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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Ya theres a few cells on the Radar that just kinda "popped" up moving Northwest to south east... Odd direction for this time of year, but thats weather in Ontario!
  2. For Trolling artifical baits I totaly agree....it makes little sence to me. I always figured its mearly a way to limit the chances of catching thus increasing the "sporting" aspect, or working towards better conservation etc...
  3. I Like that! I'll bring that one to the wardens attention...in a few weeks LOL
  4. I've been reeeeeeeeely behind in any reports, or fishing pics this season it seems outside of my annual spring Algonquin report...but its not with out good reason. Its because I have not been fishing of course... Why you ask? Well that’s simple... My Wife was due with our 3rd child, so travel since June was officially Banned by house rule(AKA..the warden) So it finally happened yesterday at 4:30pm Along came My first Son J.J.(Jack, Jeffrey) weighing in at a hefty 8lb 1oz 20" long, and full of piss and vinegar!!! Literally... He came into the world screaming, and pissing all over the doctor and nurses LOL!!!! So anyway, The family is Happy and healthy now, but boy oh boy let me tell you the Wife had it rough this time around...au natural thanks to some "missed details" Regardless, She's one tough cookie, and I thought I'd share it cause she deserves the accolades So as for my poor fishing performance this year, and lack of reports I'll be producing.... I just became the Proud father of 3 children under the age of 4 which of course means I'll be a bit busy. That’s my excuse, and I'm sticking to it! But for the record I wouldn't have it any other way Cheers, For those Baby folk, who just love babys...here's a small video He's pretty alert for being about 2.5 hours old! http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c363/coo...nt=100_8000.flv
  5. How bout Non Canadian Born citizens living abroad that critisize our nations ability to eveacutate them from a war zone they chose to go back and live in while holding dual citizenship... Cripes that blew my mind Talk about wanting your cake, and eating it....geeeeeze
  6. Thats a beauty Pickeral bud!!! Especially with not getting out much this season so far...thats gotta bring your Average Size/number up HUGE lol! At least thats How I'd look at it Cheers,
  7. Brad paisely Rocks! Oh looky there...I gotta bite
  8. Cripes thats a beauty Perch!!! I'm soooo envious of that camp The Type of lake would dictate how I approach those specs I think... I find it makes a difference in the how they feed...especailly once its hot If its a kettle, or spring based lake, I'd bet the water temps will remain a constant cool...so I'd bet you'd hammer them in shallow cover. Logs along shore in 6' + of water is what I would Target primarily with the usual small spinners(blue fox, Mepps etc), or small Rapalas But....if you can get ahold of some crawfish, leeches or minnows I'd give them a run. If its a steam or Tributary fed lake I'd take Musky or specs advice fer sure....shoals, and any "big rocks" that cast shade in deeper waters. But... Thats Just my $0.02 Cheers,
  9. I shot the lights out in May, but it was slooooooow for me in June. But then again I've been out twice since May My wifes due with my 3rd kid in.....ummm...about an hour or so LOL! So my time on the water for July has been "non-exsitant" Hopefully it picks up by September...
  10. Looks like a great spot even if it does have a sand beach.... To funny, my young ones are the same ages, and quite a handfull on a fishing...errr I mean Family Trip, but they are always full of memorys, and a blast all around.(especially when the fish are on ) Thanks for sharing!
  11. Naw...not that good, its just a body of Water I have fished since I was a boy so I know it well. My Dad used to take me out on the old Dock at Oxeden across the Bay from Spirit rock, it was an old wooden Peir that went WAY out to a nice weed bed that used to hold Rainbows, and browns all year long. It was such a nice spot to take Kids...we'd nail perch all day, and the odd bass as well. It was a bit adventurous at times though as It used to sway in the waves LOL! Guess it finaly fell in one winter.... I still frequent the Sail boat Dock right at the Spirit Rock heritage Site, when I'm fishing solo and looking to get some sun, while wetting my line....can't beat that veiw! Many times I've trolled those waters with the riggers for Salmon and Rainbow...even caught a skamania oncem but not once, have we gotten a laker. I know they are there, just not bumped into one yet. Cheers,
  12. I got stern neoprenes, with a nice set of Hodgmans Wading boots...well worth every penny I seriously have not EVER been overly Hot in them even in the summer months, although mine are not Snug on me either, so they hang open enough to breath above the water line, and anything below the water line generaly stays comfortably cool, be it 1 degree water or 70 degrees. The nice thing about Neoprene is the versatility...you can use 'em all year round, and are more durable them other materials, and easily Patched I might add if you have an accident. All I'll say is this... Good luck with a set of cheapies in November or May LOL...you'll freeze your you know what off
  13. Great belated intro, Mighty Neighborly of ya Might that be Colpoys Bay AKA Wiartons "Spirit rock" in the Back ground? Love those crystal clear and deep waters... I'm yet to pull a Laker out of there though...Salmon, Steelies, Whites, and Brownies yes, but alas no lakers. Anyway I could be way wrong but those cliffs look the same to me? Cheers,
  14. Thats a nice way to spend Canada fer sure! Decent bass to boot, and I bet she was a blast to haul out of the Bog...all that weed makes for some great Bulldog'n eh? As for the Pro element to all this...Who cares? An is an , it don't matter how many stripes he has, or what color they are. If the is willing to put his name on his boat that is his own liability put out there on a plate for all to see. If he's gonna be rude, well....We reap what we sew folks. Perhaps if he catches wind of this little skermish then maybe he'll pop in and say sorry, or at the very least he'll think twice about his conduct out there next time....heck even I learned somthing by this! I'll make sure to NEVER put my name on my boat
  15. Thats a biggun! Is it me or is that brute pretty dark for so early in the season, shadow maybe? Either way thats a heck of way to spend the afternnon! Cheers.
  16. Was there 2 weeks ago, and enjoyed...fishing was HORRIBLE, but thats not the norm. I guess thats why they call it fishing and not catching right? Anyway if you head there enjoy it, Its a beautifull part of the province, and is one of a few places that offer a very real possibility of breaking world records! Go big or go home! Cheers,
  17. I gotcha covered Moon river basin Marina rents boats, you can park there, and there are some beautifull crown land camp sites up there. Give them a call and I'm about 110% sure they can point a few sites out from their docks. http://www.moonbasinmarina.com/main.htm
  18. Wow lots of bass action! I love those "poppers" nuth'n like watching them smash it on top. That pike is a total pig BTW Thanks for sharing that
  19. Looks like you had a great day out there, nice way to start the season for sure! Thanks for sharing. PS. water looked pretty high eh?
  20. Thats fine way to start the season off! Thanks for sharing that. I was working that same bait on the moon river this weekend...didn't work out for me the way I hoped but its nice to know it catches fish for somebody
  21. Was on the Moon river last weekend....Black flies were tolerable, but the Skitters were BRUTAL!
  22. LOL...ok Now I am in the know! Thanks!
  23. Nice job! Some beauty fish there, the first musky is healthy looking guy...nice big head too. Got some years to fill out yet I imagine! Thanks for shareing. By the way...I gotta ask I've been kicking around on this board for long time, and still have no idea what "WGSF" means? I know its a rock bass but whats the acronym WGSF mean anyway LOL...
  24. What lakes are you going to be at? In the south end of the park Many if not most lakes will have Lake trout, some will have Specks too. But Depending on the Lake your on you may find Smallmouth, Perch, and even Pike. Check your regs but I'm about 99.999999% sure that everything is open at that point???? The lakers will be deep, so you'll need to jig, or find a way to get your Baits down(three swivel method) But I wouldn't bother... That time of year you'd be much better off targeting the Bass in my oppinion. There are some real monsters in some of those lakes especialy if you get in to some more remote lakes... They will be less traveled and the bass are not targeted the way trout are, so you might find your self in for a real treat. I'd look for fallen trees, reeds, and thick grass beds with gravel or sand beds. Or the rocky points on islands, and shoals...all text book algonquin holding grounds for smallies. If it were me...and I wish it were me LOL! I'd bring pumpkin seed tubes with bullet weights for the fallen tress, Perch colored Rapalas for the shoals, white Offset spinners for the reeds, and a leopard frog Skitter pop for the edges of the grass beds at dusk or any time in calm water. Cheers. and good luck!
  25. Yup Sous Chef = Chef...when Chef is away And yes it can be a bit of gong show, when Tempers flare. Its a combonation of a fast paced, HOT, and high stress enviroment that gets people yelling LOL! But... Personally I think people are more apt to help you, and aim to please you if they actually like you... So I don't yell, or call people names...unless they deserve it
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