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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Wow, Suddenly I understand why the statictics are the way they are.... In fairness I suppose at 100km it won't matter if your wearing a floater or not. If you hit anything, or fall off your screwed Either way be it on open water or not. The way I see it the polite thing to do would be to wear a floater so your recovery team can leave the diving suits at home geeeeesh this kind of mantality just makes no sence to me. My Mustang suits warm as heck, and not stiff at all? Was it expensive....yes, but who cares? If your on a lake its the "smart" thing to have on...I thought That was common sence?
  2. Truth be told I had a run in with them years ago, and I shared this story on the board Twice before. I used to work at a small country Inn Years ago that was nestled right on the credit river in Terra Cotta. I Never had any issue, nor had I heard of any issues with wild dogs until that year... Local regulars in the pub were talking about this pack of Wild Dogs that had attacked someone, and killed their dog one night....they were appearently out for a walk just after dinner in the fall. As time went by there were more and more reports of close calls, missing pets yada yada... Winter came, and I had thought nothing of it for months until one night when I was walking the garbage out to the dumpster located down in the staff parking lot by the river. I got 30 yards outside of the Building when I was suddenly rushed by what I would estimate as 6-7 dogs... All barking snarling, and making lunges at me. Luckily for me it was the fricken Garbage they wanted... I dropped the bags and backed away slowly...they ripped the bags to shreds. But a few were still more then a little interested in me. Lucky for me...again...dropping the bag distracted them long enough to let me get back to the staff entrance with out incident. But those dam dogs took a good run at me anyway. I had to run my butt off for the 10 yards, and slam the door behind me. The police were called as we still had a couple guests and staff that had to walk to their cars yet at the end of the evening... An officer did show up, and we were told this was not an isolated incident, and that animal control would be taking care of this soon... Needless to say when I left I borrowed the cast iron poker from the pub fireplace for my walk out to the car. I heard, although it was only rumor...that animal control did infact track and put the animals down. Either way I'll say this, In my life I've run into bears that seemed interested in my stuff, Wolves that passed by my camp, Coyotes that crossed a road at the wrong time...and even a bobcat that scared the crap outta me(only because I didn't know it was there so when it took off it startled me) But I've never ever been that close to real "incident" before. They unfortunatly have no fear of people and they see us as sources of food...not nessarily food itself, but they can indeed be very dangerous if they think you have food, smell of food, are walking a pet that could be food...etc Wild animals are usualy smart enough to not want anything to do with us. But Wild Dogs...yup they are Scarey stuff.
  3. Dirty O'l K-town... (Kitchener) Wishing it was more like Kirkland lake, Kenora, or kesagami LOL...Someday
  4. Yikes! Poor kid...Thats one of those nightmares that will keep replaying in his brain for a while.
  5. Beer snob here LOL! Like my Microbrews, Mill Street, Wellington, Mcauslan, Grand river brewery to name a few heck even Some Brick although they hardly classify as a microbrewery any more, But a good Ceasar is always nice... And of course a good peaty Scotch or BIG Red wine is Alway nice on a formal occasion!
  6. Very nice. I love the dark colorations.. Funny how different looking Specs can be, even when pulling them from the very same spot. In the spring I got into a mess of them and had them ranging from dark browns and yellows with vibrant reds, and oranges, bright silver with almost glowing blue and pink spots....and then some inbetween LOL Very cool non the less. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Wow...what a lucky guy! That new pic really illustrates the the size well. Nice New potential sponsorship plug too
  8. Your thinking about it all wrong...I understand maybe it's not in you to pull the trigger, and thats fair. But there is no shame in this at all. That moose was Not "killed FOR sport" It was Harvested for Food...and the proccess happens to be sporting Many of us simply enjoy being a part of the whole proccess, from the start to the finish. Its mearly 2 steps further then visiting the Market and choosing a steak. If it was just a Kill for sport, we'd take some pics, maybe the rack or head as a trohpy, and leave the rest.... But thats not the case at all. Beautifull animal for sure, but he's also part of the food chain that we run. No harm no foul here to speak of...it was harvested the same as a Cow, or Chicken, but in this case the hunter chose to take part in the kill, and for his efforts has gained a lot of meat for his freinds and family. Personaly I'd rather feed my Children that Moose meat then the Drug infested Beef we get in the markets any day. I'm not lashing you or anything, just pointing out that there is no "Shame" in Hunting. Cheers
  9. LOL... I like it!!!! If they paint them all up in bright colors then send them on their way it will definatly make 'em easier to find and increase my accuracy!!!
  10. I bet you'll get used to it. Your "climatized" to the old you.... Tough it out and in time you're body will adjust. I've never been more then 190lbs Either I'm warm blooded, or My climatized theory works. I usualy get cold the first few times out in November but by December I'm used to it. A couple layers, good boots, and hat will do me fine for the season. I'd bet you'll adust the same way in due time.
  11. I'm no expert, but I use a 5wt....its all I got, and for the most part all I need. I have a ton of fun with it fishing Specs and browns, and I can say this. Its WAY to light for steelies. I gave her a whirl when nothing else was working this fall, and had a fairly fresh run chinny grab my fly She SCHOOLED me LOL! Had it been a Fiesty Bow it would have been an absolute gong show....not near enough back bone for a large fish 6 is doable for sure....but preference comes into play I suppose? I know If I was spending the money I'd be torn between a 7wt & 8wt You want the play...especialy for the casting, but the back bone is crucial in a close quarters. Choose your battles lol!
  12. 30-06 will do, and is "probobly" the most common riffle used. A .375 is better, but for even more impact....12 gauge sabot
  13. That was my first thought LOL... Then I thought... Cripes!!! I hope he shot him in a clearing close to the Truck. That would NOT have been fun to haul outta the bush at all Absolutely 110% I do wish that very same thing... And I also wish I knew the exact location he was walking, and precisely when he would be walking there So I get there first and set up! Congrats to the lucky man.
  14. Ya thats a bit much I think? Young drivers are...well they are young but they have to start somewere. You can't buy expereince. And the graduated licensing already makes it a long drawn out proccess, with some strict rules. I'd love to see Cellphone banned in "moving" cars...that would be a good start IMO. But limiting your passengers is a bit much for me.... I guess my Daughter will never be able to drive my 2 other children to school with her? Or Drive to a sporting event with some team mates? I suppose passengers could be a distaction, but really.... Once your fully licensed are they any less distracting? So then we end up with fully licensed drivers with zero experience when transporting more then one person? Logic falls off right there... Although I suppose we could ban music in cars as well, and radio shows.... There is no limit. Thats the truth right there. My wife was rear ended on a clear road, with little traffice by driving instructor....nuff said
  15. I think it will only devastate those are are not prepared, and those who cannot or will not be able to adapt to the changes. One thing for sure...Its coming one way or the other. The buy out only prolongs the unavoidable. So why waste federal reserves up on a temp solution that could potentially help prop up social services in an impending and prolonged crisis? If I honestly felt the buy out would fix the situation I'd say go for it... Its been turned down for a good reason...its not a sustainable solution. One of the most impactfull, non bias, and truthful statement WAY back on the first page of this thread speaks volumes to how to survive the impending crunch. It came from Ted & the Gadget.... Smart stuff right there.
  16. Me too, This is one of the best N/F threads yet...Completley differing veiws, and pretty civil. Gotta like that For the most part I think I've said my bit...sounding like a broken record now LOL! Cheers,
  17. Sure I would agree but... What I'm saying is you should go get yourself a suit if it doesn't sit well with you that they get the benefits. Some if not most of the these "big suit guys" put the time & Energy to get to there....so why shouldn't they get the rewards? With all due respect... I'm an Exec now, not in the Auto sector of course, but in the Hospitality industry. I worked as a dishwasher, cook, kitchen manager, Apprentice chef with a 4 year apprenticeship moved on and held the title of chef d'partie, sous chef, and Executive Chef, Earned my C.C.C, tinkered as a Food and beverage Manager, am continuing to earn my Master Chef Designation on the side and continued in Schoolastic learning to get My CFBE certification(Certified Food & Beverage Executive). I came from a Family of 7 on a single income(Dad was a plumber)...we got by comfortably but I had no financial help. I hussled my A$$ to get were I am today. I make bad desicons too, but I make some pretty good ones as well....I'm human Yes I earn 4 times what a line level employee does...absolutely But I am responsible for his Supervisors, boss, their boss, and their Boss and so on and so on.... I make their expected Targets/plans for the year based on the Company thresholds, the market expectations, and I use my experience/education to set them up for success. So really, When the poop hits the Fan its my A$$...not the employee So My combined education/experiece and hard work set me up for the job, but I'm paid for the responsibilty of leadership. If I fail I get fired. Thats why Execs get paid well. Its not Always a greed thing, sometimes its well earned. And for the record its not always proportional....you'd be surprised I get paid less then many on the board I'm sure. But I like my Career, and I'll keep pushing it further to earn more for my Kids, my wife, and myself. I've never been comfy with the idea of sitting tight....Big Suit or not Anyway, My Employees have every opportunity I had to better themselves. If they want to they can, but if they want to sit put then thats fine too...but for sure they have not earned the right to tell me I'm overpaid, or call me a Fat cat, big Suit, or what have you. For the record I have a great Climate in my place of employment(non Unionized) I'm just telliong you were I come from.... You keep what you earn, and we reap what we sow One can also look at it this way. A business owner who starts his own business gets to call the shots...its his investment He can pay what he likes, if you don't like the enviroment....go elsewere Don't forget Its always in the buisness owners, or Execs best interest to keep employees happy. If he or she treats his employees like crap he'll lose them, and rampant turnover will kill his consitency, and in turn no one gets a good name based on hit and miss product. If your content to stay were you are in a line level postion in a factory I think you should be pretty grateful for $30/hour and benefits cause as mentioned earlier.....there are about 3 guys lined up behind you who would take that job for $20/hour no questions asked. If the place treats you good then stay, if not move along. I suppose a union can help keep an employee happy...but in the instance of the big 3 its now come back around to bite the employees in the A$$. It worked well for years in the eys of the employee, but its now about to out price your value to the company. The big three will evaluate if continuing on in this model is sustainable, and decide to change....will the union allow it? We'll see. Thats all I'm saying
  18. Yes...yes they do in many many places all the time. But if they don't like the fact their job does not compensate them to their expectations they usually go elsewere to a company that meets their needs union or not. You don't need a union to incure teamwork, and you certainly don't need a union to run a fair place of employment these days. Its actually pretty rare to see a union move in these days... 90% of places that are unionized have been so for longer then I've been around, and I think that speaks volumes to their place in todays business world. There was a time they were invaluable...not so sure they have not run their course now though? Greed is rampant in all industry, I wouldn't peg the union as the only cause(never have), but don't forget how bound to "agreements & Union contracts" some of these Acheivers are when making desicions... If I was told I had a 25% defiecit to recoup and I Couldn't touch the labor, the shifts, benefits or tweak the daily Operations Standards, thus had no way to increase labor effeicency what choices are left? All that is really left to do is cheap out on product unless you can find a way to minimize overhead(which is usually fixed) or you have to drive revenue through the roof somehow to exeed your targets(tough to do in this market) My point in a nut shell, Those poor decisions are not always poor. Sometimes when your hands are tied all you can do is kick in the dark to try and hit somthing...anything Blame is blame, and it begets blame I suppose... The real question is how will it, or will it get fixed at all? Really I just think the Business model for the big 3 is outdated and fundimentally screwed from the bottom up... You simply cannot make a recovery with out drastic cuts, and drastic change, and the union won't let that happen so its only a matter of time until its busted, or folded....the writing is on the wall and only the workers can make that desicion when it comes around. Agreed. There are always a few folks on each side that spur the others on....no doubt In that instance I was the new hired gun at the time, and came in a week after the contracts had been settled I had been there about a month. Me thinks some people were trying to send a message LOL...
  19. Sure...and the same could be said for the Auto sector. Why pay a Union employee twice what I could pay a non union employee especially when the the facts seem to point to better production effeciency is found in non unionized employment? I suppose the doctors will continue to go to the States untill we pay them more, and the big three will continue to become more and more obsolite until they bust the unions and level their labor expenses, or simply go the way of the dinosaur. Sure but... So did the Trades...as Brian said "the time they are a changing", and so must we. Of course not... But of course settling into a line level postion does dictate what you get fiscaly, and obviously limits you to whats available. Those who know that, and are content with that, are well off and quite smart...heck maybe even smarter then most. If you can enjoy the simple things in life, and be happy with out pushing yourself further then need be to get there....ya I'd your a smart person, and better off then most. But then there are those who don't realize the limitations, don't live with in their means, and are bitter about people who worked hard to get a bit further ahead, and Blame the high acheivers for their postion....ya there are certainly sharper knives in the drawer then those folks. The problem is the union loves those guys...theres the vocal minority I spoke of in a nut shell True buts what the message... I can think of a few exsamples many people got on board with regards to a unified voice that didn't go so well....Nazi Germany comes to mind....thats a stretch of course. But really, What ever happened to "team work"....Do you need a union for that? Last time I tried to Help a guy clean up his station in a unionized establishment I got greived...appearently there is a lot of Individualism out there with in the unions as well.
  20. Now that is weird LOL...
  21. Another thing I love about the unions... blame the CEO's, blame the Execs, blame the top dollar earners, and managment... sorry but I find it hard to blame the people who busted their Asses when they were young to get a formal education or skilled trade, and hustled their but to earn results, respect in their field, and now have the responsibility to "lead" their comapnies.... These people worked hard to get to that position. True some are Greedy, and over paid...but most earned their keep and "bettered" them selves to be were they are in their "CAREER" As opposed to "settleing" into an unskilled, uneducated role on a line "JOB" somewere. True some guys work their butts off, but some sit back and push the minimum, and rely on the unions to keep that easy pace safe as well. To each their own I suppose, but I find it reeeely tough to grasp the concept of blaming the acheivers, over the status quo. Besides You can't blame an exec who's hands are tied with outragous Labor costs that are litteraly carved in stone by the union. The costs of a car is outrageous, and its directly related to the cost of production... So do the simple math here, The unions are very very much responsible for a large part of this, not 100% of course, but they are the single largest cost factor...labor usualy is. Simply put, Costs need to be cut to get expenses in line, sales prices need to come down in order to spur purchases, and the product quality needs to be maintained. How can that be done with an overpaid ineffiecent work force, that cannot be replaced, or even improved? If you come up with that answer you deserve 2million/year as an executive hands down, because you just solved this issue. Sure.... Go ahead and blame the Execs who by the way have been talking to this issue for years but can't do anything about it.... I guess because they make lots of money they are guilty right? I suppose by the same logic the doctor shortage, and state of our health care must be the fact we pay our doctors to much right? Never mind that they went to school well into their mid 30's, and spent $100,000 on tuition, and spent countless hours on internships, and deal with LIFE AND DEATH every day to earn their lifestyle.... By union logic we should cut the doctors salary so we can pay the receptionists, and janitorial services $40/hour and let them have a bigger voice in how we run our health care.... Union thinking would have us beleive we don't need leadership, the little guys should run 51% of the comapny. Sounds great if you live in a story book but its not realisitc. The union mantality is delusional... Sorry but in truth I would bet my life savings if you busted the unions in the auto sector there would be a Line up 100 miles long of people more than willing to fill those line level jobs for a fraction of what the current guys make, and the only crying would be comming from the former union employees...and ask yourself this How many union employees would cross that picket line for a 25% pay reduction as opposed to loseing their job? Cause its gonna come to that.... Pesonaly I'd like to see the Unions busted. I'd bet a pair of fresh eyes, and an eagar new work force not embittered with union mantality would increase the effeicency 10 fold, and be just what the doctor ordered for the big 3. Unfortunatly for the militant...there is little support out there for the unions round here, just calling it like I see it. I'd go as far as to say its nothing more then a vocal minority, and its a matter of time till the winds of change roll around.
  22. Been there.... As a plumber apprentice before I became a Chef And my Dad before me, and 4 brothers in the trades...all non Union. We chose a lower wage that meant sutainable work all year.... It works out to more money over 365 days a year, more experiece on the job, and a better chance to prove my worth to a solid company, as opposed to layoffs in slow seasons, and moving around to were the work is. Thats the issue with unions in Many industries...The high labor drives the cost up on projects, so the independants come in under and keep Their guys working all year.... Its the same story across the boards IMO Single most profitable Auto maker...Toyota No union, fair Pay, and they treat their employees fantastic Like it or Lump it unions are out pricing them selves, and they kill productivity by protecting they lazy... The company numbers speak for them selves... When they shut down, its not because the CEO wants to line his pockets...its cause the company is no longer profitable in the market they have to deal with in the model the union has built. In all industry be it union or not... Survival of the fit is the law of the jungle. Adapt, and prosper or sink...no artifical foundation will fix it. Buy out?...hell NO!
  23. Ding ding!!! What is a good start Alex!
  24. Tha was a novel...LOL But I suppose they own it, and those signs are legit.
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