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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Nice Fish, This time of year gets my blood flowing, I'm totaly excited for my trip this week. I find the weedless Black jigs work really well for opener as well, its one of my go to lures when the Spinner bit is down. Cheers,
  2. Beautifull fish bud, Can't ask for mush more then that....nice sunny warm day on the opener weekend! Thats rare in its self LOL.... But two nice eaters make it even better. Cheers,
  3. Sorry but some times its well deserved... I Drove from Kitchener to Buy Hunting boots, a Wet Sack, and a Survival suit. $1000+ purchase lined up... I researched the products called to ensure they were carrying the very same items listed in the catelog....I did all the things a responsible consumer should. When I got there, they didn't have the boots, the next brand up was $80 more, they didn't have ANY wet sacks, and they didn't have the 2 peice mustang survival suits in stock either...even though I had called to check the night before. When I asked the staff if they could check the store room as I was told they had these items in stock the night before they responded "sorry we're in the middle of inventory go ask the customer service desk. they should have time to check" When I begrudgingly did just that the Desk said " We don't have a storage room, what is on the shelf is all we have." I of course asked to speak to a manager as I had just driven and hour and a half to buy 3 items I was assured were in stock which were not, and was given the run around by the floor staff.... When I spoke to the manager he offered a rain check...which I said would be great if they could ship me the product, or discount the price to reimburse me for my gas being this would now require a second trip from Kitchener. I was told that is not possible. I left, VERY pissed off and wrote nice letter to the GM..........2 years ago with no response. So ya....Screw Bass pro I'm not treading on them for fun, or cause its fashionable. I have good reason to tread on them.
  4. Thats what I've been saying for a while now, ever since those twins in Saskatchawan broke the record the first time around. I questioned the legitimacy of their triplod trout record in a thread that was started here, and the twin that broke the record actually stopped in to the OFC to chastise us for even questioning the record....class act Sure its a massive fish, but its been "enhanced"... Why not just allow "enhanced" athletes to compete in sports then? Same thing right? Why is one ok and the other not? IMO there should be a triploid record category put into the mix, or Triploids should not meet record critera. Just for the record the last two Rainbow trout records have been confirmed Triploids out of Saskatchawan, and Don't quote me but I beleive the former record before that caught in Macgregors Bay Ontario which was also a confirmed Triploid? (Although that may have just been an ontario record though?) Either way IMO its not right.
  5. 2001-2002 for me? Some time in the winter...can't remember the month. Cabin fever brought me in, and I never looked back.
  6. -Never fish for brown trout cause all you will catch are Atlantic's -Spinning reels are ineffective. -Never catch fish over 20lb's or you must sit in the penatly box and feel shame. -Quebec reports are AWESOME -New people apparently hate the forum despite visiting often -Steelheading is an art (not to be confused with fun) -Religious or Political discussion is not recommended but reeeeeely entertaining -EHG has stones of steel fishing in Lake Ontario in a 12'tinner mid winter -Bunks epic posts are Magazine worthy -I hate Solo...only cause I don't understand how he does what he does -Dawg and Holdfast are my 2 favorite posters cause they say it like it is. -DanC...Takes "Speck"tacular photos, and those trout are simply amazing -Rick seems to smart too talk to sometimes -Lew somehow makes Musky look easy....and sometime they look happier then he is? But most of all I've noticed a great bunch of folk with a sence of humor, in this active community.
  7. Yup, Zone 13 is year round for Pike. Nice fish there, Cheers
  8. I don't think it will be at the peak for the opener, but I do think there will be Black flies out and about. I've heard reports of isolated pockets where they are already out an biting. Most of what I've heard is in regards to the East and South gates, but if the South and East gates have bugs.... I'd feild a guess that La Muir Will also have Black flies out and about. With this week being warm, and next week also looking to be warmer....it not a great sign for those of us entering the park soon. I'd say the bug season is going to be 3-4 weeks early...Ice out was about the same so I supose it makes sence. For the record I WILL be bringing my Bug nets for the first time ever on my opening trip. I'm hopefull that its not needed, but I don't want to be caught with out it either. Cheers,
  9. Do they have any recent sales promo's? I might just need to drop in and have a look around....and up and down
  10. Natural works for me just fine. I don't find the prices out of whack at all? But even if they are a bit high its still usually cheaper when I factor in the Gas to Bass pro. Plus I don't lose 2 hours of my time driving there and back, and they are usually the closest (decent) store for me. Though I have to admitt I have expereinced the "Non Pro" treatment at Natural in the past. "Sometimes"..."Some" of their staff seem to be a bit put off with small talk. I always make it a point to get to know the guys in these shops no matter where in the province they are located, because I'm a freindly guy, and they are also of course hot beds for tips, and upto date conditions etc... Most of these guys live and breath fishing, and gladly chat up info, and I'm the first to chat about conditions and such as well. Some staff on the other hand only chat with local pros, and top ranking customers...which I am not. I'll say this though, I've NEVER had an issue with customer service when it comes to info on equipment, but yes....some staff shut it down when you chat about anything outside of the equipment. I wouldn't really call that poor service, I just wouldn't call it "exceptional" service either? As for BPS... I've not had any good customer service experiences at Bass pro that would undo the last unpleasent experience I had with their customer sales department/manager....so I vowed to never shop there again, and its been 2 years. When I get an appology letter, I "might" think about it. Rainbow sports however is also great. It unfortunatly out of my way ususally, and I wouldn't rank them any higher on the scale then Natural so I Guess I just haven't been there in a while, but I have nothing bad to say about them either. This thread has me thinking its time to shop there again next time just to see how they are doing. Cheers,
  11. I agree 100%. Spring Speck fishing is a lot like fishing for summer bass....working structure.
  12. Its just wood... I'm no expert but I'm guessing if you dry it out, sand her down and refinish it would be good as new? If there are cracks, and holes you might have to fill and sand them down, but I can't see it being a big deal?
  13. Nice job, I agree the colors on that first fish are wicked. Hope you caught that on a Pin or it doesn't count! (Kidding....of course ) Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  14. This has to be the most one sided argumentative thread I've ever read on this board... Name calling and generalizations....just Ridiculous But hey...by all means continue
  15. Couple of pointers take 'em or leave 'em I'm not an expert by any means but I've been going to the park years, and will be there again this year April 28th to May 2nd...can't wait! In truth That portage looks worse then it is, epecially with the warm dry weather....it should "solidify" some of the soft spots, but of course what you bring and how heavy you travel will dictate how easy or difficult your travel will be. My tips, I never bring Bug spray for the opener....there is never any, or enough bugs on opener to make it worth while. Allthough keep an eye on the weather as this year might be the year I'm wrong being its warmer then normal. Sunscreen....guys always forget it, and always get burnt. The reflection off the water doubles your exposure...a hat won't do in high pressure skies. I'm not sure what kinda dude you are, but My brothers get BRUTAL chapped lips from wind burn. If you ever get chapped lips don't forget your Chap stick, or you'll be miserable. Food wise,I like the Lipton Side kicks. They are light, cheap, and in a burnable Package with tons of variety. I buy the Vacume pack sealed Tuna as well...you can get lemon grass flavored, or even Curry which I pair up with Spicy Thai Side kicks, or Curry dishes...plain tuna isn't bad in Alfredo dishes either, or rice. It works for me. Breakfast...who doesn't like Oatmeal? totally Light weight and filling. Beer wise, I'd look for "Wells" it comes in plastic 2L bottles, but I used the Heinekin Mini keg last year...easy to carry with two handes but it gets heavy after a while, and the jurry is still out on whether its classed as a can or not. I know I personally packed it right infront of camp staff last year...they saw it...said nothing so I "assume" its ok but when in doubt call the park. If your bringing Liquor, The Lipton Singles juice mixes are great....I think the Lipton guys must be outdoorsman LOL? I always have a quarter roll of Duct Tape folded into my pack...it will repair a canoe, tarp, tent, sleeping bag or back back in a pinch, not to mention a make shift bandaid, it can be fashioned in to a rope. Its pretty handy some times. Fishing the opener this year is an anomoly....Record early ice out, which will bring warmer water, and more aquatic bugs(AKA Food) I think the Lakers will be deeper then normal, and the Specs will be on fire.(knock on wood...don't want to jinx my self ) Small inline Spinners of a variety of colors, and minnow baits like Rapala(especially Perch pattern) Have been my go to lures, but Tiny Jigs with black grubs can be deadly...kinda looks like a leetch, and can be mistaked for stone flies etc... Some guys swear by Cleo's, williams, and EGB's for Lakers in particular....slow trolled (in truth I personally have done better with floating Rapala's, and shap raps...epecially at dusk) Bring a tarp no matter what. They may not call for rain before you leave but forecasts change. I've been in situations were it didn't rain but the constent cool breeze off the water made sitting in camp misserable....a wind break can raise the temp of your camp by a couple degrees, and help control your fire if the wind picks up. Cheers and good luck,
  16. I could care less about a sub forum. this works for me the way it is, and always has. There are always a few jerks...besides who doesn't like a good scrap every now and then anyway Cheers,
  17. You already said it Doc... I've identified a couple of spots in a few members posts, but the truth is I recognize it...cause I fish it. No body is EVER going to recognize a spot they've never seen You Kinda have to have seen it in order recognize it....just common sence IMO Keep keep'n on and ingnore the haters.
  18. Go to your local gun shop, or shooting range and ask about the PAL course. Chances are there is a local place that can hook you up. I highly recommend taking the course if your not familiar with handling firearms. you'll learn a few things, but more importantly they pretty much drive saftey into your head which IMO is a Great thing, and also the reason incidents are so rare in Canada. Its usually a weekend course or 2 weeks part time so its pretty unintrusive to your schedule. Bass pro would be great if your close....I'd prolly end up spending about 3x the amount in after class ventures though LOL! Cheers,
  19. Keeps keep'n on...

  20. 1) Inexpensive...$11/night is pretty cheap if you ask me? 2) Totaly Reasonable....Its $77/week to have Maintained Trailes, and Sites Personally I think anyone who disagrees should study economics. Services cost money, and $11/night is dirt cheap, and completely reasonable. 3) $13/day for vehicle day-use fee is also reasonable IMO...I have never done a "day trip" but what does $13 get now a days anyway? Maybe a quarter tank of gas? Its very reasonable IMO 4) Yes I am aware of the outfitters surrounding the park. 5) I drive to Algonquin park from Kitchener and have traveled the North east side on accasion...its 6 hours, and I have no isse with the distance or time it takes to get there. The distance is not a factor to me. 6) Camping, fishing, hikeing, nature observation(Ie photography, bird watching etc...) 7) So far I've had nothing but pleasant experiences...I've "heard" the new system is frustrating as there are some discrepenys with their Data(Ie. trying to book sites on lakes that the reservations office says does not exist) I've also "heard" the new sytem sometimes takes as long as 15 mintues over the phone to book, and I've "heard" of delays as long as a month in recieving confirmations on reservations, and several "lost" reservation stories. But Personally have had no issues. 8) a) rugged terrain; lots of bugs; c) untouched wilderness; d) summer crowds; or e) paradise?...all apply in their own circumstances. If you travel in deep or off the beaten path there is Untouched wilderness and rugged terrain no doubt, but you can also travel well marked routes, in which you may encounted the Summer crowds...epecially on weekends. Bugs....its a no brainer that May and June are rough, but usualy bu July its managable. 9) I Would not attend a cultural event if it was held at Algonquin Park, only because that is not my cup of tea.(just being honest) 10) I would actually hope to not have it advetised only because the busier the park is the less I'd want to go, but thats a personal oppinion. And I guess I like the way it is currently? It might be a narrow vision, but its my oppinion
  21. I'd take either fish on my line any day! Couple of real brutes there fella's Nice work.
  22. Yup, I've been planning, and plotting for the last 2 months...heck I'm already packed LOL! Still a Couple of weeks to work out and get in "portage" shape. I hope to not hurt quite as much this year
  23. I'm just gidee...and wanted to test the new site out LOL But hey lookie lookie First robins I've seen in 2010, and its now the first day of Spring. Only 5 weeks until the opener....Woo-hoo!
  24. Nice look'n feesh! I love the darker looking fish, just darn perty Cheers,
  25. Actually I was gonna say the same kind of thing thing. Sure booze, smokes, and conveneince items are cheaper...that margin is becomeing thinner by the day though. But if its hot sunny beaches, disney word, or most destinations its just as expensive or more for me to come down south. Then again even those prices can varry greatly from region to region I suppose? All I know is I pay your taxes when I'm there...And I think you should pay mine when your here. Heck I think you have to pay $20 in taxes just leave Cuba Ha! All I know is if a Tax in any country is its high enough that it chases tourism away perhaps that Government should rethink their position. Tomatoes vs tomato's I suppose....kinda mute any way LOL... They won't change it, and you won't pay it, and I just sound like a blow hard I guess LOL... But more then that, I just find it reeeely hypocritical of the Government to preach about what a low impact Tax the HST is, and how its great for business, and revenue neutral etc.... Yet its a big enough they feel its nessasary to give tourists a rebate....that should tell us all "something" They can't have it both ways...its either impactful, or it ain't Then again I guess they are the government....they CAN have it both ways apparently Booo!
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