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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. If the weather turns a bit sour....you'll be thanking yourself for saving a days travel, not to mention your arms will thank you LOL! Cheers,
  2. Lavielle is a tough trip, but its a nice area of the park for sure. That last portage is long, and looks dautning but its fairly flat....wear nice boots if your tripping in early Spring, some sections can be a bit muddy/swampy. Are you going to use the Water Taxi on Opeongo to shave some time? Just a thought?
  3. Kudos to ther U.S Boys... They won fair and square. Some poor officiating in the 1st period but more then that I think Allen is going to be haunted for years to come for a couple of weak ones. Story of the game was the US defence though...man what a performance. IMO This may have been the classiest, most deserving American Crew though. Can't fault them...clean play for the most part and a good game watch for them next year! But Basil, Rob, and Ray...you should have a word with your sons about loyalty and treason ya jerks(J/K)
  4. My Heart can't take much more of this LOL!.... Kudos to the Yankee Defence....wow is all I can say Blocked shots and overall performance has been stellar.
  6. There bad LOL... Nothing to do with the boo's dude....but thats Junior hockey I guess? Its more about 2 bad calls against the canadians, and about 3 that have been "overlooked" for the Americans. 2nd period was better though. I think the nerves have settled a bit on both side of the ice and the refs I might add. Now we have a fresh start in the 3rd. Good entertaining game but I wonder about Allen.....2 kinda soft goals He's making me reeeeeely nervous.
  7. what the hell.... The Officiating is HORRIBLE. 2 & 10 for that hit....the guy turned away. How bout the American Hit from Behind in the first 3 minutes of the game RIGHT in front of the Ref? How bout the 2 step charge against Canada? Bull you know what....
  8. I'm hoping the boys learned something last time these guys met, and they start the game physically, and fast and never look back. Expect the U.S. to come out doing the same.... They know they had us on the ropes by doing just that last time, and are kicking themselves for letting up and trying to "hold" the lead. We only got back into the game last time for 2 reasons... They were motivated and the U.S. made a fatal strategy error by letting up offensively to play the trap. They won't do that again. That being said Canada is the Superior team on Paper, and thus far have shown it on the Ice as well, now do they have the nerves to finish? I hope so! GO BOYS GO!
  9. LOL...that was pretty cool in slow motion. Totaly expected a treb in the dudes butt.
  10. Ditto, The 2 Piece suits are comfy as well. I've heard Guys argue they feel like they are bulky or filled with cardboard plates, but all I know is my Mustang suit is comfortable as all heck? No bulk to be noticed IMO. That argument has always bothered me... To argue against safety for the sake of comfort then you might as well not wear your seatbelt either IMO
  11. Ditto? I enjoyed your posts as well. All the best in 2010 and I hope your decision serves you well. Cheers,
  12. The Boys needed that slap in the head to wake them up.... I knew that fancy crap, and funky little moves they were doing in the previous games would come back to bite them. They got cocky, and were not familiar with their cycling and dump and chase systems. When the US started to hit them it threw them for a loop...not to mention the US was really the first team with any real "team" talent they have seen. But in truth the Canadian team is 10x deeper then the US... The Boys litterally needed that scare to get them out of their complacent mind set. In some ways I would have liked to see them loose that game just to drive the point home that they are not untouchable, and need to bust their butts, and stick to the game plan. But....that come back was pretty impressive and dam fun to watch. You could litterally see the Americans stressing and trying desperatly to hold on while Canada just owned them LOL... Goal tender was covering every shot, defenceman were icing the puck, and the forwards were hooking and grabbing and doing anything they could to slow the Canadians down but boy oh boy did the guys ever step up their game right then and there....just awesome. Cheers,
  13. Agreed.... That was almost painfull to watch at times. If they try that fancy crap with the Americans they will get their bell rung. To be honest their passing was sloppy as well I thought.... They should be working on that, not hot dogging. Canada is a more talented team then the Swiss by a huge margin, but I was NOT impressed with the "TEAM WORK" at all. If I was behind that bench I'd be livid.... How many shots did we see from the point...like 4???? They don't use their D, and there is a lotta one man show style hot dogging. Save that crap for the skills competition. They need to work on useing the Defence in the offensive zone, and get those passes on the tape if they want to be ready for the next level. But I'll say this.... Best back checking team I've seen this year
  14. I've been the unfortunate recipient of a few broken bones in my life, and would concur this statement.... I lost motion of toes, after a broken ankle injury for about 5 weeks, and it was exsactly this cause. Your Dr. will be able to confirm this when you head in for your follow up though. Its entirely possible there is tendon damage neededing repair as well, but they won't touch that until the Bones are taken care of usualy. Good luck and take it easy.
  15. Actually I'd disagree that point bud( no offence) The General discussion tab we click on to get to this very forum says right on it "Talk about Fishing, Hunting, and the Great outdoors, or what ever you like in here! Keep it clean!" It may be a fishing site, but in the general discussion there is room for hunting discussions, and its advocated by the verbage of the site. TJ (the sites creator) harvested a wolf and posted it not long ago... I'd say that certainly sums it up?
  16. To be honest the Anti Coyote-hunting thought proccess here is actually a bit disturbing to me.... Its no different then fishing in many ways when you sit and think about it. People catch salmon and strip them of roe with no intention of eating them...sure Salmon are at the end of their life cycle but the point is they are caught for fun, and not consumed. People catch gobies snap their backs and toss them on shore with no intention of eating them....sure they are an invasive species, but in truth as far as being a population control argument its even less effective then say shooting coyotes as population control right? People catch Pickerel or Whitefish from 40+ feet and then release them knowing they are more then likely already toast...those ethics are worse if you ask me We as angler impale live bait fish to lure bigger fish by the dozens...ten time over in a season for some of us. I guess the point I'm getting at is you can't put a value on one creatures life over the other, unless your playing favorites... I beleive that enjoying a tradition passed down through the generations is ethical. I beleive that participating in what I consider a population controlling effort(no matter how small) is ethical. In saying that I also belive that not harvesting, or attempting to make use of the animal is very backwards to the traditional sport that has been handed down to us. I also believe it is vital that We ethical hunters/fisherman stick together and support each other even if its not your cup of tea. Because uneducated anti's and educated anti's alike would love this kind of discussion to be made public as propiganda to leverage a ban on Coyote hunting alltogether...then how long until fishing is in their sights?
  17. Yikes! Its like watching a train wreck.... Its outta hand but I can't stop watching. 11-0 in the second
  18. I've thought about hunting them, but the issue I have is the table fare. I enjoy the sport, but to me with out the harvest is just a bit awkward? I suppose a pelt would be cool for the Basement decore, but after that I'm unsure how many I could gift? Although I suppose the table fare might be kind of a challenge for me ( Chef by trade ) mmm...I think I might be talking myself into this as I type LOL! I'd have to agree about the MASSIVE over population though.... If I had a good night camera I gaurentee I could post pics on demand LOL... The Farm feilds around here are full of them each night chaseing the deer around trying to feed on the corn stalks.
  19. Sounds like they still don't really know whats gonna happen, but thats nothing new LOL! All depends on the Temps from the sounds of it? Could be messy the next couple of days at some point. Well then...guess I'm just not traveling this year
  20. If your traveling on Christmas might I suggest you leave Early. Freezeing rain, sleet and snow is forecast for the overnight of Christmas eve and is expected to continue through the day on Christmas....be safe folks, and keep Christmas Mery.
  21. Wow... That list is surely eye opening to say the least. Not sure I can critisize the Pay as I have not done the jobs in question. But the Salaries being paid seem remarkably on the high side, and explain why my taxes are so high LOL!
  22. Just got a heads up from the freindly folks at the GRCA.... Belwood currently has only 3.5" of fractured ice. Not great, nor recommended yet. Looks like we also have some rain forecast for Christmas day(hopfully it will turn to snow) Belwood being a reservoir tends to go up and down pretty quick, making it tuff for good ice to form if there is any melting or rain falling...especially near the shore lines(which can be quite deep) Check with the GRCA in a week and see what they are saying. Good luck,
  23. Sounds about right LOL...
  24. I suppose so LOL....
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