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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Well here is my 2 cents bud, Leaving will bring you no benefit aside from a tan, some fun in the sun and some cool salt water experience which sounds great! Except when you add missing 3 years of your little ones early years into the equasion, and then you add the fact your happy where you are now... After doing that math its a no brainer dude Seriously you couldn't pay me enough money to miss these years... As tuff a pill as it is to swallow, there will ALWAYS be opportunities to travel, and try new things, but your kids are only kids for a short while. Trust me freind you get on that plane and you'll be green with guilt with in a month of not seeing their face. (at least I know I would)
  2. Gotcha... I'm always in Parallel. I figured as much as it works, and has worked for the past 4 years LOL!
  3. If you charged them long enough would they not charge fully? Just curious I usualy charge my 4 batteries up on a 12volt linked and leave the whole heap on the trickle charger for storage at the trailer. When I come up each weekend all the batteries show a full charge? I would assume the 12V does the trick, but maybe takes longer? No idea...I just know it either works or my battery gage is pooched LOL!
  4. Ya ditto the mouth... Its a tough body of water...I've never found it to be outstanding in terms of numbers, but she grows some monsters. Also if you don't know the area, please take it slow. Lots of hidden rocks and shoals, and the low water levels the past few years have really made for some bad spots. Locals have done a good job with marking some of these spots with white jugs, but still there are some hidden bombs out there so be careful.
  5. Wicked family trip! I both can...and can't wait till my young ones are a few years older so its my turn to post one of these family trips Cheers,
  6. Nice fish there, and a good story to boot! I hope the dark coloration is just a camera trick? Yikes I shutter to think fall is comming early when Summer never began LOL!
  7. An old saying I once heard..."Possession is 9/10th's of the law" or "finders keepers" If you leave an unregistered boat on Crown land you should assume it may be used by others, and I'd feel no guilt what so ever useing it as if it were mine that day. Leaving it in the woods is a great idea to save your back from having to lug it in each time, but you also asume the risk that I might be using it that day.... Another angle to this situation, Make sure its Crown land your on.... My Uncle did this for years and left 2 boats at a leased crown land hunt camp when they were just starting out (they have since bought the land and built a cabin) One day years ago when their camp was only a small cleared area to pitch a few tents They were comming off the water at the end of the day and were greeted by 3 angry men who had hiked in the many miles claiming they were the owners of the boats who had left them up there....They were appearently not to happy after hikeing in that Friday night after work to realize they were boatless. They demanded to see My Uncles Permit, and were threatening to kick his butt if he didn't give up "their" boats.... It all ended well as my Uncle and the 3 other guys with him were no small men LOL! The moral of the story is this, A boat left in the bush is only yours if you own the land, can prove it's your boat, or have a tougher crew
  8. Prayers sent. The modern miracles of Surgery these days are Amazing, keep the faith.
  9. Stress related anger managment issues...tough day at the office pehaps
  10. Wow thanks guys! Sounds like I'll pick some up No experience with either product myself so I thought I'd ask the experts. Cheers,
  11. I ask because I've heard it works wonders on older outboards with starting, and stalling idle issues. CDN Tire doesn't cary it, and the closest marine shop that does is a city away... Chatting with the good folks at CDN Tire and my Auto Mechanic on seperate occasions...I was told STP has a pretty good product that works well and is perfectly safe for all gasoline engines mixed or not.... So is it really worth the $5 in gas + the extra $5 in price to by the Sea foam, or should I give the STP a run? Any experiences pro's/con's? Just thinking I can treat my motor twice as much for the same price with STP "IF" the STP is any good of course...
  12. Never have truer words been spoken LOL! Don't trade me please...I wanna finish my career in Toronto...oh by the way I want more money. You won't pay me more?....buh bye Mr Toronto my
  13. Dang, Thats a Tornado no doubt... A shame that 2 potentialy 3 have died, My deepest sypmathies to the Families. Not much you can do in a cabin when one of those come roaring down on you. A tub "might" sheild you from debris, but when it tears the place apart like that...all you can do is cross your fingers
  14. Sorry to hear of your loss... Its always a tough time, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  15. A good defense will allow the offence to play a bit more...hopefully gel, and come into their own. The old saying " a good defence is your best offence" is so very true in Hockey. Do they have cup worthy team...nope. But they should make the Playoffs, afterall there team actually came on pretty decent half way through the season... Of they can get a good start and maintain a consistent level they should do alright. A solid goaltender is more important at this stage then offence IMO You can "rope a dope" a team with sold defence, and young forwards....its a good start.
  16. Just for the record By "cutters" I meant hook cutters/bolt cutters to cut the"hooks" not the line... I wouldn't Advocate cutting the line on purpose in that situation. Survival rates for any fish with a bulky lure in its yap are low I would guess. A single, small bait hook...different story perhaps
  17. Tackle him "Steve Irwin" style Like its been said, there is not much you can do that you didn't attempt other then hand bombing him, but if your unsure of what your doing thats a daunting/dangerous task if there are exposed hooks... If your not going to bring a landing device, perhaps in the future a pair of cutters would be a good idea. Cheers
  18. That was great LOL! Good on them for not going quietly
  19. Nice job guys, Love the scenary on the lake. it looked so remote until I saw the launch LOL! And the stringer has me craving some eyes I might add....perfect eaters Cheers,
  20. I "used" to enter this years ago as a kid, but as I got older the crowds were less appealing
  21. Great report, and some respectable fish I might add! Its to bad the beast slipped away, but you know were she lives for next time wink.gif Cheers,
  22. Looks like fun...some day...some day
  23. I'm Catholic...people generally hate me and I'm ok with that LOL! But in truth this statement says sooooo much. How is it people of one faith are soooo offended by another faith simply practiceing their way of life in a country they have ALWAYs lived in? And how is it Practical to be offended for simply practiceing this age old tradition of faith in their home nation when its always been a tradition? It kills me... I do not deonouce other faiths, or even those who practice none.... But I find it such an oximorron when in principle most faiths at one level or another preach tolerance do they not? I guess its just in the back of the text in fine print right LOL!
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