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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Seems pretty ridiculous to me as well.... But then again I wouldn't fish a dock either
  2. How did I know that would come up....LOL Personaly I only fish lakers in the spring, but its more about opportunity then preference for me. Jigging will definatly work...people do it all the time. A finder would help you out greatly to find them...after that its all about the depth their in and rotating colors till you find what works but I'm not exsactly a "deep summer laker" expert either so... Hoepfully someone else who spend more time targeting Lakers in the summer will pop in and drop a few trade secrets, about finding the the thermocline etc... Good luck!
  3. As long as your litteraly willing to swim for its recovery should your line get wrapped up I'd say go for it. But that would make you a better man then most, and I'd applaud you for it. Unfortunatly I'd bet the farm the majority of Guys saying they fish these docks have never thought of the damage a snaged hook can cause to a childs foot....not to be nasty but hopefully they read this and that little cartoon lightbulb went off. I too get a bit defensive when told I can't fish here, or there, and my rights are questioned. But When It sank in that people swim there it changed my oppinion 100% Seriously its not worth it. You wouldn't fish an empty Swimming area at dusk or dawn under the same pretence that people "Swim" there right? (lot of fish there by the way...churned up bottom=baitfish in spades=predetory fish) Why put someone at risk over a fish?
  4. I never fish docks out of respect for the cottagers plain and simple...that and I have Children so I understand 100% were your concern comes from. Let me pose this question to those who fish the docks. How many of you will get out and remove the hook you snag on a latter, pole, or board on that dock? For those of you that will by all means continue your a good soul For those of you that say screw you its my right to fish any dock I please, and if I get strung up, oh well I got to close... Just think about the kids who swim at that dock, climb those latters, and swim against those poles, and boards...if you have any children or half a heart you may think twice next time. I personaly know someone whos kid had to get 9 stitches on her little 6 year old foot and almost drown after getting her foot stuck to the side of her Grand parents dock becasue some felt their rights were more imortant then the property owners saftey. C'mon guys Its common sence...people, their guests, their children, and their pets SWIM there. There is litteraly so much water out there why not play it safe and think about the other guy? We're anglers right? One thing that pisses us off more then anything is people not respecting us such as.... Jet ski's that get to close when they have the whole dam lake to use yet they use us as pylons...is this really any different? With so much area to fish, why encroach on the cottage owners... Try putting the shoe on the other foot, and see if you still feel the same? I know that I'll never do it again because of that little girls ordeal...it opened my eyes for sure. And for the record I am not a cottage owner I just think that fish under the dock is not worth it.
  5. Thats a beautifull couple of fish there Dan! Its to bad the camera never quite captures those colors the way you want eh? Theres really something to be said about seeing them right there in the moment.... Thanks for shareing!
  6. Like solo said...there is ALWAYS wood to be found. I camp Algonquin In the first week of May, which is only a week(sometimes only days) after the Ice is out, and the snow has either still been on the ground or just relinquished her grasp on the pines most years....thats its about as wet as it gets, and I've never had any issues keeping warm by the fire. My advice... bring an axe or hatchet, and a bow saw. no matter how wet the wood appears, if its old, and dead it'll be bone dry inside...split it and she'll burn Little hint if your unsure... Push on it with your foot, If its lighter then it looks the inside is dry, if its heavy thats the water weight still in it. You'll find a ton of good kindling under the cedar bows as well...rain doesn't penetrate to the trunk as well as you'd think. Have fun, Take A TON of pictures and be sure to post that report. Cheers,
  7. I do love the grand...and some of her tribs But The Herons seem to like me??? Check this out...I live NO WERE near the River, and one morning I woke up to my Wife saying "check out this Huge bird on the neighbors roof" And low and behold.... I found it odd...no ponds or streams close either, unless you consider 10km close?
  8. Wow Thats the ugliest Pickeral I've ever seen!... To bad the eyes were not a bit more hungry for you that day, but something tells me you'll find them in spades soon enough Cheers,
  9. I agree... I just wish the Government would open their bloody eyes and ears and change the System. People with severe mental illness be it Violent, delusional, or self destructive "NEED" to be "institutionalized", and need constant supervision until they can be cured....if they can be cured, and the only way to determine that safely is to have them supervised in an institution The Family and friends need to have more of a say when it comes to getting loved ones help plain and simple. Mentally ill people don't know they are ill... if their family and friends are telling the police and doctors this, there needs to be more then a 72 hour evaluation put in place, its not near enough! Its entirely possible that This tragedy could have been avoided had there been a better system in place...
  10. That’s an incredibly narrow minded opinion. As a person who is very close to someone who battles psychosis, and depression I'd be very inclined to be offended by your comment, however... Its apparent to me that your frustrated by our System, and believe me...no one is more disgusted with our mental health system then I. People who are ill have no means of getting help unless they "consistently" admit they want to harm themselves, or others, and even then...most of the time they have to actually prove their case to a doctor, which of course most mentally ill people will not do, because they "are not mentally Stable" Family and friends can cry to the police, and the doctors, and anyone who will listen but at the end of the day unless the sick individual is under the age of 18 they can refuse treatment. the best case scenario for most of these sick people is waiting until they hurt some one and fail, and hopefully the police are involved to document it...other wise these people fall through the cracks, only to resurface when you least expect it...and then its to late. There needs to be a better system put in place, where obviously Ill people can be forced into treatment...its a must for many I've watched my brother fall, and battle back and fall again for 9 years of his life, and there is NOTHING we can do because he doesn't believe he's ill...they never do So until he hurts someone or himself he will continue to live in this bloody limbo. We've exhausted all options made available to us through the Canadian mental health association, the Waterloo regional Police, and countless counselling agency's believe me when I tell you "these people CAN be rehabilitated, and they CAN get better IF you can somehow get them to except help" But unfortunately the system has more holes then Swiss cheese, so when the Ill don't think they are ill...its almost a hopeless battle My heart and prayers go out to the victims family, but I have to say I'm absolutely flabbergasted at the fact not one person tried to intervene?...not one You can't fault someone for being afraid, but I can't say I could have ran with the crowd...am I completely alone in this thought? I know its not the smart thing to do, and yes the fact is I could be killed in the process , and maybe I’m not the smartest peanut in the turd but It just sits way wrong with me? Are there no hero’s any more? Is it all about self preservation now? I don’t know…maybe it was a bus of elderly, but most of the people I saw interviewed were young healthy men….I feel horrible that not one person tried to help the poor guy? That reeeeely disturbs me, more then anything else in the event.
  11. That first buckets a beauty, and that slop just looks screams fun! Thanks for the report Nicely done as always
  12. To bad it was on us at 7:15 LOL!!! At 7:15 PM radar shows thunderstorms producing torrential rain. A few funnel clouds has been reported as well. Brief weak tornadoes are possible with these thunderstorm. This is a warning that severe thunderstorms are imminent or occurring in these regions. Remember some severe thunderstorms produce tornadoes..Listen for updated warnings. Emergency management Ontario recommends taking cover immediately when threatening weather approaches.
  13. K/town got hit Bad round fairway/doon area!!! We had no warning, it just popped up, and its now headed your way...its not much to look at on the radar but it packed a big punch Power outages localized flooding, trees down strong winds...
  14. I have the opportunity to fish the area this weekend for an afternoon. Never been there, and I am not well informed of the Depths, structure, prime species or even the best way to approach this water. We're tagging along with another boat who fishes the area with some limited success(Pickeral & Perch) They like to drift and bottom bounce for pickeral useing leetches, worm harness's jigs etc... Appearently the current is swift, so this is the ideal method according to them. Any body else concur, or disagree? I'm easy...I just want to maximize my time on the water. Not sure if there are there better opportunitys for other speicies, or if the riggers would come in handy at all? Just feeling out my options. Thanks!
  15. Nice bass you got there... That first ones pretty chunky! Bet the hit on that popper was wild eh? Man I love top water smallies...especialy first thing in the morning No better way to start the day Family camping trips are the things memorys are made of, and it looks like you guys found a great spot to make a few more. Thanks for shareing!
  16. I beleive this one came up as a fake earlier in the year? I seem to remember it had something to do with the shoulder position of the "hold" and a "suspect" shadow... or lack there of?
  17. Glad to hear everything went well. Take it easy and enjoy the summer.
  18. Ya but nothings worse then getting there and going "DOH!!!...forgot my Camera, or where is my Rod???" LOL! Have fun!
  19. Here's another comparison for ya Nemo, She was 32" x 19" I did not take a weight measurement...but we estimated about 14lbs. Keeping in Mind this is a BOQ eye, your Kashagawigamog fish is WAY Impressive
  20. Man...thats a trip and a half!!! Your reports always make me WAY jealous But I appreciate all the effort you put into them Thanks for the report bud! Cheers,
  21. Yup, Not common as common as say bass or Pike but, I've ssen them caught close to Kitchener as well.
  22. Personaly I used to deep hook Fish fairly often with Live bait....when I used to use live bait that is. I have not used Live bait in years...not preaching against it or anything, it just not what I do now a days. As for Deep hooked fish on Lures...its rare for myself? I've had Smaller lures taken deep occasionaly that got hit by a big Pike I wasn't expecting, but in all 3 cases I've had it happen I was able to remove the hooks effectively. But it happens...no doubt about it.
  23. Agreed Rich, Might make more sence as a "single rod for Live bait" regulation? But then again...our regs are confuseing enough as is.
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