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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Man thats brutal, What on earth would constitute cummuting this mans crimes? I could "possibly" see if had they put him into a mental institution for treatment as he was 17 years of age, and obviosly metally disturbed. So had there been "A PlAN" for this person maybe the people in his community stood a chance. But to release a criminal with delusional behaviour into the community with out a solid phyciatric rehabilitation plan...thats just plain iresponsible. Might as well give a loaded gun to 4 year old. I think Huckabee should be strung up, next to Clemmons assuming he is the guilty party..
  2. Best of luck ina speedy recovery. It worked for the 6 million dollar man...hopefuly they re-build you faster and stronger bud Cheers,
  3. Scary stuff Keram, I think thats meat of almost all global debate these days... To much agenda and trickery in the past to trust any sources. Its hard to get people to rally behind anything these days, and likewise hard to swallow the info your fed with such a sour taste, and not knowing were it came from.
  4. Painting, and Drywalling...no problem. Heck even the mudding is kinda fun, but sanding....this would be the part to trade LOL! As for the Depot, I'm glad they came through for you. I personally vowed to never shop there again because of a major blunder. The store is actually great, but there install work has little to be desired. I had new carpet put in the old house about 5 years back, and when i came home they had not done the stringers on the stairs like I had asked, and there were gaps between the stringers and Carpet edge. They offered to come veiw the work and stretch the carpet to the edged but claimed the stringers were not accounted for in the bill, and not on the estimate....I met them half way and said thats fine the stringers are finished, and looked fine. fast forward 1 year. My new cats DESTROYED the bottom stair with their claws, so I replaced the carpet on the stairs.( and de-clawed the cats) I ensured that the stringers needed to be done this time.... Guess what was not done...yup they didn't do the stringers, and they charged me for it. This time they came back and re-did the stringers, but again there were huge gaps, and odd bumps in other spots. After about 4 weeks of arguments they finaly fixed it, but no discounts. So... Last year when I renovated my Basement in the new house there was no way I was going to use them again. I used Rona, and Home Harware for all the supplies including my new deck/bar etc... But despite vowing to never use the Depot again... I happend to have gift certificates I had won, and they were having some sort of sale 40% off sale on carpet, and the biggest reason.. The wife found a carpet she loved....So, they got another chance. Well guess what wasn't done when the installion crew left....THE STRINGERS again, and this time they didn't put the nosing on the top stairs either! What was ridiculous is not only was this the 3rd time after I repeated my story to the estimator and the store sales staff... The Basment stringers are unfinished!!! I couldn't beleive the installation crew didn't question the order when they realized they were dropping almost $5000 of premium carpet & underpadding In a finished basement with unfinshined stringers? Who would spend money to carpet a room while leaving the stringers covered in dry wall mud, Paint, and globs of other contruction mess? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there must be a mistake...but instead they just continued and left my wife to deal with it. When I called they fought me on it, and gave me every exuse in the book... They accused me of not ordering carpeted stringers which I made a point of at the store, and to the estimator in person. Then they tried to tell me the Carpet was discontinued, yet they still had it on sale in the store... Then they said the Dye number was different so the carpets wouldn't match.... They even told me "its to late, the carpet is down and you signed for it"...which I did not My best guess is the estimator screwed up, because not only did I not sign anything, I had to call 2 weeks after he had visited to get my price solidified. And they had apparently "misplaced" the measurements, but luckily found them. So after there smoke and mirrror show I told them they have 2 options... Fix it, or come get your carpet out of my basement, and I'll see you in court later to discuss the payment. 6 weeks later it was done, but man...How can you go so wrong? No discounts, no appologies, nothing. I wrote 2 letters, and sent them to the store Manager, and the district manager...to this day a year later I never got a reply Every Penny I have spent since on anything has been at Rona, or Home Hardware. I don't even like Orange any more LOL!
  5. I can apreciate the Les Stroud approach LOL.. What ever you use for the chimney just make sure you use it in advance outdoors, not in your shelter.. The fumes comming off the a burning can or painted eves trough piping could be pretty toxic? Cleaning it out and burning it clean before you try it in an enclosed tent might not be a bad idea Cheers,
  6. Happy B-day I do remember the 2nd version...I've been around long enough for that I don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure I've been hangin around since about November 2001. Bought a new computer, and got on the net with rogers in my new house, so the time line fits.... Geeze time flys? Might have to make it to one of the G2G's some day to put some faces to the handles LOL!
  7. I've had my fair share of stitches bud... Lots of knife cuts from working as a chef, and a few hockey scars to boot. Enough to know the stitches are way better in my opinion. Less intrusive, and a hell of a lot easier/less painfull to remove. That and to be brutally honest...i've never seen a staple job heal well. No idea why but of the staple jobs I've seen all seem to leave larger scars, and take longer to heal? Its been a while since I've needed any stitches(knock on wood) but I used to just "not go" and see my family doctor to remove them after the E.R doc put them in.... I'd leave them in about a week longer then the ER doc recomended or until I could move them so they were loose, and then just pull them myself with nail clippers, and tweezers. Never had any exessive scaring, infections or complications at all.
  8. The issue is a bit more complicated in most cases... Most of these conservation areas are funded by Lease fee's paid by the cottage owners, and boat launch fee's The staffing, maintence of the roads, parks, Dams all come from the revenues paid. They also turn profit for the GRCA to help fund other projects be it a stream restoration, trout stocking etc.... You name it, thats were the Lion's share of the dough comes from. It would be a tough sell to the cottage owners if you attempted to tell them their families can no longer use their boats and Jet Ski's, and winter fishing is now off limits... Dont' get me wrong I'd like to see the traffic slow down a bit but its a more complicated then cutting off the Gas motors to appease people Wanting to fish the lake, when the people complaining don't own realestate on the lake...know what I mean? Some of these areas became conservation areas by default.... Most of the dams were built as Flood control dams, which in turn made a lake, which in turn made an opportuntiy for a revenue stream And along came the cottages and parks. The idea of these lakes being conservation area's came along after the fact. (in some cases) One thing to note though, And don't take this the wrong way, I'm actually trying to help a bit. Fishing on these lakes in not actually that bad...you may be fishing it wrong. The lakes your talking about have MASSIVE fluctuations in depth and temperature being resevoirs... This leaves the fish a bit spooked, and as I'm sure you know the Structure is there one day, then gone the next, weed beds are few and far between, and can dry up in low water, or be under 4' of water the next day. Shore Structure is limited to willows that by July are usualy no longer in the water, and Stumps/Trees are almost non exsitent. The bottoms are usualy Gravel or Silty, with little to no humps outside of origional river beds, and the odd sunken hill. Throw in the the boat traffic and of course the fishing can get VERY quiet... Try reading up a bit on resevoir fishing as its quiet different then hammering your average lake due to the variables always changing. You have to learn all over LOL! Anyway It helped me. Just my $0.02
  9. Thats a beauty alright, To the angler...Congrats on one heck of a catch, I'm jealous. And to Greg....Thanks for sharing. The only thing better then a 2nd hand account is catching it your self, and a brute like that hasn't graced my line yet so I appreciate the post. Cheers,
  10. Are they serious?....I totally took that as a spoof. Its so ridiculous they must know its horrible....they must?
  11. Hey Bud, You shot it, you tracked it you recovered it... It sounds like you felt like you could make the shot count so I say Congrats. For the record I was just curious/joking about your aim LOL! Did you end you hitting it more then once?
  12. So I gotta ask.... How many shots hit the mark LOL! Was it the first, second, or 3rd shot that counted
  13. The Kamik products are pretty good as well. I Use these http://www.sierratradingpost.com/p/2725,13...-F-For-Men.html They are awesome for warmth, and double as great winterboots for Icefishing. Very light weight for such a heavily insulated boot as well. Nice thing is the price...not to steep
  14. Do you have a chimeny already in place then? Reading your post seems to suggest you have a gas "insert" installed into a pre-existing wood burning fireplace mantel? If that is the case your situation might be a bit complicated depending on where the gas has been vented... I'm not sure you can even do that by Code?
  15. I got cold just watching that LOL!
  16. The Outskirts of Guelph and Kitchener have been polluted with them for the last few years so I'm not so sure they are being driven south to the GTA as opposed to driven North. I live on the fringe here in K-town...I Litterally have a corn field across the street. In the winter I see Coyotes out there on my way to work weekly, and some pretty large specimens I might add...sometime as close as about 20 yards away. It doesn't really bother me as they are not really known to be a threat, and usually they bolt when they see me, but the Coy Dogs are starting to come around now too, and they don't run....they just kinda watch me. Truth be told I don't trust them any farther then I can throw them having had some not so great expereinces with them years ago. These Local fields are a hot bed for the deer feeding on the trimmed corn stocks when the snow starts falling and food is in short supply. My wife and I have seen gangs off 18+ deer in the fields...No hunting here in the city limits so I guess its a safe enviroment and they become borderline tamed Anyway, Where there are deer the Coyotes are not far behind. The limitless supply of house hold pets, and people who draw the near by forest critters in by feeding them don't exsactly help the situation. Heck if I was a Coyote I'd live here too.... Tons of easy food, and no trapping/hunting = no reason to leave To give you an idea of how bold they are I smoked one last year in my van doing 70km-80km....IN THE CITY on Homer Watson by the womens Prison. Fast buggers I tell ya, I didn't even tap the breaks until after I was completly over it It happend so fast there was no time to react...but then again it was about 4:30am, and I was barely 2 sipps into my morning coffee so But to be that far into the City He or she must have been hunting the green belts between the houses looking for cats, or Rabbits Pretty bold...
  17. You owe me a coffee...potentially a key board
  18. I Agree with this statement, Just cross your fingers and hope the officer doesn't forget about your conversation. But then again...even if he does forget the deal, its not as if you have anything to loose at this point by pleading not guilty right
  19. Wow, I didn't think there were any left!
  20. Its crap... Its not as though they need more Tax money to pay off anything, its about mismanagement of the funds we already give them. In this economic climate business has to cut back...we lay off, and restructure to survive Ultimately what happens is as business returns those still employed work harder to make the company run until hiring more labour is seen as necessary. This is a normal down turn cycle in any facet of business, regardless of the sector....unless your the premier In his case he keeps things the same, and avoids the media to keep his job cushy, and easy. When poop hits the fan instead of cutbacks and restructure, he puts on a dog and pony show about paying back a debt that is apparently none of his fault. While I can freely admit he is not to blame for the economic state as a whole I do question what he attempted to do about it as it went down, and his logic about who is at fault, and how to fix it.... The issue is mismanagement not merely a federal spending debt. Its almost as criminal as Municipal taxes... You would think, the more homes we cram into a small place equals more tax revenue, and therefore less tax burden(i.e. maintenance) per street But nope.... Instead it goes up and up each year. Makes no sense what so ever.
  21. Hey Bill I'm with ya.... According to The Ontario Ministry of health on a national Averages 500-1500 flu-related deaths occur per year in Canada.... According to the Public health agency of Canada 89 anadians have died of swine flu(and swine flu related) deaths over the past year and a half.... Annual Flu epidemics world wide are thought to result in between three and five million cases of severe illness and between 250 000 and 500 000 deaths every year... while apparently 5,000 have died globally from H1N1 so far. Those are the numbers.... So this World wide data suggests 'if" you catch a flu in general you have 1%-2% chance that it could be a fatal case of H1N1 Canadian specific info suggests any flu you may catch carries a 0.6-1.8% chance of being a fatal case of H1N1 However it also says the regular flu is almost 12x more likely yo kill you then H1N1 To me the jury is still out on this one, and probobly will be until the season ends, and the Data is collected. That being said I don't think there is a right or wrong answer as long as your comfortable in you assement. No one should be vilified for not taking the shot if they've done their homework, and feel its an unessasary risk. And like wise I won't chastize anyone for getting it. Just do your homework and make a decision you can live with.
  22. Ok heres a thought to ponder for those freaked out by the H1N1 Scare. According to The Ontario Ministry of health on a national Averages 500-1500 flu-related deaths occur per year in Canada.... According to the Public health agency of Canada 89 anadians have died of swine flu(and swine flu related) deaths over the past year and a half.... Annual Flu epidemics world wide are thought to result in between three and five million cases of severe illness and between 250 000 and 500 000 deaths every year... while apparently 5,000 have died globally from H1N1 so far... That is no reason to panic IMO? These numbers don't lie... Its fairly apparent that this has been blown up much larger then it needs to be thanks to our media coverage. Its sad that some people died...it always is when people die, but this is nothing to panic over. I have to echo Kempers origional thoughts on the matter. Its a flu...a really bad flu But when you look at the numbers its nothing to get worked up over, and my guess iss 300 kids missing school is more then likely a combination of a few sick kids, and a healthy dose of panic but I guess we'll see when this all blows over. Get the shot if feel you need it, don't if you do not trust it....talk to your doctor, and get the facts. For those inclinded to read a bit on the subject http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/provid.../flumap_mn.html http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1...illance-eng.php
  23. Agreed...healthy looking and big head LOL! Gonna be pretty darn big when she bulks up. Cheers,
  24. I don't know...I don't think its photo shopped? Even if it was its not as though they don't get that big? I've seen them big enough to surmise they can and do get bigger. If its a Photo shop then its a good job I suppose
  25. Geeze those are Huge I've seen a fair share from a distance and a handfull up close and personal but none quite that big. Beautifull and healthy I might add.... If one of my buddies brought me that to butcher I think I'd have to charge some overtime LOL!
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