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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Oh the days I wish I was driving a beater. Ya sure,cut in,i,ll take your side off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dave524


      That was a 79 on the show, we had an early 50 Studebaker and Dodge on the farm, kinda recall it saying Fargo on the hood.

    3. Rodbender


      I had one today south on the 404 all of a sudden here's my cut off put me on the off ramp so now I have to go a little way out of my way to get back on the 404 should have followed her then tongue lashed her :D

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I don't even post anymore,the stuff I see is just what it is,you always have to be on high alert all the time.

  2. Who would thunk, a frozen puddle in a parking lot, could get ya all fired up. And this was in the big city this morningLOL. Also, hand augers are getting out of hand. Stupid prices. And finally,heading back , I thought I was mid pack of a restricker plate race when this driver almost missed his cut off. He made a beline right accross all the traffic at full speed. How he made it, I will never know. Only one car spun out. No caution though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ecmilley


      the 400 barrie invitational was it? lol

    3. misfish


      It was like, I have to get from the fast lane to the finch off ramp. We in Barrie know how to draft and change and slip the draft up here.LOL

    4. Fisherman


      Just wait til you see one driving with a full burka and msquito screen, you'll crap


  3. Anyone want to go trout.n christmas day ? Just throwing it out there in case theres others that fish this day.

    1. gassman2002


      One of the best days I ever had was a Christmas day fishing in Coburg. I drove from Toronto. There was 8" of snow on the ground but it was a very warm sunny morning and day. Had the river all to myself. Started at the railway tracks and worked my way down stream. Landed & released over a dozen nice sized rainbows before noon. Beautiful weather, Birds were singing, fish were cooperating and I had it all to myself. Thanks Santa.

    2. misfish


      Nice day you had there gassman. Im thinking the same will be this coming 25th. Looks like a high of 14-16. Should be many places to drift a float.

  4. How a legion can be shut down and sold, is beyond me. Sad to see.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fisherman


      Well here's a reason I could never figure out. Way back as a serving CF member, I had to be signed into the Legion by a paying Legion member. The only day we were welcomed was 11Nov. From that point on, I avoided the place, it was a hangout for the local drunks.

    3. Nipfisher


      Our North Bay local branch has just sold their building. They are now voting on a new location or amalgamating with another local.

    4. Snowball


      Two gone in Thunder Bay, ON

  5. Grandaughter Lilly enjoyed her first visit to BPS this morning. The christmas gig was a nice kicker. Funny how when we got there she says, another Cabelas? LOL

  6. Kites are for flying in the wind, not river floats. That was brutel. The only bend on the rod, was side ways from the strong west wind.

  7. Got to the bottom of the hill and what did I see,,,,,,,,,87.2 per lt. Just in time for the longweekend. ;0)

    1. esoxansteel


      were 99.9 in Peterborough, but looks like its dropping as others have not fallen suite

    2. crappieperchhunter


      87.4 in Oshawa at Costco.

    3. fishindevil


      85.5 at westney rd & rossland rd in ajax last night a mini gas war between a few stations....94.9 in lindsay & dunsford...some places are 96.9 in the kawarthas as well

  8. Will the Trump hotels be the next to be attacked? What a bold statment.

    1. Rodbender


      I want the ISSI school outta Mississauga first

  9. The gang was there,but the fish well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,probly after I left. LOL Another member met and off the list. Cool to meet you Kevin.

  10. They got the weather WRONG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AGAIN. LOL

    1. Fisherman


      I didn't have to shovel today or wear longjohns, it was a nice day.


    2. irishfield


      The wind was certainly correct.. well other than direction. 6 footers in the Sound.

    3. misfish


      Never noticed any wind here Wayne,just damp cold.

  11. One would think, if you wanted to do a warning story about hunting for deer this week, which started on monday and will end friday, you would of brought this information the weekend before,not the day before the end of the hunt. Local tv here, really needs to get a grip.

    1. ketchenany


      they were hunting deer the week before.

    2. misfish


      This week was the control hunt for December. They warned people yesterday.LOL

    3. misfish


      Another great caption was the OPP officer saying they were more concerned with watching for ATV riders with their chin straps undone while motoring along.

  12. Off goes anti slip and awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy we gooooooooooooooo.;0)

    1. irishfield


      Old school, I do the same thing. Hate having it throttle down when trying not to get T boned!

    2. spincast


      ahhhh, the good ole days of power slides and control by driver....


    3. misfish


      Yup, it started down the hill,then up the hill. LOL

  13. Why cant we fish 5 days a week, and work two? Then again, in another 15 years, I,ll be fishing 7 days a week for another 15 years. I hope.LOL

    1. irishfield


      What's this you talk of... ;O)

    2. Fisherman


      Are you becoming a liberal

    3. GBW


      crazy hab's fan...

  14. No silver to be found,but made up for it visiting a couple of members. Great seeing you Wayne and thank you very much for the gifts. Also to Skip for the offer and the other offer for next year. Both you guys have some real nice rides. SWEET RIDES.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. misfish


      Next time Im going to back down the lane at full speed and take my chances. LOL

    3. irishfield


      I almost got him a few weeks ago at the last big basswood tree on the right, as he came across the runway heading for the bush!

    4. misfish


      Well I washed that new smell off a couple of them.I dont think there were any fish around. LOL

  15. Wonder what the morning will bring,,,,,,,,,,,besides cold and snow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,silver,,,,,,,,,,,maybe some blue,,,,,,,,,,,,Only time will tell,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      maybe a boat in a bush


  16. That was a sneaky move on her part. If they can vape weed in public places and work, we can smoke a cig as well. No special rules

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kickingfrog


      Think the brakes have already been put on that.

    3. Fisherman


      I would sure hope so

    4. misfish


      Ya,I dont want to start smoking again just to prove a point. LOL

  17. Jeff Gordon is holding up the race. LOL His last race,let him enjoy it. Thanks Jeff

    1. irishfield


      Jimmy caught cheating... priceless!


  18. Remember the TITAINS. Not sure how the south feel about this movie,but it is one of my favorites. ;0)

  19. I bought the new improved Clam cordless adaptor. Now forsure we wont see ice til Febuary.

    1. Fisherman


      Ya just had to do it, didn't ya. I buy the auger and you top it off with the adapter. I'm sure we'll get a workout on the ice.

    2. Terry



      i mean nice

  20. This low pressure sure effects my bad eye. Sure hope this is not going to be happening all winter. Very uncomfortable.

  21. The USA has it right. Wake up CANADA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      They said NO NO NO NO

    3. wallacio


      Yeah, you really should be afraid of those widows and orphans.


    4. misfish



  22. Looking to contact ChristopherK. Help please.

    1. grizzlybri
    2. misfish


      Thanks brother.

    3. misfish


      Was good chatting with him. Seems he is finding his calling.

  23. No ARGOS. Nice try boys. Go RED/BLACKS.


    1. BillM


      Roy broke the internet.

    2. bigugli


      I was starting to have DT's

    3. misfish


      Heck, my boss thought I was sick, I was getting some work done.

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