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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. on Our old boat (14' springbok ) I had a newer 40hp mercury Force installed .Had marina handle the install,wiring etc ( should have shopped around for a better price) But had a friend beef up the transom with aluminum plate . Basically we reskinned the entire rear exterior of the transom and 'wrapped' up and over the existing wood transom (wood was in good condition) .This acomplished two things raised motor mount 1" ( longer shaft on Force) and strengthened the transome . Also moved controls from left hand (console model) to right hand side with a custom aluminum bracket. Boat ran well allbeit a bit scarey at times . I would do the same again if needed TB
  2. had a late 80s 50 hp force on our old boat , no issues really only a relay and waterpump , repair cost resonable. worked great and as far as I know still running. have it checked out and if price is right ..... TB
  3. enjoyed fishing with you at Tylers event. Happy Birthday! TB
  4. was in Orillia yesterday the narrows haven't really started to open up yet. TB
  5. happy bday Wayne wave when you pass me on the BAY this year ! TB
  6. Bought the 1775 Classic SS last year . I'm 220lbs and the boat is solid and level when alone . You'll be happy with either choice.
  7. Me and the boys were out on Thursday and saw a guy go thru at the sewage outfall. Hw was lucky and only ended up with two major soakers. we spoke with him after he was aware of the 'soft 'spot but walking into the early morning sun with the glare off the ice he lost track of where he was. 16" plus of good ice where we were. TB
  8. Great report Terry Looks like you weren't board! Got the whole family out today at Gilford . Mover around abit , kinda quiet but Pikeie did get a decent perch . Pics to follow once I find my cable for the camera. TB
  9. Towing capacity also includes all weight in vehicle driver+passengers+gear+fuel ....+BEER! TB
  10. Just thinkin I should be calling the Marina and schedule a date to pick up the boat. Thinking first week of April as our inaugral soft water fish is usually Orillia Perch Festival. wondering what everyone was planning as thier first non ice fishing trip of 07? TB
  11. nice fish Like the 'hole shot' H2whoa! We were at Minets on Sundy as well. 3 people in your group , two in red floater suits ? TB
  12. What a brute ! Thats enough to keep me trying to catch a ski in GBay! Just gotta break out the walleye gear I guess TB
  13. My wife's complaint is she doesn't get out enough . The new larger boat last year was her idea ! Planning to get her out on Lake O for some trout/salmon action this summer . ( keep that to yourself Pikeie don't want to spoil the surprise) The sacrifices we make for our spouses ! TB
  14. Glad to hear you made it out and even caught fish !! Fillets look great . Maybe see you out there some day TB
  15. I would hope so .Huts are reqistered (numbered) for that purpose. But There is a hut that has been washed up the south end of Cooks bay for several years now. By the way ...Welcome Aboard Thirstystone! TB
  16. Good point Wayne Spring time boating is always interesting . Have hauled out 6' lengths of 4 x 4 's , skids etc. TB
  17. Pictures ....we want pictures
  18. North side of Kempenfelt bay about 1/2 way .First time I've fished there Nothing pic worthy. Could be bothered digging out the camera. TB
  19. WTG Nice reward for braving the elements TB
  20. Great report .Nice to see you gettin out. TB
  21. Headed out at 6:30 am with Pikeie for a couple hours of fishing before he started work . Kinda miserable with the blowing snow not so much cold as constant snow in everything .(Face ,bags , flasher ,coffee etc) Pretty slow with only 2 perch (dinks) and 1/2 doz smelt . Dropped him at home picked up the portable hut and drove to shanty bay to meet up with my younger son who had gone ahead with a friend and his step dad. Parked and headed down hill to the lake trying not to get run over by the portable home made hut. Just as I got out to them they had a hit ,few seconds of antcipation ( small whitie ??) nope a herring. Things looked promising but that was about it for the day expcept one more small herring. Did have a visit from the CO ( first of the year ) glad to see them out Fished a varity of lures (spreaders ,Bad Boys , spoons ) Herrings on the spreader and a Forage minnow Kids had fun , fresh air ,good conversation = lots of fun ! TB
  22. Two fire vehicles Paramedic crew Rescue hover craft Nice little bill for the tax payers ..if in fact it was intentionalY SET TB
  23. The Thread didn't stay on long I have a couple of auction items in my possession for delivery. Plus need to confrim if I was succesful bidder on a couple of tems Maureen you have a PM TB
  24. Left Pikeie at Minets Point after a couple hours of perchin ..I had errands to run. Back to pick him up in a couple hours and was greeted by Parking lot full of emergency vehicles. Turns out a hut further out (east ) in the bay had caught fire , and Matthew was the one who placed the 911 call! Hope no one was hurt TB
  25. uh ...you're Welcome Kevin ? TB
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