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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. No offence Taken at all But I gotta say... The "priceing me out" was actually the first thought that came to my mind. But also part of what ticked me off in the first place. He wasted my time...I took the time to meet with him and offer him CASH for his services. I took the time to scheduled myself around "his" availability.... And here I though "I" was the Customer LOL!!! Anyway, I have the utmost respect for the trademan... My Dad was a carpenter, became a plumber, pipefitter and is now a mechanical estimator, I have 2 brothers who are electicians, one who's a milright, and another whos still working on becoming a plumber, so I'm very familiar with the ropes I would have been totaly fine had he said he's to busy to get to us this year, or asked if I could wait till November, or next spring... Really any common courtisy would have sufficed. Also its worth mentioning Jays fencing is not a small 3 dude operation either.... I've seen their work and they do good stuff but nothing that warrants a $5000 premium. Was it "pricing me out"...maybe Was it "trying to rip me off"...maybe One thing for sure....he'll never get an endorsment or a red cent from me We'll see were it goes from here, as he's Still not called me to quote on my supplies.
  2. With colors that vivid I'd be inclined to say an Aurora? Rare stuff if it is?
  3. A small rant here... (Which is rare for me) Anyone needing a fence, Deck or Patio beware of Cons. Luckily I wasn't dumb enough to fall for this... I am in the market for Building a deck. Its a Simple 12' x 24' with center Stairs and a basic railing, raised 4' up to be level with my sliding doors. I have built decks in the past, just never been the one Purchasing the wood(Ie. helped freinds, and my Dad etc...) So I was going to build my own deck , but figured I'd get some prices on having it built While I'm it, as time is not somthing I have a lot of right now between my busy season at work and having 3 children under the age of 4 LOL! So here is the fun part. All my quotes come in between $2200 and $2500 for Supplies, and if I want them to Build the deck they range from $3600 to $4000 But then I get "Jay Fencing" to come in for another quote... So I go through the usual information exchange showing the estimator what I want, and asking for a price on materials alone, and a price to have it built, and of course the Estimator is making the usual small talk, but agree's its a good plan etc... Today the quote comes in at $9600!!!!! And to make matters even more fishy...he won't give me a materials cost which I requested? He has a case of amnesia it seems, and didn't realize I wanted prices on both. Which of course is a farce, Now he's in deep crap cause their Website advertises the sales price of their lumber, and any one with half a brain can tell the Materials price "should" come in lower then the Rona's and Home depot's of the world yet his Install price is litteraly $5100 more then the most expensive quote I have!!! These are the type of guys that give contractors a bad rep. It not like I paid him, but man does it Steam me to have someone treat me as if I'm some sort of clueless kid? Anyway not much I can do about other then warn others about this kind of thing... Allthough I have every intention of Contacting the owner at this point being the Estimator now seems to have disappeared, and has not called me back to answer my concerns which only serves to infuriate me even more. All I want is a materials Price so I can compare it to their Website costs... Of course he won't do it because he knows full well that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he's trying to rip me off, and places like the better business bureau just love to see that all neatly written onto a paper estimate. What an
  4. Yup...same Scenario but only follows, no strike. Had a biggin in the moon river fololw me up to the boat 3 times, to no avail Frustrating as all heck isnt it LOL!
  5. Ya yer fine. like its been said just keep and eye on the weather. Most rentals in the area are 14-16' Aluminum tillers with 9.9 to 15hp motors. A wide beam is helpful, and Deep V is especially helpfull, but either way If I were you though I'd just keep your escape plan in the back of your mind... If your comfort limit is a 3 foot chop( thats were I call her quits) Be ready to head out when she's a foot and a half because that water can and will blow up fast. And don't be impatient... If you get caught Taking it easy for a few hours at a dock, or trolling the harbor in Picton waiting out the wind beats the hell out of visiting to Davey Jones locker! Cheers,
  6. Yes that true if its your useing a basic $15 "blow up" model. The self inflating therma rest models are made for all seasons, super light, durable, and compact to boot...but They also cost $70-$150
  7. If I were you I'd buy a tent with a full length Fly, and a vestibule for your Shoes, and rain gear... There is nothing worse then haveing to keep your wet, muddy, stinky rain gear in the tent with you...yuck! Vestibules rock!!! if your Traveling light all your gear can stay dry and tucked away in them, I've even kept Firewood In there overnight to make the morning Fire a little easier to start. I have a Coleman that is no longer made... But its essentialy just like this, only green Its only $110 But I don't like how the Fly stops a foot from the Ground on the new model...seems stupid to me? The Fly on mine goes to the ground and extends out about a foot out from the Base...and never leaks This however Caught my eye as an affordable model that looks Pretty water tight. This one is $70 But still it would be nice to have the fly extend out away from the bottom of the tent? I should get into Tent design LOL... Don't forget to buy a good ground sheet, and Thermal Air mat as well, when properly used it can be the difference between a wet morning, and dry comfy sleep. You can pick these models up at lebarons, and I'd bet they have nicer ones with a larger Fly as well.
  8. Wow 76 years old eh? Thats a Solid Product...sure don't make much of anything like they used to!!! If only Coleman made cars LOL!
  9. The Lantern I use is an 1981...still works like a charm My Stove However is an older 1961 model Still works great....many good fish fry have been made on her elements I Still prefer it over the Propane models for the stability factor, not to mention 2 burners and wind control. And if that wasn't enough, it makes a great table top when its closed. Sure its heavier then the newer Propane models but then Again its got a handle to carry it with, and it will start even if its wet... the 2 propane stoves that got wet on the last trip didn't fair so well LOL!
  10. Nice Job, Thats a beauty Musky! Gotta love those "Guys Weekends", Good food & drink....and some good fishing never hurts!
  11. Thats a pretty cool find Nemo! I love the Naptha lamps... They will stand the test of time if properly maintained. I still use an older coleman Stove and Lantern on my trips(older as in 1980) I love that style because it puts off a lot of light, the fuel is cheap and it comes in handy some times. Nothing and I mean NUTHIN will start a fire in damp conditions like a little naptha... Try doing that with yer new fancy high tech Propane burners
  12. Very well could have been! I had a tussell with what I beleive was one later in life in Colpoys bay in Mid July as well.... We were running riggers all day to no avail, and I decided to switch my depth WAY up to 30 feet, as I was marking a few fish up high so I figured why not?....we were about to be skunked anyway as we were on our way back in to the dock. No more then 5 minutes later Bang!!! My high rigger goes off but the line went slack so we figured he was off. I was reeling in quickly to get the line in and back out when I suddenly realized he was swimming "AT" the boat! By that time he was already airborne. He hit the lure down 30 feet, and was taildancing by the time I caught up on the slack LOL! Incedible fish....absolutey awesome fight! The fight was litterally all on top, which is why we figured is was a Skamania. Pretty rare to hook a Steely 30 feet down on the riggers, only to fight him in the top 4 feet of an 80' depth. I'll have to dig up the photo and scan it....it was before the age of digital LOL! I've been dying to get back out there and do that again, but I've just not been able to find the time the last couple of years. I still know the spot. Who knows maybe they are still around....locals say yes they are, allthough I've not seen one since
  13. Alright I'll sport a guess but I'm gonna say at night...probobly Late at night when Solar flares, and other solar interference is limited being at that time of day we're faced away from the sun? I'm probobly way off but its a guess to start the ball
  14. Yes and no... I lost one in southhampton once. I was fishing Bass in Mid July, with Crawfish when I was a kid, and got a hit...set the hook and she went airborne jumping, and running, and spit the hook....both exciting, and very disappointing as a kid LOL! I caught some splake 3 years ago that were loaded with Crawfish as well. I think they are pretty much a staple food in the diet of most fish.
  15. Cabin fever...plain and simple, I'm not a huge Ice Fishing guy, and the soft water season was done, so I was surfing for Fishing Chat rooms, message board...anything to talk about fishing!!! I went through a few stagnant Sites with little energy going round...Posts could sit weeks with out a comment? Then I found this board, and I knew I found somthing special right away. Great folks, lots of interaction, a willingness to share....I was hooked!!!(total pun intended) Here I am... 6 years later still loving it
  16. I can't beleive you picked it up It must have stunk BAD.... LOL
  17. My Momma always said "if your ain't got nuthin nice to say don't say anything at all" so....
  18. I agree with this 100% But its done now...only gonna get worse IMO Might as well stock more Rainbow, or lakers...more adaptive, they will do better.
  19. Gotta be honest... I do not fish barbless most of the time. When I fly fish I do, simply because not one of my flys have a barb...I fish a No kill zone 90% of the time so its the law, and I pinch the barbs the minute I buy the Fly. I pinched the Barbs while Fishing for Brookies in Algonquin Park this past spring because we were catching a TON of them, and I wanted to release them in as good a condition as possible, and not limit out in 2 hours LOL! If they were bleeding they became Dinner...simple as that But we had every intention of keeping a few to begin with so I guess thats an entirely different scenario. But if I'm out and about fishing Pike, Bass, Musky, steelies or what have you...I always have the barbs on. I guess I like the back up Saftey net? But that being said I do carry cutters, and I'm not gun shy at all when it comes to a sticky hook. I'll cut it and put a new hook on with out a hesitation should the situation call for it... I could care less if it was a regulation...if Ontario went Barbless I wouldn't complain, but then again being its not I'll take advantage of the benefits were I feel morally justified All in all I think I'm pretty experienced in the art of a tricky hook removal, and actually kinda Pride myself on it So ya...thats me Just being honest
  20. Too funny! I suppose Mike couldn't be to upset at the loss considering your effort LOL! That last bass is a beautifull Speciman....love the light coloration It reminds me of the Bass I catch in the the Saugeen. Cheers thanks for shareing,
  21. Thats quite a milestone for sure. Congrats on 50 years done right!!!
  22. Ain't that the truth... I'm all for change, but I'm not in the market to just dump my 40horse, or 9.9 because they are less effeicent then new models. Wish I had the cash to do such a thing but that just won't happen any time soon. Besides, For how often I run them I'd bet the Level of emmisions I'm putting out is about 1% or less of what my car spews in a year... Its a Nice thought to make boat engines cleaner, but I hardly think emmisions testing outboards is the way. It would be almost impossible to enforce, and really will just make it more expensive for people to get into boating. Yet another exsample of inflation... IMO...Making the recreational use of Boats more expensive/difficult seems like a waste of resources if you ask me.
  23. If your bleow the dam remember its a sinlge Barbless hook/no kill zone. If your shore fishing it'll be a bit tough right now.... The water is WAY down...the water is being let go for the season, so it'll just get lower and lower from here on in (normal for this time of year) I find the fish in belwood will be skittery this time of year and the most productive spots, are deeper holes, and off shore structure. The good news is they are feeding heavily, and when they are on...its on But its a hit an miss thing with the huge fluctuation in water levels this time of year. They are kind of pushed off there normal structure so they are a bit scattered, and tough to find if you don't know the lake. Good luck, Might see you there!
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