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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Actually...I think the Russians have a killer offence, and thats about it. Not a doubt in my Mind Canada has the more depth? The offensive talent of the Russian team is impressive, and I'd say any team who plays them better stay outta of the box... But Canada has this neat little thing they do some times....its called BACK CHECKING, and its the Russian Nemisis. If the Canadians play "their" game, Back check, stay out of the box, and hit hard the Russians will crumble. The only way you'll see Russia beat them is if the Canadians take dumb penaties, and they loose the neutral zone coverage. The Russian have a whole lotta fire powerf for sure, But not much in the way of team or Character players to motivate and their Checking line is sadly lacking... Actually I don't even think they have a checking line LOL...
  2. Thats a popular stance, and I'd tend to agree... I think the Canadian team is deeper in talent though one thing for contemplation is most people forget the ability to play as a team will more often then not overcome individual talent. The question at hand is the American team going to gel. I guess the Same could be said for the russians, and the Canadians though LOL... Its anyones guess but I'd agree its going to be USA vs Canada Final, but the russians are a dark horse favorite
  3. ZING!!!!! Sorry...couldn't help my self LOL... I think the Canadian Team Is solid, Its about as good as its gonna get IMO But the Russian team does scare me a bit....we'll see
  4. Personally these kind of shows are not my bag...I gues I'm not "cultured" enough to enjoy the Interprative dance LOL But as far as comparisions go vs. other shows in the past? Truth be told i think it rocked.... Sorry but I didn't get the Beijing show either, and certainly don't think it was any better? The Light show alone was enough for me to think it was awesome. Was the dance, or song part better or worse then the others? No I don't think so. But that light show was killer.
  5. I Guess it was good LOL... I'm not one for interpretive dance, tap dancing, puppet shows, flying peter pan wanna be's or lip syncing performers BUT... The light show, especially the killer whale part was pretty dam Kewl.
  6. Frozen teething ring dude. Best it can get.... Baby oragel...the premeasure swabs are even better then the loose goop. Way less messy, and easier to target the exact area... But don't rule out infant Tylenol or Advil if its bad. Not sure if you know this but you can piggy back infant Tylenol every 4 hours over and above the Advil every 6 hours in the event its really bad, or the fever gets to high. Just make sure you follow the directions for doseage based on weight, not age... (If you don't beleive me call telehealth Ontario, or your Dr.) Sometimes a good nights sleep for the little one can make the next day a little less intense.
  7. Heck ya! LOL... I can't remember how it goes...are the 2 kegs what causes the sore back, or is it the 2 kegs that are brought to releive the sore back that is expected? Its kind of like the old what came first "chicken or the egg" debate
  8. I don't think anyone is planning a parade route as most leaf haters like to suggest... I just think they've made a descision...and a wise one at that. Their young "talent" they've developed was peaking which was unfortunate in some ways as they didn't get to the level they had hoped, and fortunate being they were able to trade at a great return. Now they've just secured their back end to be in contention with the rest of the leaugue(or so we hope) But a healthy Komisarek is a big part of that, as is a hot Giggy and I'm talking long term here...as in at least 2 seasons. The whole leaf rebuild(all be it lack luster) just started... They developed a few kids, and moved them for a great(although yet to be proven) return. I've always been of the "old school" hockey mind...the best offence is a strong defence. I think they currently have a good D which is a great way to rebuild IMO. Now the obvious issue is offence.... So the logic dictates they are going to rely on their drafts and Marly call ups, becuase they have very little to trade up front. And if indeed they are building a Big D style team they won't touch their blue line for now. If Caberle goes, then I'll admit I'm way off. But thats my theory and I'm sticking to it
  9. I think I see a plan forming....but what do I know LOL They are makeing a full change in their system as their attempt at a fast high energy offence didn't hold any water LOL... I think they are going to bulk the Big D system, and rely on their Marly talent to step up and develop.... Kinda like what they did the last 2 years. With Defence like Phaneuf, Caberle & komisarek on the blue line(assuming Komisarek can come back well) on the blue line with some back up like Schenn, and Beauchemin to learn from the other 3 they have perhaps one of the leagues most solid blue lines. Through in a hot goaltender which Giggy has the potential to provide....the Big D system is in place to allow a good young crop of forwards to develop. Kessel is gonna struggle being an easy target to shadow, but if the leafs can pick up one or two decent forwards, and bring up some Marly talent they might just get off to a good start next season. But that all depends on Burkes ability to draft well, and pull the right guys up from the farm. And of course Giggy needs to be spot on....And in truth with a decent blue line in front of him there is no reason not to, so for his carreer I hope he rises to the occasion. Totally a shot in the dark, and its just prediction, but thats how I see it
  10. Great post! That was enjoyable. Thanks,
  11. Slow bite all around is what I'm told but I've only been out once.
  12. I "think" there used to be a rule that stated you could make reservations no more then 3 months in advance. So that means normally you'd need to wait until Feb 2nd to make your reservation. Perhaps thats why its not booked just yet? Just a guess? But If I were you I'd keep on them until its booked and ensure you have a paper copy reciept of payment and confirmation number just incase. I've not had any issues but have heard of a few lost or doubled reservations. Cheers,
  13. Hey Dr. What was on the end of your rigs? Just curious as I see a flasher and about 14" of line LOL... Did you walk minnows back, or was that a fly, jig? Just curious for future Brookie trips Cheers,
  14. I don't know about that... Belfour, and Joeseph never had much of a team infront of them but they managed to be game stealers? Thats the difference between a good goalie, and decent goalie... A good goalie can steal a game, and decent goalie is only as good as his defence. Toskola was a decent goalie, and perhaps even a good back up. But one thing was for certain...his time was up in Toronto He is probobly glad to have been traded because the leafs were not doing anything good for his confidence, and he was not doing anything good for the Leafs. Pretty mutual move if you ask me.
  15. Started with a Paper route at 12, then got a dishwashing job at a local restaurant at 13. I'm surprised there are not more people who washed dishes? I thought that was a super common starting job for kids LOL! When I was 14 I dropped the paper route, and washed dishes part time, while being a general laborer In a sheetmetal shop. When that gig was up(temp position) I took a job as a cook....the rest is history
  16. A Labourer position at a Sheet metal mechanical Shop, that my Dad set me up with. The company he worked for got a job for a hospital renovation, and the job called for Specialty insulation to be installed inside the duct work....very tedious stuff, and they needed a temporary summer helper to accommodate the new duty from May to September. I had to cut a specialty fibreglass insulation to fit each individual piece of duct work, then wrap the Insulation in some sort of special cloth that was supposed to trap and kill airborne virus's which is why it had to be "inside" the ducts. Then glue the insulation pieces to the sheet metal duct Pieces, and pin them in place with a soddering gun....doesn't sound all that bad until you see the work station LOL... It was situated in what I would call a tin "add a room" built off the side of the building...totally a make shift endevor to accommodate this new duty. It was about 10' x 10' including the shelves, and soddering station, so I had very little room to work in this mini oven. The journeyman thought it would be funny to put a thermometer in the door way to point out the temperature that would range from 30-36 degrees thanks to the hot tin roof. Doesn't sound too bad yet? Well being the first day do you think anyone told me to wear a long sleeve shirt? It was hot so I assumed a short sleeve would be fine being all I was told was to wear jeans and a shirt I wouldn't care about if it got dirty, well....Imagine this 30+ degree sweating your nads off in closed tight quarters with fibreglass insulation and sticky glue, sharp metal edges & burrs....along with some great glue fumes. Yup...I was itching head to toe by noon. I'd try to wipe the sweat from my face with my forearms so I didn't have sweat in my eyes...only to rub the glue and fibreglass into my forehead which eventually would find its way into my eyes via that running sweat. It was like some rare form of torture.... The Journey man tried to help by putting a fan in the door way, but yea....a fan and fibreglass insulation don't mix Next thing I know I'm in a wind tunnel of hurt! My throat is burning, eyes are burning...I guess breathing in fibreglass didn't make it any better. I learned, got some good gloves, sweat band, eye goggles, and a dust mask... I learned to push through the heat...only because I knew that Dad got me that job, and the fear of telling him I quit kept me going. It got better thank God But man that first day sucked LOL!
  17. All I had to hear was "Phaneuf & Giguere" to know we came out of the trade pretty good LOL! I'm a Leafs fan and to be brutally honest I'm not sad to see any of those other boys go. Some young talent but lets be realistic instead of polite and nice about the situation... None of them are premier players, none of them were going to get any better... All we ever heard about them was "they are maturing so well....they are going to be great....they are so much better this year" How many years of pro play do you really need to be a developed, consitent/effective player anyway? The decision to trade these guys was probobly not easy but in truth they all had settled into their role with the team, and it simply was not a good fit. (be it a style, coaching, or personal clash) No offence meant to the boys but the leafs were not going anywere with their chemistry, and they had more then enough time to try and prove differently. Blake is a prime exsample.... That boy has got wheels, and soft hands but he just never really filled the role he was put into. At this point any change was good IMO Giguere is the better goalie no question. Toskala was shakey...his time was up As for Phaneuf....LOVE IT! Perhaps the Leafs are making a System change? Instead of the failed attempt at a high energy Offence they may be positioning for heavy D? Lots of work to come though LOL....
  18. Don't rule out Coyotes. Last weekend we had a bunch of them running around on the ice hooting and hollering away....next day My brother made the grizzly discovery of a deer leg knawed up pretty good right out on the ice with tracks everywere, but no sign of the initial kill. Its Not uncommon for them to rip apart the kill and spread it around. I also came across a Moose kill this spring in Algonquin with a few rib bones right on the campsite, bits of the legs back further in the bush while the skull and back bone was in the water(more then likely taken over the winter, and fell through when the Ice melted)
  19. Wow comes to mind! Those are beauties...I'd love to see what the specs on my opener lake would do to those! Cheers,
  20. My parents would say go out side, and we did. It didn't matter if it was rain or shine, outdoor time was part of the daily routine, and not just a walk in the park. After breakfast we could watch some cartoons on the weekend till lunch, but then it was outside utill dinner, and back out to play until the streetlights came on "if" we were behaving. I had a ball and a stick...and I was happy to play road hockey morning, noon, and night. I played cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians, built tree forts, and chased rabbits. Now when My Kids are outside it takes all of 30 minutes before they ask to play the Wii or watch her Dora DVD's for the 5 million'th time. I can't help but think about how the times have changed LOL... I can still remember the big stink about Tapes changing from 8- tracks And the hype about VCR's...our first was a BETA LOL! That turned out to be a waste eh?
  21. Wow....mother nature sure is moody http://www.theweathernetwork.com/fourteend...=qlink_lt_14day Is Swear last night at midnight Thursday was a high of -2 and a low of -5 Now 6 hours later its gonna be 8 degrees with rain forecast. That could be trouble with the last 5 days of already mild temps... Crossing my fingers but geeze talk about swinging the verdicts around LOL!
  22. Most martial arts, and or defence classes will teach you to avoid the situation, and run if you can. But in the event this is not possible you are taught to disable your attacker by means of absolute.... In other words, If I have the chance to stop you from attacking me I will not push you away, or put you in a submittion hold and make you cry uncle. Instead I will break your collar bone, nose, reverse an elbow, finger, knee, foot...what ever you give me, I will break it, and do it as fast as I can. The idea is to disable your attacker so the attack is done. With luck that can be accomplished quickly with one or two strikes. But in the event your attack is severe, your cornered, or the option to run is impeded by say multiple attackers....you better beleive your eyes, throat, and junk are in play. Self defence is exsactly that...preservation of your own well being and or life. Once you have rendered your attacker as no longer a viable threat you've done what is with in your legal rights. If you cross the line after the individual(s) has been rendered harmless you now have legal issues. Its a fine line to walk but cooler heads will prevail most times.
  23. Thats what I'm talk'n bout!
  24. Now hang on a minute... I always thought camp coffee was only supposed to come in one flavor?....the "strong, nasty, kick your teeth in wake your butt up quick" Blend? You know, the stuff thats bitter enough to keep your mind off the sore muscles you have....everywhere? Non of this pammperd sit in a lazyboy with a magazine in one hand and double caramel latte in the other....?
  25. Ah its not to bad? Kitchener says no higher then 4 or 5 degrees for the 22nd and 23rd but overnight lows are well into the minus 4-5 range as well. As long as the lows stay in the negatives any damage done in the afternoon will quickly be refroze between 6pm and 6am The 22nd however shows a bit of rain in the forecast.... couple of days with +1 and +2 temps are no big deal, but with some rain and a couple of +5 days....it could get sketchy near shore. I have my fingers crossed as I'm headed out on a trip that weekend...
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