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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Well, Being some what of a local celebrity in my parts.... Broadcasting my real name could infact attract some unwanted attention to be honest
  2. Some people are just hell bent on nonconformity.... If you tell them the rules, they have this deep need to break, change, or abolish them simply because it sets parameters, regardless of the reasons they are in place, and who they are meant to inspire, or exel. Luckily Most of these idiots end up in Jail by the time they are 20, but unfortunatly for us some find themselves with just enough common sence to stay out of trouble. They are easy to spot though... Generally they are quite miserable, alone and spend much time complaining on the internet in what is supposed to be their golden years... Sure some might find it annoying to hear our anthem over and over, and some might find it annoying to be told they have to do something they don't like.... Suck it up. Maybe someday we should all stand up in unison and tell these 's how the majority of us normal folk find their complaining annoying. geeze... IMO There is literally no acceptable reason to cancel the singing, and playing of the national anthem in our schools, and I think anyone who has an issue with it should take their kids out of the public school system and home school them....its my right to have my children educated in tradtional Canadian fashion. You don't like it...write book about it, or screw off theres plenty of countries on this little old rock so leave mine alone. I guess I'm a wee bit defensive of my country, but I guess thats just Patriotism....who knows maybe 14 years of hearing that Anthem brainwashed me? Or Maybe I just find it odd how a few vocal miserable dude's can cause such ruckus sometimes. Peace,
  3. I don't know that anyone is demonizing them, but I Know I can catch Pike in just about any were in Ontario, were Muskie are A tad bit more evasive. The Kawartha's have a great Muskie fishery...thats unique in its own right, and it would be unfortunate to see That change. I've seen this pike "invasion" first hand... A family member has a hunt camp on the Crow river were it comes into a big lake between a series of large rapids called Mud turtle Lake. Its pretty remote, and has no access unless you own property, or have a reeeeely strong drive to bush wack LOL! Anyway, It used to have a very Healthy Muskie Population, with some caught as big as 48" in our group. Large mouth, perch and Pickeral were quite robust as well. Then some 20 years ago Pike were being caught.... No one has caught a Muskie in the last 10 years, Large mouth are still there, but Small mouth have boomed, and Pickerel, and Perch populations are way down. No suprise but Hammer handle Pike are EVERY WERE. Don't get me wrong there are some big Pike as well, but the Pike are flourishing, and unfortunatly they are taking over everything. I'm no biologist, so I can't say for sure but the numbers of Pike seem to have decimated the Perch, and Pickeral Populations as well. Why the Large mouth are disapearing is beyond me? I would have thought they would push the smallies out, but hey....nature is a funny little puzzle somtimes. We figure the Pike came in through a Creek that runs to a near by lake known to have Pike. It was an unlikely route to travel, but in the spring when the water is high its the most likely source. So Its a natural invasion....Its just unfortunate I also know of a lake in Bruce county that used to be GOLD for Smallmouth. It was not uncommon to catch them by the dozens, with brutes into the 19-20" range not uncommon This lake was Deep, round, with plenty of forage....it was like God planted this little Bass Garden that was like a fishing paradise. Then, A cottage went up....then a few more....then some body put Largemouth in there....now the lakes is in some sort of weird Transition? Smallies populations are down, Largies are rare but are being caught and last year I'm told a Pike was caught. I have little hope for the once prolific Smallmouth lake, and this was a man made invasion... Its just to bad, as there are TONS of good lakes to catch Pike with in a 10 minute drive.... A once great Muskie Fishery is gone, and a once great Smally fishery is gone...yet those Pike lakes in the Area are still going strong? I think thats why people get in a huff over it...no one is demonizing Pike, its just there are already many, many strong Pike fisheries around so its just sad to see our other opportunities limited. Cheers,
  4. Wow thats a trip to remember for sure! Such beautiful country as well... Thanks for sharing that. Cheers,
  5. Well I'd disagree with this We must hang in different Circles LOL! I would absolutely say its our national game. Lets not forget the massive junior followings as well as the pro's. Heck throw in junior/senior and olympic international play....its no contest. You don't get crowds out to local junior foot ball or baseball games like the OHL draws by a long shot. Average Attendance for the Kitchener rangers is 5000 seats full....thats one team once a week, and its junior hockey, not pro. There are litterally 1000's in attendance for junior games on an average night all across Canada for Junior A hockey, and often 100's will show up for junior B hockey. We have had hockey night in Canada coverage for ever, and every one know Don cherry and ron Mclean right...house hold names who don't even play LOL! Seems like a national past time to me Sure there are other junior football, soccer, and baseball teams that have followings but truthfully...outside of the GTA those other junior sports teams pail in comaprison to the following of the local hockey teams.
  6. I love hockey, but like it or not In a North American context Hockey is a regional sport...its not international Canada yes...you'll get sea to sea coverage, and can promote hockey in just about any city. Its a national Past time "here" Where the US and Mexico have markets that are just not interested, and its not a plausable event to cover with any hope of a return. IMO There are too many teams as is....We're just diluting the talent pool at this point. I'd be happy to see to 10 teams fold. Then we'd have some good hockey again. Bettmans a dreamer...he keeps thinking he can change the game, and make it a international North American game that is loved through out America but in the proccess hasn't realized how many of his "changes" are simply putting the main stream fans off of the game. I don't think he realizes the product is becoming worse. He's over grown the markets, and there are too many teams, who in order to fill the roster have to draft sub-par players... Put in simple terms, He's ruining the Game.
  7. Thats some good stuff there! Its the kind of trip that others will be measured against. You gotta luv it when the stars line up and the fish come out to play like that eh? Congrats, and thanks for sharing.
  8. I'm happy with that. A rematch next year????....best outta 3 LOL! Hardest Job was picking an MVP though... I suppose Malkin was as deserving as anyone else, but truth be told I find that a weak pick. But don't ask me who I would have picked over him? he had a huge amount of points, but a dismal 2 way performance, and if it were not for being on the powerplay you can minus16 points (7 goals 9 assists )...with a 36 over all points thats not that impressive, and niether is only having a +3 plus minus at the end of the playoffs? Impressive show for TV, but as a coach, fan, and fly by night analyist...not desreving of the MVP. But then again, who would be better? I suppose stats wise... Crosby would be the winner by a 7 point regulation time performance margin, and a +9 plus minus puts his effectivness 6 points over Malkan. But then again if Bettman makes those calls then the media hype(he who scores most) will win every time....loved his shout out to Mario LOL! But for last night in general...Talbot deserves a HUGE thank you from the fans, and his team mates. He worked his butt off! Sai la vie... Pitty won fair an square, and deserve to enjoy the warmth of the spot light for a while. Cheers,
  9. For now we gotta put up with the bull.... Choices are limited to your financial limits(ie. Electric/hybrid cars) As the Hybrids, and electric cars make their way into the mainstream its cutting into the oil company profits...so they adjust accordingly. But at some point the shift will happen... These former concept cars will out number the older gas models, and if the oil companies want to continue being viable at the business levels they have become acustom to the prices will have to sink into the basement in order to entice consumers or that will be the end of the gravy train for them. 10 years from now or sooner we'll start hearing them whine...be patient
  10. The scientists have discovered the remedy for global warming hurray! We can go back to gas guzzling trucks, 24/7 Central air, and lights on all day and night to keep things bright. The worst is over folks...enjoy
  11. I agree, Whats with Orpik and dropping his stick It happened about 4 -5 times Last night? Billy was a bit off for sure, no Major mistakes but not as much presence. Malkans a great player offensively most of the time, but he had huge problems gaining the Blue line last night, and gave up some very dangerous turnovers by trying to get to fancy....The whole teams gotta come on strong Friday if they are gonna pull it off. Truth be told I'm not sure fleury is up for it... The Pitty defence had better bring it on, and guys like Malkan better remember what 2 way hockey is all about or the Wings will take it to them. I'm not sure that 50% of last nights Penguin win was not 50% attributed to the Wings Offence having an off night. Its was shown in spades what the wings can do when the Pens defence is not effective, and by defence I mean back checking forwards as well... Fleury is good, but he's shaken, and Detroit has the guns to Rattle him again. Lets hope Pitty scores first, and they get confidence quickly...cause we've seen it go the other way and it wasn't pretty
  12. Dude Pitty out shot them out hit them, out scored them.....they out played them. The zone percentage after the 2nd was like 80% in the Detroit defensive? If not for Osgood the score would have been run up grossly.
  13. Well this is going to be interesting, If Pitty plays like tonight, and the Wings bring their game 5 face.....game 7 will be good. But, Am I the only one who thought Malkan looked like a chump tonight? A ton of dipsy doodle plays on the blue line that truned over the puck when he should have been bringing or shooting it in deep? And taking a stupid penalty to boot....geesh Thank God Staal was on fire! With Kennedy adding a point it was the Northern Boys of Ontario stealing the show and bringing it to Detroit!
  14. LOL... This thread is hilarious! You simply cannot pit one over the other as they have different jobs to fill. This is like the Tiller vrs Console Debate Its all dependant on the "type" of fishing your doing.... In an ideal world your not going to use lighter line, and a medium action rod set with spinning gear if your flipping in the slop for Largies... You could...but of course thats not the ideal set up right? On the flip side, your not going to use heavy line with a heavy action rod and bait caster to fish Browns & Bows in the Spring run right? Each set up has advantages that work better then the other in certain situations. You could easily work one all the time, but by haveing a choice you mearly increase your odds of landing fish, and in some cases Make your day a little easier and less frustrating. But to each there own... The funny thing about fishing is contrary to popular beleif, its actually not about catching fish.... Its about having a good time, and enjoying yourself "while trying" to catch fish. If a certain combo makes it more enjoyable to you then have at it. IMO they all have their time and place just like a tiller, or console. Its cool to have a preference, But a preferance doesn't make it better for all...
  15. Nice Work! Gotta luv bushwacking to the back lakes for solo fishing I'd honestly take that kind of fishing over public access lakes any day. sure its work, but the solitude is awesome!
  16. uh...ya right. How bout all the goaltender interferance? Those don't qualify right? Personaly I think its ALL part of Physical series. A little less Body contact, and way more stick play then I would like to see in a traditional Playoff Game. But non the less Its still just part of an emotional high stress playoff game.
  17. Crossing my fingers, but then again...once it over I can stop watching, and focus on fishing a bit more
  18. Ditto, And last night proved a point...older or not they got the goods. Nothing pisses and old guy off then being called and old guy LOL! Kinda a crappy one way game though... Some stupid penalties, and a team scorned makes for a great first and second period if they are your team... But after that its just boreing
  19. Let me start by saying...I'm no fan of either team by long stretch of the imagination LOL! Go...ummmm....mmmm......who'd most likely to win this?....ummm I'll cheer for the underdog. Go Pens But this... That there is funny! That was a vicious slash? I suppose you thought the Zadane Head but was a colosal blow as well LOL! Stupid penalty yes, Frustrated is he?....yes But vicious?...c'mon I've seen weed wackers hit harder then that Zetty "may" have embelished that one a bit....just a bit Say what you want about Syd....he's still a star, like 'em or not. (insert Sour grapes here)
  20. Hey thanks guys You're Awesome! I was just thinking..."i've never replaced a seal before" So I was starting to think I might have to work Tommorrow instead of Fish LOL! Thanks again!
  21. Maybe? I'm no motor experts but after the winter storage I noticed some Black gooey drops under the motor, and it came from the base of the Prop. So I was thinking Prop seal leak. I pop down to the store grab the seals, and head home. pull the plug to drain the oil, and its not dark or black at all its clean?.... So I stop draining, and check the level....its full? So my question is....what color should the oil be? And if there was water getting in would it not be mixed in, and visible? And.... Could this gooey black stuff be exhaust debris? (its a mixed gas system)
  22. I agree... I love the guys who measure the success of a player buy their "points" I suppose by a measure of points a guy Like Scott Stevens, Guy Carbonneau, Larry Robinson are what....chumps? How about Danny Cleary? Would you throw him to the dogs cause he's not a point getter? Only 14 "points" but +17 and the TOP plus minus on the team. Do you think Zetterburgs would be doing as well as he is with out him? Heart of the team if you asked me.... Plus minus actually wins games, and says a lot about a players game play! This measures not only the goals and "points" you score, but the plays you set up, the situations you create, and leadership on the ice you provide, and the inspiration you instill in your line mates....and did I mention it minuses the mistakes your on the ice for? If your going to follow a number as opposed to an overall effectiveness an individual character...Plus/minus is a number to follow not "points" But FYI, Syd the Kid has 31 "points" and is +12 Malkins has 35 points but is only +3 In a pool sure I might pick Malkin but on my team, and especially my line....Syd is 4x more effective.
  23. Tomatos vs. Tomatoes eh? LOL!
  24. Pike, Thats whats in there.... Lot "O" bass too but out of season just yet. I fish the Nith now and then, and have run into a few good Mennonite folk fishing old school bobbers and minnows looking for a feed of Pike.
  25. Tough question, but a good one..... I'd be inclined to say politicaly speaking he did not have much of a choice. Damage to our trade relationship would not help our soaring dollar, or do much good for any spin off industry that is only now stabalizing, and adjusting to the new Cut back levels of commerce in the market. Also, The opposition parties are pushing it as well, so it then becomes fuel in the election proccess, and is another area to be poked at by the other parties. So no... I don't think he had a choice. But regardless I don't think its the right decision for the long term. Let the peices fall, and re-build on solid ground...this patch work bull pucky is the equivelent of fixing the Titanic with silicone and duct tape.
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