A couple guys who played that ruff an tumble grinders game in the corners, and could draw penalties, and knock some teeth out when need be that come to mind... Wendle Clark, Cam Neely, Ricky Tocket....maybe even Mr Bertuzzi(allthough he's a case on his own) Avery could take a lesson from them on class for sure.
  2. Thanks guys, It was a blast for sure, I hope to get out again sooner then later, maybe target some bigger pike this time around. Joey Belwood lake is just outside of Fergus.
  3. Happend to me this weekend...sort of? We iced some perch caught aroun 9am...gave them the bat and on the ice they went. Then I go to clean them at 6:30pm and they were still kicking, I was shocked to say the least. Gave them the old bat again, and it was lights out...but the nerves were STILL going as I was cutting Kinda gave me the willies LOL Seriously though 9.5 hours out of water...they should have been toast. I have never seen that with any other fish. Could it be a perch specific thing?
  4. First off thanks to all the OFNrs who offered up advice getting me a great head start on Ice fishing, and sorry for the lack of Pictures. It seems leaving your camera in an unheated Trailer for a week kills batteries I managed 3 Pictures before the batteries went, and the ones I tryed to take on the Blackberry didn't turn out well at all... On to the report, It was a bit of an occasion as it was my brothers 30th birthday, and he wanted to go away for the weekend to celebrate, so I got the bro's together for a weekend at my place on Belwood Lake... It turned out to be an eventful trip! We made the trek on Friday night after work, and that was fun in its self! They don't plough the Park, so we had to walk in a fair distance lugging our gear, food, and beer through some fairly deep snow which made for many a pit stop, AKA beer breaks. I think some of the Boys were half cut by the time we got there Any-hoo, After a long night of Poker, Some heavy duty Nintendo 64 Hockey tournament play, and a lot of liquid courage the crew made it on the ice by 8:30am, the other half...about noon I started drilling holes in a not so traditional area of the lake being I had noticed quite a few nice sized perch in this area back in the summer. My hope was what ever structure was down there would hold them despite the lowered water levels. For anyone wanting to know The ice was great. There was an easy 18" of ice out there. As I punched through the water came up like a fountain!!! There was a lot of pressure out there for some reason??? It Made me a bit nervous at first as I've never seen that happen...but I got over it. Unfortunatley that water made for some slushy conditions around the holes, but hey...thats what boots are for! I cleared the slush as best as I could and got my Frabil thermal tip up set first with a decent sized Emerald Shiner, and raised it maybe 2 feet off bottom in about 12' of water, then set up my jigging hole about 25' away in about 10' of water and started off with a small black salted tube with a white skirt (word on the lake was they were working well). No more then 10 minutes later one of the guys nailed a beautiful healthy and plump 12" perch on a live minnow 2 feet off bottom in 12 feet of water. This was a good sign I thought, and more importantly I felt good that my intuition had been good about this spot we were on. Then as he re-rigged a new minnow he nailed another clone as the bait sank...Now I was jealous, but remained patient and trusted my bait choice. Of course as it normally does it got very quiet for a while. Actually I should be more specific, The Bite got got quiet. Just for some comic relief the other half of the crew made their way down to the lake, a little bleary eyed but mobile They grabbed my BRAND NEW auger, and headed out about fifty yards, only to come back a few minutes later with money in hand... They had "adjusted" the height of the handle ¾ of the way through the ice to make it easier to turn, and noticed it wasn't spinning??? So they put some weight on it and broke through. To bad they had put the wing nut in the wrong dam hole!!! This is why the auger wouldn't turn, and of course when they busted through, the bottom half sank like a stone...arrrrgh! Luckily we had two augers in the group, or they would have been on the road to pick up a new one. Sadly the fishing stayed deathly quiet until 4pm. By that point the hung over crew had left for more bed rest but a few of us remained to fight out the weather. The 4 degree temps made scooping the holes unnecessary, but the 30km damp wind just cut right through us! I had switched up my spot a couple of times trying to locate an area I believe held a small shoal that had I noted earlier in the summer. It was hard to tell, but I think I was able to visually navigate to the spot by land marks I had noted in the soft water season. I started fresh with a jig tipped with an Emerald Shiner, and had a hit...finally! But of course I missed it and had to re- rig Luckily for me she hit again, and this time the hooks stuck. I was super impressed with my new PB a healthy and very round 13.25" Perch! I iced her and re-rigged hoping lightning might strike twice...and it did! On the descent I nailed another 13" Perch while at the same time another in the group nailed a smaller 18" pike as well. As night fell we decided to pack her in as we were cold, hungry, and the bite had once again slowed down. So I packed up my gear and walked over to my Frabil tip up(the same one I set up in the morning). And I noticed the line was completely Slack??? I Thought it was weird, and reeled in the line right to the bottom of the hole, and suddenly another 12" perch few out of the hole on my line! I guess it had hit the minnow at some point, and instead of moving off the spot triggering the flag, she swam up towards the hole and sat under the ice So all in all we walked out with 5 perch between 13.25" and 12", and one small 18" Pike for Saturdays efforts All were caught in around 10-12' of water on jigs tipped with Emerald shiners with the exception of one that came off the tip up. Heres the smallest of the bunch which came on the tip up. Dam I wish I had brought back up batteries, so I could have gotten a pic of me holding the big Guy, or atleast taken pictures in order of biggest to smallest instead if vise versa before running out of juice...dang! So of course next I got to the real work, and cleaned 'em up. Sunday morning we headed out to the same Shoal and by noon we had iced another 2 small pike that were 20" each and another 3 perch around 12" each....I swear these Perch were clones? Any way, All in all we ended up with 8 nice perch, and 3 small pike which made a heck of a fry and a great Sunday night family dinner for my Bro's 30th! Not bad for a first time out I suppose? Looking forward to getting back out there! Cheers, and thanks again OFC!
  5. Sorry to hear of your loss... To loose a parent one is loseing a mentor, idol, and best freind all at once...it doesn't get much tougher then that. My condolences to you and your family Lew,
  6. WOW, Thanks for the info guys I appreciate it! BassAsin, The Willow Branch, and ribbon was the method of choice my buds up north use, usualy smelt on the hook. Pretty "robinson curuso" but effective LOL! Spiel, Its funny that you say that....word on the lake is that very same technique. I was curious about where to start, and thats where most people are pointing But that also completely contradicts all my previous experiences up north where we predominantly fished in the shallows... 6' was were we'd nail 'em, anything deeper and the fish'n got quiet. Thats what was confusing me more then anything... I'll more then likely start deep and see what happens and move around if need be. Guess I got nuthin but time to try out all of the above! Thanks again guys! Ps. The binoculars is both a great idea but kinda creepy too LOL!!!!
  7. Here is a realistic Question to ask your self, How long are you willing to wait? Whats your maximum time? You may actually come out ahead pulling... Bare with me here on some approximate numbers... Your down $10,000 right? How much interest will you pay on your mortgage over the next 5 years on that out standing principle? My guess is about $10,000 right...maybe a few Grand more, maybe a few less? So basicly on a 5 year plan if you pull out, your basicly going to break even. If you on the other hand let the investment ride for 5 years you "may" make back your $10,000 but...you've also Paid $10,000 in interest on your mortgage so now your still behind $10,000.... You "could" get lucky and make more, but you may loose even more then you bargin for. You need to decide how long your willing to wait. If you want to keep it really simple Holdfast... Compare your Mortage debt to the value of your investment then assess if your rate of return on the investment is more then the interest rate you pay on your mortgage. That will tell the story bud, I don't know your particulars but IMO if you can dump your investment and clean up your mortgage debt all at once, or in the next 2-3 years I would do it cause the market is not going to help you with less then 5 years time.
  8. Yes, I am in the middle of a claim right now, but its a Window, and flashing issue but... The Insurance company will not cover the Cause... This means before they fix the inside ceiling you will need to have the cause of the leak fixed out of your own pocket. They cover any damage that is considered "Direct, and accidental" damage this will be the EXACT wording on your contract terms. Anything "proven" to be damaged accidentally by the Leak is covered. Be careful though, Your insurance company will more then likely try to say the roof is in poor condition, and there fore was not kept in proper repair. In normal peoples lanuage...they will say you didn't take care of the roof so its your fault, and they ain't paying. Do your homework. Determine the age of the shingles, and if possible the warranty life of the shingles (ie. 15 year, 20 year etc...) Make sure your evestrough's are clear of debris, down spouts clear, and if nessasary shovel any snow build up. Do everything possible to avoid further damage...show your efforts to the adjuster. If you can prove you have been looking after your roof, and you've done every thing in your power to avoid further damage the claim should be a breeze...minus your deductable, and of course the repair to the roof(were ever the damage may be) Also, I'm sure this is not what you want to hear but... Be ready to wait a long time for anything to happen. The insurance companys will not repair a thing until the damage has been repaired, and no roofer will make permanant repairs this time of year being the shingles cannot properly seal. Trust me I know. My flashing needs repair but the roofers won't touch it until spring, and the insurance company won't touch any of the indoor repair until the outdoor work is complete. It sucks but thats how it works.
  9. As a "newer" Ice fisherman I'm just curious what ya'll think are the must have items an angler should have. Seriously... I've been out maybe 3 times in my life with friends who live way the heck up north... It was great fishing and a ton of fun but its to far to go frequently. So now I find myself wanting to get out there for day trips (I have a place on Belwood lake so I figure why not?) I have a jigging rod, and some basic jigs, an 8" manual auger and a portable fish finder...thats bout it LOL. I'm well rigged for soft water obviously, but this ice stuff is new to me. educate me folks...please LOL!
  10. Get The hell out NOW!!! I'm no financial expert but I know this... If your not in for the long haul your never gonna make that back. There is no sign of recovery in the next quarter, or the following...in other words the market(and your investment) is going to continue to drop or hold over the next 5 months. Most experts predict it will take 3 YEARS before the market recovers....some say longer, but most agree the next 2-3 years are going to be a slow ride. If your unprepared to wait a minimum 3 years...cut your losses and get out bud.
  11. If this actually had any grounding, or logic Mounties would no longer be able to wear Turbins? Also the Jewish yarmulke's are no longer allowed to be worn at work and I guess the Muslims are really screwed over as they have to pray 5 times a day....That happens at their place of work atleast once if not twice a day. The only way this ban on prayer holds any water is if it was a religious ritual that you HAD to do as part of your Specified duties of employment. Which of couse...this is not. You can pray at work any time.... Its not bringing religion"into" work, its mearly a religious observation "at" your place of employment. Whats next? If your co-worker sneezes and you say bless you are you to be disiplined? Gesundheit maybe?....It still means Bless you? Its just mind boggling that practicing a religion, or saying something with a religious history or implication can be seen as offensive just for simply practicing such a tradtion? Geeze what a sensitive world we've created...
  12. Really dude? You actually wonder why he refered to your remarks as "trolling" ??? You don't think you might be cruising a bit with a remark such as this? Really? C'mon man you were totally poking at him... Let it go or contribute... But to come back with a PERSONALIZED flaming remark non the less? Dude your not making yourself look very good....
  13. The idea of people taking offence to prayer is actually pretty sad IMO... Its a different story altogether if the workers were soliciting someone to join in the prayer. But the Article says "some mail carriers have been saying the prayer for 25 years" So I'd be inclined to say there is more then likely just a trouble maker taking offence.... What ever happened to just minding ones own business?, what happened to Tolerance? Or on the flip side and you were being solicited why not just say hey...I'm not interested?, or tell them to F&*! Off...its your call. I can see were a persistant person trying to "recruit" you could be worthy of a complaint But the article doesn't make it sound that way? I guess its kinda Subjective to a train of thought, until they release more information. Its Just Kinda Sad that this would even be considered a news worthy issue when really its only news worthy now because the human rights/religious freedom card was played. But if you take a step back and think about it Its no different then talking Politics right? Issuing opinions, trying to sway opinions....but they wouldn't ban that at work would they? Either way this issue is situational...And the Banning of a prayer could very well be a Knee Jerk reaction, and more then likely will be overturned. If these workers were indeed attempting to force someone to say a prayer that made them uncomfortable then discipline the workers for that...fair enough But you cannot make a blanket rule banning prayer at work based on the idea that hearing someone proclaim their own faith is offensive. Be it any religion...that makes no sense. If I want to say "thanks for the great day lord" while at work and people want to join me....its totally legal and likewise very much illegal for my employer to tell me other wise. There are of course technicalities such as times & Places specific to each job were it could be deemed inappropriate such as when dealing with clients, or around individuals whom have complained... But there are always ways around these situations be it a designated area or time. Its about Tolerance people...not tyranny Peace out.
  14. Word on the street says Belwood is slow this year... Its one of those lakes that either has a good year, or a not so good year. Heavy pressure through out the Summer can have that effect I guess. But hey...beats the heck outta sitting on the couch!
  15. Woo hoo! 100% in 28 seconds.... Yup, I'm bored LOL!
  16. Love it! Jigs dinner is great! Nothing like a home cooked meal, especialy when its such and eastern classic on a cold winters day.
  17. Ya I'm generic like that.... Followed by either "Yup...she a big one", or "bah...she's a runt" And a classic unintended release..."Son of a gun!!!"
  18. Good stuff! I hope they can diagnose a whole lotta "nothing serious" Keep us updated for sure, and get some sleep. Take care,
  19. I assume the age is not important to the riddle being you changed outboards age from 53 to 68...which is Still not old enough as that puts his birth at 1941 LOL!
  20. Thats the stuff!!! I've seen it done here in Ontario, and had the privilage to hook up once...but not longer then 10 seconds LOL. Truth be told there are spots on the bruce that can be great and its basicly best right before the May 24 give or take the water levels conditions and of course the hatch...but its lottery situation LOL! After that the numbers Drop significantly, but The browns are still fun after the steelies have gone for deeper waters. Its been about 4 years since I've been really in to it....I need to get back to it fer sure. Cheers,
  21. Outboard is 53 years old so he was Born in 1956 John wayne would have been 49 years old when outboard was born... Unfortunatly His father Clyde Morrison Died in 1937 and his mother Mary before him in 1930 Tough to know someones parents who died before he was even born.
  22. I like it the way it is...guess that why I keep comming back just my 2 cents
  23. I don't know.... Science or no Science I could care less. I can catch them in the Summer, and just catch something else in the Winter...to each their own I S'pose? The science and comparisons to other Areas that are open suggest the populations could with stand it in some areas. But I don't think instituting a Winter Bass season is exsactly "needed" either. We have a great fishery here all year long for a multitude of Species...if it ain't broke why fix it?
  24. As some have said before, this sent a shiver down my spine.... I have 3 children under the age of 4, and can't stand to see them sick with a cold. The Haunting look you speak of is terrifying... I've seen it before in Friends, and strangers as they go out, but never in the eyes of a child, let alone my own. Be strong, and stay positive. The words I have to offer are just that...words But I hope you can find some positive thoughts in the situation. I was 20 years old in the midst of starting a career, and living with a room mate who worked opposite shifts...so I was a basically alone most of the time when I began having odd things happen to me... I would come home from work, watch TV and eat, and then just in the blink of an eye wake up lying down on the couch very tired, and disoriented so I would just head to bed not noticing the time. This happened several times in the span of a week when at one point I noticed (as I awoke on the floor) The TV show I had been watching, was still in progress, yet I some how felt like I had been asleep for hours, and yet had no recollection of falling asleep, and could not account for why I had not finished my dinner, and why I was sleeping on the floor? It happened again the next day so I Naturally became concerned and mentioned it to my Girl friend the following day while out for dinner at a restaurant.... After explaining the situation to her, in the middle of eating it happened. I Zoned out... My Girlfriend at the time(now my wife) said I went blank, and slumped over the table eyes glazed over, it lasted only 15-20 seconds, but When I came to she was in my face asking me if I was ok...I could hear her, but not answer, I tried to speak, and could only mumble which scared me to death I jumped up in fear, and fell over....I had no balance I recovered my speech, and my balance but was incredibly Tired only a minute later. We rushed to the Hospital only 3 blocks away, were I was immediately seen and Stroke was expected, but when that was ruled out and I gave them my weeks history, Epilepsy was suspected(as I was fit as a fiddle, and not sick one bit) I under went MANY tests, over the next month... I was asked not to drive, and told If I had another Seizure I would loose my License until I was properly diagnosed, and determined if it was treatable. Everything was going so well for me, and all of a sudden things were changing for the worse. I had not suffered any Brain damage, but future events could change that, things were very uncertain. I prayed a lot...many others prayed for me too. As I type this almost 13 years later, I can tell you not getting a diagnosis, or not knowing the cause can be stressful but is likewise not always needed if you can stay positive, and have faith. I was never diagnosed with Epilepsy, I was never diagnosed with anything.... The Cause was never determined, as far as the doctors could tell it was a virus, but no one could say for sure. The only concrete facts were that I had suffered as many as 6 seizures, I had suffered no permenant damage, and more importantly after that day I NEVER had another seizure. Sometimes no news is good news... Be strong, be positive, have faith. T's & P's sent, and continuing to send.
  25. All very solid fish! Looks like you had a pretty good summer. Cheers,
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