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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Halle...friggen...lujah Not to mention a Balanced budget
  2. It doesn't....thats the "hidden agenda" A quick little cash grab to help pad the provincial Budget before election time, but conveneintly labled as a safety concern. Exactly the same as the Liberal "Eco tax", A quick cash grab, but conveneintly labeld as an Enviromental concern.... Both are simple Ploys to grab cash and apply it to the MASSIVE debt they are going to have to make public when election time comes around. Its damage contol plain and simple....
  3. That sounds about right though considering supply and demand, shipping, and the fact that up there your furnace probobly runs 24/7 10 months a year
  4. Propane has been getting filled into tanks safely the old way for a VERY long time.... Heck is a filling station any more dangerous then my 10year old BBQ? Geeze.... The chances of an "incident" are 10x more likely to happen at a poorly maintained residental appliance then a proffessional business Give yer heads a shake.... A couple of recent incidents might warrant some public awareness and education but to turn the operation upside down is ridiculous. If they want to impose some new manditory rules, and saftey checks I think its great. But not for the ridiculous costs presented. Its yet another Fiberal money grab gaurenteed....just like the all the tax increases he promised not to do. Its not rocket science here folks.... Impose the rules, and make the distributor liable in their license to sell...end of story. That should not cost $25K This is just another attempt to bank roll some cash and look good in the public eye with "safety concerns" But nice try.... I guess the Fib's gotta find some way to cover their tracks...can't wait to hear the Financial mess we're in come election time.
  5. Be strong for your wife, and stay positive....Cancer treatment has come a long way. My uncle went to the Mayo clinic 3 years ago with terminal Brain cancer, and lung cancer as the primary. The refered him to another clinic in Minesota who's name escapes me right now to undergo a new treatment called "Gamma Knife" sugery. Its lazer based, and no actual incisions are made. The sugery was considered 100% successfull, and he is now 3 years cancer free. Whats crazy is they said "if" it popps up again to simply come back down to the clinic and they will retreat him....they are slowly turning the most agressive Cancers from a Terminal desease into a potentiallt chronic illness....Amazing stuff, and I can't wait for the day we see this Treatment in Canada....its comming, and the system is already in several Ontario hospitals, but has not been approved for use yet. My Uncles new mission in life is to bring this system to Canada in a not for profit enviroment, and is working hard through a lot of red tape to Make this happen. But IMO....why wait? It costs money as OHIP does not cover american systems, But in some cases Money can buy you happiness and health. I'm not a docotor, but if you don't like what your doctor has to say it may be something to look at. I wouldn't recomend publicly it if I had not seen the results myself. I don't have the exact contact info for the clinic, but I can surely get it for you if you like. Just send me a PM Take care,
  6. It'll be an outhouse to start regardless of the laws LOL.... Not much choice other then crapping in the woods....just like 90% of the other camps out there. But I did put some thought into grabbing a composting toilet at some point once we're settled in a bit. A Septic system some day would be nice but may also be hard to get approval on with no "official" road access?
  7. Half way through a case? Geeze I hope she had more beer in the boat, other wise it would be a long trip back to town for her
  8. A good freind and fellow board member "Big Swede" is investing in this endevour with me. So its definatly more for us guys as an outdoor project first and foremost but.... over time the kids and gals might be invited It will be rustic & 100% off the grid. I'm looking forward to working on it, and "over time" building a cabin with a few modern conveinences like hot water, and a composting toilet, and installing Solar/generator power...the usual advanced camp comforts. But for now its about hunting, fishing, and the enjoyment of carving something out of the bush. Pit toilet, maybe a shack to start....potentially a trailer and addion. Anything goes for now....even thought about TJ's idea with a prospectors tent. In a nut shell... Its more about solitude, catching fish, hunting, and being able to shout with out getting in crap.... I've had an RV in a trailer park for 5 years, and had enough of watching what I say, where I step, and how loud I talk. Watching the clock to ensure I don't make to much noise after 10:30pm is not relaxing any more LOL! In truth growing up We have had a family freind with a camp north of Havelock and its paradise which is where my plan came from.... The problem is someday that camp will handed down, or sold, and I'm not on that waiting list, so my days there are numbered I simply want to continue enjoying that kind of outdoor privilage and Iwant my kids to enjoy the camp scene the way I did some day. No one else is going to do it for me so...I'm manning up and get'n it done. Swampy shore line is no big deal...thats what a dock is for I suppose? But good to know that it can be "tamed" a bit Cutting a road is the most daunting part of the Southern property for sure.
  9. 200 acres is a lot more road to cut in then 6 acres though LOL... I think you'd be in need of a loader for that handy work? Thats half the reason I targeted properties abutting crown land that are under 20 acres. Cutting a road in is tough work I imagine? Cutting tree's is the least of my worries if I am understanding the job correctly....its the filling thats tough. Lugging gravel etc.... (Especially with out a loader)
  10. The guys a nut job, but hey....hey it could have been worse. Fines will be issued and all forgotten tommorrow LOL... That dudes probobly got the coolest story to tell the boys now for years to come
  11. Like it has been said "IF" all you ever intend to shoot is Grouse, or rabbit then a 20 will suit you fine. But If you have "ANY" question about up sizing your game there is no room for doubt IMO...get the 870 combo Its versitile, and can accomodate almost any application. Or grab a 20, and then if you change your mind pick up a 12 later. Like fishing rods each peice has its own specific uses that may lend themselves better to certain applications. For exsample, We use a 20 for birds(or a .22), a 12 for thick bush and drives when looking for Deer And usually take along a 30-06 for sitting on ridges for those longer open shots from a stand. But IMO If your going to only buy ONE....the 870 supermag combo is the only one to hit all your points. Ps. If it's just Grouse your after and money is a concern why not a .22 ??? Its what I used to use. Just saying
  12. So I've come to the point in my Life where a Recreational Property is border line affordable LOL... I have my eyes on a couple of Propeties, and I'm being pretty discriminating in my wants My Property MUST have both Fishing, and Hunting opportunitys at the back door, or its not going to cut it. I have 2 properties I'm really persueing currently, and the haggleing proccess has begun for both. One is northern ontario(8 hours drive)Water access only, 15acres abutting 1000's of acres of crown land. Its unorganized township, which means building permits are not a concern, but actually getting supplies in to build could be difficult. Game species are Moose, deer, bear, Grouse, pickerel, smallmouth bass, pike, whitefish. The Pro's -very remote, quiet -flat gravel/rock shore line(easy access) The Con's -Long drive -Hard to build remotely -More expensive by $10k(and have to pay a yearly crossing/launching fee) -The Potential for future logging in the area is there...this could be noisy, but "could" also bring future road access The Second property is in southern ontario and closer at only 4 hours drive. It has 6acres of land abutting 1000's of acres of conservation land for which hunting is permitted. Currently has Water and road access "too" the property, but not to the water where we would want to build. BUT...cutting a road is an option, and fairly strait forward from what I can tell. Game species are Moose, deer, bear, Grouse, pickerel, smallmouth & Largemouth Bass & Muskie Pro's -closer by 4 hours -potential drive in access Con's -a bit less remote -Building permits required(could get around that with an RV which I already own) -shore line is a bit swampy Tough decision ahead for me.... The northern property is more money, and will require more time invested to develop but would be a true remote destination. It would also limit my time spent there...8 hours is a long drive for a weekend The Southern property is less money, less effort, and I already have an RV that could make for good accomodations should building permits be an issue. Its also an easy drive for a weekend trip at 3-4 hours But is less remote.... Fishing and hunting opportunities are equal in my oppinion. More moose and bear in the northern property, but bigger more plentifull deer in the southern property.... More Pike, and pickerel in the northern property, but Largemouth and Muskie in the southern Property... Both Properties have suitable building areas, and are High and dry. What's a boy to do???? I'm just looking for experiences in this proccess... Anyone ever cut in a road? Anyone ever build a remote cabin with water access only? Any advice at all for a newbie in this realm is appreciated?
  13. I came many moons, and new boards ago. I'd say as far back as the winter of 2001 or 2002? I bought my first house in 2001, and discovered this site that year..... I was bored out of my skull because I was broke from buying my house, and spent many hours on the computer dreaming about Where to fish NEXT season LOL! I stay because its entertaining and informative. In all honesty I think I enjoy the non fishing banter as much as the fishing talk LOL! All in all there are many great people on here that share info and expereinces and keep it fun to check in on.
  14. Agreed....totally a chickadee in there. Got a few around here as well.
  15. I think the ONE thing the leafs have going for them right now is there Defence? Kaberle is a great puck mover, and solid on the Powerplay to boot. But I'd take him off the Penalty kill...His Plus minus was the worst on the team last season. I'm sure that has a heck of a lot more to with being on the Penalty Kill as opposed to his usual game play. Personally...I'd keep him With Phaneuf, Schenn, Kaberle, Beauchemin, And Komisarek on the blue line with Giguere backing them up... I'd say thats a premier Defence core right there(assuming they can all play at the top of their game) Its the offence I worry about. Kessel can't do it all, and lets be honest...there is no one else up front who is proven. The leafs need to continue the rebuild, and IMO call up some youth from the farm....support them with a solid Defence and see what guys like Kadri, Mitchell, or Ryan Can do for them.
  16. In my family we play a game with such callers! I let them go through their entire sales pitch...then I say "oh, you should ask my wife" Then she lets them go through the sales pitch, and says "oh, you should talk to my Dad" And I'll use a fake voice, and of course let them finish their entire Sales pitch before passing Them along to yet another fake voice....they usualy catch on by the 4rth or 5th run, and we giggle like school girls LOL! So much fun out of a normally iratating situation
  17. Apparently they can be grey....who knew?? Paritally Albino Fox Sparrow
  18. Happens to the best of us. I had a brutal portage in once some 6 years ago, it turned out to be one of those "Wow....I didn't think it would be that bad" moments. Same deal bud, only the cramping legs were just the begining unfortunatly. I screwed my lower back up by trying to be a hero and carry more then I should have... Ended up wakeing up the next morning almost unable to sit up. The rest of the trip I was border line miserable, and spent the next 2 month working it out through drugs, and physio... 2 big lessons learned that trip. #1-hydrate, and drink till I pee....all bloody day if I can #2-Don't pretend I am chuck Norris, and do it all in one trip LOL! Cheers,
  19. Agreed....legally speaking. I'm just not on the same "etiquette" page when it comes to fishing someones dock
  20. The color is off from the picture I have but markings wise....size wise....it looks to be a fox Sparrow
  21. Is it Blueish?....is that a camera trick or is the color acurate? Maybe grey?
  22. LOL...and you had all that beer too? Was it just for show or what
  23. I don't mean any disrespect Terry, But I think its a different Situation alltogether. If I sent my Kids down to a creek or trib, to start I wouldn't let them be walking bare foot, and secondly they are wadeing in knee high water. Swimming at a dock is deep water, kids cling to the dock with their hands, feet....bellies I think its way differnt Also a trib or creek is not usually the site of a private dwelling, or private recreational swimming area. Where as a Dock unless posted as a municiple run facitiy is soley private... Yes the water under and around is public and I'm not debateing that. I'm debating the morality of putting people in harms way for the sake of catching a fish. The situation is vastly different in both its common uses and expectation of safe conditions IMO. Being a fisherman or not is inconsequential to the oppinion I hold. I beleive it is wrong because I've personally seen the damage it can do. I've fished docks in the past but now that I realize the potential hazzards it poses... I put my self in those shoe, and walked off a few miles. I Decided I don't EVER want to be responsible for putting a kid through that, and I can't imagine the guilt I would feel if the act had been the contributing factor in a drowning. Especially when its all for the sake of catching a fish...know what I mean? No sir I won't do it, and yes I hope everyone who read this at the very least thinks twice about it, and maybe exersisies more of an effort to remove snagged hooks ect... And I ain't call'n nobody a ignorant Pig ....yet Cheers,
  24. Them's is some mighty impressive eye's, And what a beautiful setting to fish I might add! A bit of hard work(or a lot) always makes it even that much more enjoyable doesn't it? Awesome report thanks for sharing! I have a back lake trip comming up in 2 weeks which I can't wait for But your story just reminded me that I need to stick to my treadmill/weight routine LOL! That and I must remember to drink water.... Cheers,
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