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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Nice report TJ, Wolf Hide is definatly a cool score in my books. The Wolf population rise will definatly effect the Deer numbers but I'd agree they will move off as the deer lessen and start the cycle again. Although a few wolves around would be a good thing I think? People use dogs to keep the deer moving so I Suppose if the Deer populations were indeed good a few wolves might increase your odds LOL! Maybe your deer populations might be at a low and on the way up? who knows.... Cheers,
  2. An old timer I used to know(whom had some incredible pictures on his wall) Used to swear by Spinners and Rapalas... He used to drift roe until November but once the salmon slowed, and snow fell he would troll the mouth of our favorite river up as far as he could legally and back down over and over...and swore it was more productive for the bigger fish. And I couldn't argue as he had the pics to back it up. Well, 2 years ago when my luck was down on a cold wet and windy October after 3 days of skunkage I remembered what the old man had told me so I made a last ditch effort and was rewarded with my PB 31" Bow 2 years ago on a rapala. If he was still around I'd buy that man a beer for the tip all those years ago.
  3. Unprotected mating...
  4. Yup, They stay open late for the hunting crowd. $20 to launch though... We technically $10 in, and another $10 to come out
  5. Well its a long shot but was the cover ever in contact with a fuel leak even in a small portion? Some covers can carry a decent static charge. with a light wind ruffling it around against your graphite rods a spark "could" ignite it if there was enough exelerant present (cue the CSI theme) Its pretty unlikely but possible?
  6. Yup have not seen a "Good Morning Lew" Post in a while now? Always a good way to start the day LOL! Congrats on 42 years and may you guys have another happy 42 years of bliss Cheers,
  7. I love the coloration on that bass. Something kinda cool about the camo look in Fall LOL!
  8. I offer my condolences, and hope you and you family can find some peace sooner then later.
  9. Ya but... The odds of Actually getting a true form of H1N1 in its self is rare, and the odds of serious complications are even more rare...so together the odds of contracting a "serious" case of H1N1 is in fact reeeeeely rare. So although side effects from the shot are also "reeeeeeeeely rare"....it'd say the need for the shot is up for debate. Especialy considering there are no long term studies to conclude its validity, or saftey. No assurance the vaccine is effective in the short term or in the long term vs mutated strains, no assurance the vaccine is safe or effective if you had the seasonal flu shot this year, or last. No assurance that is won't adversly effect you from other flu strains next year(like last years shot has come around to bite us this year) I don't think any of this is a no brainer? Bottom line is there is not enough testing done to ensure its effective, safe, or worth it for people not in a high risk group.
  10. LOL....thats awesome! How come you don't have the other arm around Randy LOL...
  11. If it continues to mutates the way flu's seem too... The current Vaccine(that is already argueably outdated) may infact already be out dated and not effective against that strain as is. So while I may wish I have done many things in the past I doubt getting that shot will be one. I think thats the catch 22 so to speak, or the divide between the public opinion. Just cause you got the shot does not mean you won't get it, or a similar strain, and yet we don't know the long term effects of the vaccine. Sure you could die from the flu, but...those odds seem about on par with side effects from the shot? Potato vs, Potatoe I suppose?
  12. CTV really raised a bunch of red flags. - Flu shots potentially making you more suseptable to H1N1... - The fact there is still no scientific data that giving both swine flu and seasonal flu shots at the same time is either safe nor effective...yikes! - And Studies that suggest the swine flu vaccine in the U.S. show children under 10 years of age appear to need two shots a few days apart to be effective... Considering many people still are uneasy with the idea of over vaccinating their children given the lack of long term study, and the implications of past vaccinations potentially haveing links to autism etc...its not good news. As if people were not leary before
  13. Tighten the Steering up and practice. Nothing you can do in the wind other then deal with it as it comes. Also do your self a favor and get some weight in the front...cinder blocks or what ever. The other reason your having issues is more then likely that the motor + your weight is all in the back popping the nose up higher in the water. That makes it much easier for the wind to catch it like a sail and turn you on a dime....especially if your trolling slow. Been there done that, and trust me if you throw some wieght up front, and tighten that steering you'll find it a lot easier to stay strait. Cheers,
  14. I'm Not saying humanitarian reasons are why we went in the first place...I'm saying its why I'm glad we've stayed. Its needed, and someone has got to do it....I'm glad Canadians are a part of it. There may be other issues in the world but we're in Afgahnastan right now... If we can keep those buggers out of power long enough to grow a generation of educated children to replace them then its worth it IMO We can't stop the Fat cats, but maybe we can inspire a generation, and let women read. (not a bad side effect of the war if you ask me)
  15. Give that man a cigar! By the way Photoz, I like you but with all due respect the situation is a wee bit more complicated then that. Heck I don't like what’s happening there any more then you do but all I need to do is look at the atrocities to children...especially little girls That happen under the Taliban rule.... When leadership not only condones but participates, and advocates public disfigurement of young girls for daring to read a book or go to school I say hang 'em all. I don't care what religion, race, creed, color or country your from...In my books that leadership needs to be removed under the rational of decency. "MOST" soldiers that sign up are behind the humanitarian side of the mission. There is plenty of debate on why we are there in the first place but that’s a mute to the point of why we stay. I don't want Canada to be a safe haven for free loaders who joined up looking for a free education and some cash only to then change their mind when they realize they have to get their hands dirty....wrong on so many levels IMO
  16. Hey Cudz, We were after Pickerel last weekend but we ended up hammering pike on 3" clown pattern X-raps...nothing huge unfortunatley. The Big fish was 30" and we managed 12 between noon and 3pm so it was a fun 3 hours non the less. We worked the high pressure pretty hard Friday night through Saturday to no avail but Sunday they came on. All fish were caught while trolling extemely slow...we're talking about a crawl slow enough to "just" wobble the bait. We were flat lining and running planners but we found the magic depth was 18'-20' of water where the temp measured around 64 degrees. Like I said we were targeting Pickerel, so I was looking for bait fish pods, shelfs, and humps etc... Iincidentally the Pike seemed to like the tradtional eye habbitat LOL.... Its worth mentioning Clown color seemed to be key? Once I pulled in 3 my Brother switched...then he started catching as well. Could be a fluke but there is something about that pattern and fall fish for me... I have never caught a warm weather fish on that color, yet its been a magic fall patern for me, landing me my 2 biggest Pickeral, and 2 of my largest pike? Anyway, Not a single eye caught but still a fun time on the water. Cheers
  17. I feel your pain LOL!.... First time I ever ran my boat out at long point I was with my uncle whom "knows" the bay inside and out....or so he said Fishing was decent, and we wanted to stay out a bit later but I didn't have a good spot light, just a basic flash light. He says "no problem you can follow me later" We he neglects to mention he has NO light.... And that night the Long point Park lights were out..... ya....you think we could find the chanell back to the launch....nope If you've been there you know how difficult the shore line is to read being completely choked with Reeds, and only being a foot deep if your not in the channel. With lighting starting to flash out on the big lake and waves starting to kick up I ended up pulling my motor up, and running the trolling motor in as close as I could to shore and ended up yelling to a group by a camp fire...they could barely hear me, but we ended up getting onto the radio, and they saved us. One gentleman parked his truck in the launch with his highbeams pointed strait out into the bay giving us a path to follow and ultimatly leading us back into the channel that leads to the Launch. A "GOOD" light is worth its wieght in gold, and in our situation...GPS would have been a potential life saver. Now I have a spot light, and GPS...no screwing around, no taking anyone else's word. I'll cover my own butt. Cheers,
  18. I used Vanish as main line about 4 years ago?..maybe 5? Either way I got so fed up I went to P-line as I had heard so much about it. Then Last year out of pure nessesity while on a last minute trip, I needed to respool (The tackle shop on the way didn't carry P-line) So I gave Vanish another whirl....not happy with it at all. Coiling issues, abrassion issues, and general strength issues. I suppose its possible the 3 spools I've purchased from 3 different shops over the years could all have been older or flawed, but that would be pretty odd? I guess like many things one mans trash is another mans treasure but I gave that stuff plenty of opportunity, and it just didn't measure up for me. P-line IMO is 10x better and for myself its an eductated, and tested opinion so I say burn away LOL!
  19. Pretty good plug if you ask me! Like an extended Commercial you might see on WFN. Cheers
  20. If its anything like the standard flu shot its effectiveness is still questioned by Many medical proffesionals... The simple reason is not the effectivness of the Vaccine against the targeted strain but rather which strain it protects against vs the actual strains going around. Generally speaking, By the time they manufacture and distribute the vaccine there are usualy already several mutations and strains floating in differnt areas across the province that are not covered in the Vaccine. In the Pharmacutical world Its admittidly a bit of a guessing game determining which strains will hit, and what mutations will follow in the provinces many different regions. The moral of the story... If your in a high risk group, or have people close to you that may be in the high risk group you could spread it too... why not limit the odds and get the shot. But if your like me who is not in that goup, nor do I beleive anyone I am generaly in contact with is in that group there is about as good a chance that I'll suffer a side effect as there is I'll contract the given strain its designed to protect. Some might disagree but My mother in law is a nurse, who used to get the shots...who no longer does as it has yet to protect her. She gets some version of the flu every year....I'm sure its not the strain the vaccine was there to protect her from, but none the less she got it. That very same mantality was echoed by my Family Dr. When I asked about it he said the Jury is still out on the vaccines, and being a young healthy man not in a risk group it was unwarranted. I'll have to ask him about the H1N1 But I'm guessing being the H1N1 vaccine is still out for the jury to decide, and it is after all a flu that is KNOWN to mutate...quicky...and often I'll more then likely be in the same boat and avoid the shot while I exersise common sense with regards to washing hands etc. The bottom line... This is the internet folks, If you're unsure ask your Doctor and get some first hand educated advice to ponder. No harm in that.
  21. Beautiful fish Dan, A 22" Speck would make anyones trip but to add a 23" is awesome. You definatly have a "knack" for finding big brookies! Cheers,
  22. Wow that was a great read! As alwayas a stellar report, buy this one was definatly cut above. Although for some reason I kept thinking some how a steely pic was gonna pop in the mix LOL!. Nice work and thanks for sharing.
  23. Heres some food for thought on it. http://video.google.ca/videosearch?hl=en&a...hl=en&emb=0 Not a huge Glen Beck fan, but you can google these studies, and look these facts up. and put the time in if you like...its not a popular position but to play devils advocate its intersting.
  24. Um...ya The problem about that is whom has the issues with the motions....Politics bud. Those motions mean Nadda, zip zilch...its positioning, nothing more, and its nothing new either. Its a constant threat with minorty governments, Welcome to the wonderfull world of politics. If you think Harper is doing so bad your entitled to your opinion, but if you think any of the others are going to do any better I'd suggest you Take a long hard look after you remove those red tinted goggles LOL.... Bottom line is most people are sick of the Fiberal Party. Suck it up
  25. Seriously....? You don't think that perhaps, just maybe, possibly, on occasion, or even quite often....the opposition goes out of its way to make it difficult for them? LOL... Its a minority government...would the PC's make it easy had the situation been reversed last time around? Harper is doing a pretty bang up jon in a what many would easily classify as a disfunctional Parliment. One thing I do know is the Fiberals were SO desperate to get back in they were willing to share the bed with SEPERATISTS.... Ya.... Who else will they jump in bed with for their own personal gain? Allthough I do not want an election I invite it... If Iggy pulls the plug Canada will hang him out to dry...mark my words, thats right...I said mark 'em Quote me, write it down and if I'm wrong hang me out to dry and mock me all you want. The liberal Minorty is a vocal one, but they are still a minority and should he pull the plug we'll see the same result. So if Iggy wants to waste another couple million dollars of tax payers money to seal his fate in politics I say let him try. with a little luck the PC will get even more seats. Bingo...this is exactly what Most canadians are thinking when they hear election rumors. We think of the last escapade with the SEPERATISTS. We're tired of the LIBERALS.... Let it go, you lost...its over....sit down quietly, and let the next kid have a turn....nobody likes a complainer....sounds like kindergarden does it not LOL!
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