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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Sure...I suppose thats one way to look at it, but personally I prefer the "when in Rome" approach. When you have a product people want(like our outfitters, and wilderness)....People will pay for it. No point in making it more difficult for anyone IMO regardless of where you come from. I'm just not a fan of anything to do with the HST at all. And dicsounting it for Toursits in a round about way points out how impactfull it really is. Funny that the Government thinks it's low impact to the Ontario citizens, and thinks its great for Business, but then thinks it should be discounted for visitors because it comes across as a cash grab. Funny how that works eh?
  2. God I love the HST....LOL I'd guess "most" outfitters will not grant the rebate upfront....its a hassel for them to do the paper work. This whole thing is a bit silly anyway? Why give a Non-resident rebate anyway... Nothing like taxing the crap out of our own citizens and granting breaks for visitors to get you re-elected eh? Smart politics right there....
  3. My advice, If your going to get into business in a "Seasonal Area" I would expect to work a lot for the first couple of years. Your going to need to Bank alot of cash in the prime season(s) to coast through the slow stretches. That means being on the floor, saving your labor dollars, and having your finger on the pulse of you purchases. Restaurants are in the business of "nickles and dimes"...you need to have a strong understanding of costing, inventory, and purchasing outside of culinary skill, and a huge amount of determination. Keeping a consitent level of quality and keeping your products consistent will keep your reputation good. Advertise to the tourists, but please your locals above and beyond....they will keep you a float in the off season. Personally I'd be more inclinded to have something with Cottages or chalets, docks...those kind of rentals are generally a gold mine with a high profit percentage.(no cost to rent out side of overhead, and utility, and hopefully maintenence is a rare occurance) Plus with Cottages you have a captive audience to market your restaurant to maybe think of filling your restaurant with an inclusive package, and raise your revenue stream while your at it...People like simplicity That and a busy restaurant attracts people....nobody wants to eat in an empty dining room, so why not create atmosphere with and inclusive crowd to draw in locals? Just my $0.02 bud Its what I do for a living (Executive Chef/Director of Food & Beverage/Consultant/CFBE/CCC) You want more advice send me a PM maybe we can arrange an OFC Discount LOL... Cheers,
  4. Enjoyed it as well. Some feirce game play....love the heart!
  5. Keep it simple, If you want to replace it...just ask the neighbor if he wants to split the cost. If he says no you have a few choices. -Build it on your own, on your property, on your dime. -If its unsafe, and its yours(not his) tear it down, and let him deal with no fence for year...see if he changes his tune? -if its his fence, and he feels its fine, and you think its unsafe...call the municipality and let them sort it out. Simple thing to do is ask the neigbor. Chances are he'll see it needs fixing and help
  6. It was obvioulsy not an ejoyable day, but one you should be proud of. You were there for a freind, saved a life, and were a hero all in one day. Thats the stuff movies are made of and you just earned every beer you've had, and will have.. Hats off to you sir.
  7. I pulled the cord on my snow blower to clear the last dump of snow, and the cord snapped. I figured that was sure sign of a tuff March to come....hope I'm wrong
  8. Sad news indeed, My condolences go out to the family and freinds of the officer. I heard in the new yesterday the shooter was in his 70's....no idea why he was pulled over or what sparked the shooting?
  9. I read this as well. Its a sad story regardless of how you slice it. I can't say I'd call him an idiot though...thats pretty harsh. To suggest he had it comming is also pretty harsh IMO. He was apparently under prepared, overly enthusiastic, and grossly misjudged the challenge ahead. We don't know this gentlmans situation, but it sounds like he didn't have a heck of a lot going for him. I'd almost fathem a guess that perhaps he was a bit slow or impeded? Who knows... He made some heavy mistakes and paid the ultimate price, but to call him an idiot is a bit insensitive dude... Heck IMO riding a motorcycle on the 401 is WAY, WAY more dangerous then a solo trip in the woods with or with a helmut and training. But I wouldn't call a biker and idiot either LOL....
  10. Yes they are thick in the Huron Doon south end of Kitchener....very common around here on the fringe. Unfortunately there are few not quite a skittish as the ones in you pictures. I am putting a fence up in the spring...not because of the coyotes, but regardless I'll be glad to get the fence in as it seems lately I have them entering my back yard occasionaly. I have no fear of the little buggers myself but I did have a small pack come in for a closer look to check me out last December as I did a trailer inspection before leaving on a trip one early morning.... Last week in the morning as the kids waited for the bus pick up, one of the mothers pointed one out not more then 50 Yards from the bus stop. The kids are never alone at the bus stop but thats certainly not normal behavior for a Coyote to eye ball children. I will feel better about my kids playing in the yard when the fence is up. Its crazy how differnt this year seems to be compared to the last 3?
  11. Dude...really? I'm Not saying your in P3TA... Just pointing out the similarity of their position vs. your stance. Seriously Maybe I am dense...but your stance is not clear at all. Muskie=Special live bait restrictions All other fish= nuts Wolves=Special protection All other species= nuts And all this because you think Wolves and Muskie are smarter then all other species? Sorry dude but makes no sense at all to me. I get that you obviously reeeeeely like Musky, and Wolves... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Its just yours happens to be the same kind of opinion that got the spring bear hunt cancelled. I guess I take exception to that. Suggesting hunting be further restricted is just so backwards coming from a fellow sportsman to me, and gets under my skin a bit. Sorry for the rant, and I'm truly not trying to be a jerk. I guess I was hopeing for clarification, but its not going anywhere so.... Away we go.
  12. No, But its an odd position for me to digest?...and I'm guessing I'm not alone in that statement. I would understand your stance if you thought live bait should be illegal in general for all species.... But if the only reason you think it should be illegal is the Musky mortality rate I'm confused? Why view the life of musky over an above all other fish? Ethically speaking it is very narrow to me...I don't mean to be offensive but its odd to me? It's really just kind of strange to pick and choose which creatures deserve more protection or respect then others based on what you consider to be smarter animals? I could agree to disagree and appreciate your stance if there was a rhyme or reason such as endangered numbers. But to pick and choose species for protection over and above others and point the stick at your fellow sportsman as foul comes across as a bit arrogant IMO But I suppose in some ways it is better then a blanket statement which is what P3TA does....although in truth their position is a bit more clear LOL.
  13. If you don't participate....in my books is fine. If you don't Like it....in my books its still fine. But Suggesting it be illegal based on a personal set of ethics is not. And yes it is in fact right on par with P3TA ethics like it or not If its not your cup of tea...say so But don't get heated with some one suggests you re-think your position on a fishing/Hunting forum When the likeness of your veiw is colaborated in spades with the likes of P3TA. Sugesting wolf hunting be illegal feeds directly into the P3TA Machine.... First its "save the wolves", next its fishing is Murder... Catch my drift? I'm not suggesting your a full blown member of P3TA, I'm merely pointing out a hypocritical point in your post which perhaps you could clarify or retract? Not hunting based on a personal choice is cool... Not hunting and suggesting it should be illegal....not so much
  14. Ditto LOL....
  15. Not really applicable the to coversation considering they were hunted in Ontario to near extinction around say...the 1800's Long before there was such a thing as conservation or the MNR. I'd agree its not as sporting but thats only one way to hunt... Kinda like the different ways to fish... Chumming and still fishing bait is the same thing.
  16. We had a slow start but boy are we bringing it home now...
  17. I don't begrudge you at all cram, But your sending a mixed message.... If you don't begrudge hunters for doing it, why would you think it should be illegal? Not par taking in a wolf hunt because its not your cup of tea is one thing...thinking and sideing with P3TA is another Bingo...some smart men right there
  18. Until the Deer and Moose, beaver and rabbit populations begin to thin and the Wolves overpopulate begining natures "humane" way thinning...by endureing disease, and starvation.... You quickly forget that by making one species untouchable the others all suffer as well. Its about BALANCE...a healthy and MAINTAINED wolf population in accordance with what is needed to keep the other animals in check is benefical to all species including the wolf. Don't forget this kind of thing is managaged per WMU in Ontario...its not all willy nilly so there are areas where there is no open hunting season on wolves. Its only open in areas that require it as part of the conservation plan for that WMU No...just all the Inuit Guy...give your head a shake If fishing was up for debate to the Public don't you think most people would be against it? One opportunity lost will turn into another...when you support the removall of a hunt based on ethics.... You better beleive a cancelation of fishing is just down the road. The spring bear hunt was canceled because of tree hugging manality and not science...end its never comming back despite the issues its causing. You need to get on side with supporting a Legal hunt, and allow the MNR to decide whats legal. So you value life based on intellegance...Thas a dangerous road to travel... So I suppose Deer are just dumb animals with no social structure so its ok to hunt them?...you've never read about or hunter deer I see. I guess eating Pork is out as well eh? I'd hate to hear your take on Mentally challanged people as equals.... I don't know what the answer to that is but I've personally seen tracks and kills almost yearly since I have been going. And heard howls every couple of years inbetween. The Wolf population of Algonquin is very strong? You can't hunt them in the park and recently the MNR canceled the hunt in 3 townships in the round lake area based on sceintific study. The wolves were leaving the park in this areas to feed in the deer yards located in those areas, and some wolves were being harvested once they left the park. But have no fear Algonquin Wolf numbers are doing just fine, and there is little concern about the current balance. The bigger concern at this point is conserving the Eastern Wolf genes as pure....Grey wolf and Coyotes genes are interbreeding. It would probobly be the same people here today debating the ethics of it LOL... If hunting Wolves is not you're thing...great thats cool, I got not issue with it. But when people are suggesting it should be illegal based on "their" ethics, and want to shoot me for doing it....there I have an issue.
  19. If its taken in a legal season there is nothing wrong with it at all, and its no different then harvesting any other animal, or fish for that matter. Be it for a hide, sustinace or trophy its legal and I'd tread carefully on how you value one animal over another lest ye give P3TA amunition. Outdoorsman alike should support our kin even if is not our cup of tea. If I shot a wolf for a hide...is it any different then you taking a Muskie, or a bass in season to be stuffed? Its the same thing except some people revere Wolves as Dogs, and think of them as Pets....which they ain't. The MNR sets the guidelines around here, and they do it based on hard science to promote "healthy" populations keeping sport in mind as a secondary thought. It all plays into a master plan that acounts for other animals that the Wolves prey on such as Beavers, Rabbits, Deer, Moose etc... It's all about balance, and we should leave that to the experts. Its the tree hugger mantality that canceled the Spring Bear hunt and that is not exsactly sitting well with people these day is it? To each there own as long as its with in the law, and the law is doing their due dillegence in supporting a sustainable healthy population. Sorry if I come across as harsh but don't go spouting off about wanting to hunt the hunters cause you feel bad for the big wild puppy dogs
  20. Cause most Brookie haunts take a lot to get to, and are back in the boonies, so unless you've actualy already been there....you'd have no idea of where your looking at. For exsample...this is one of my Prime spots. There is a hump of boulders that creaps up from about 20' to 6' with a mixed gravel/mud bottom flat on top...that fallen pine just sticking out is actually 2 trees. The trees rest right above the drop off....its a bloody spec gold mine on the deep end during the day, and it switches to the shallow gravel side at night when they feed at the surface. If you can guess where it is I say cudos to you, and have at it. I pulled more then few out of that fallen pine on several occasions LOL... Just be ready to work for it Cheers,
  21. This happened in the juniours....only it was the other way around. Be careful with pokes unless you enjoy crow.
  22. After hours of navigating (AKA climbing) several of these....up and down and all over again. Canoeing countless lakes like these in nice sunny but cool skies.... That turn into uncertain weather like this... That enables cool findings like this... But eventually leads you this...a few times over if we're lucky And comes with a morning coffee view like this for free... Yup... Thats my favorite
  23. Canada's offence was ineffective. The TV yokals kept saying "Miller is just awesome...what a save" When the tuth is he was good...but his defence were better. We may have gotten a ton of shots, but how many were quality?....very few. We couldn't get to the net. The American Defence was blocking shots, pushing the Canadians to the corner.... And Brodeure was weak. To be bluntly honest he let in 2 real softies. And since I'm being so honest....Pronger and Weber looked real weak to All I can say is we better play better against Germany.
  24. Well I'm gonna go out on a limb here but why not just pan fry with Butter...maybe throw some onions in there...or Poach in salt water? Finish with Some fresh lemon, and pepper? I do that on purpose quite often.... Beats the hell outta blueberry Pike I would think But if you "must" batter or dust your fish don't rule out corn starch and don't forget If you have bread...you can make bread crumbs. Cheers,
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