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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. sure was a nice morning out there , no fish unfortunatly but...who cares.Took a ride out of the bay before I left it was so calm and sunny .saw only one other boat all morning Wayne , wore a hole in the water at that CERTAIN SPOT of yours but no luck maybe next week. TB
  2. No problem Rizzo lots of time left this year maybe next time TB
  3. last minute change in plans mean I 'mm fishing on my own tomorrow Check Hook ups if interested . TB
  4. you wouldn't mind sharing that "adress" would you wayne .Mr JR and I might want to drop by and say hi to that follower on Thursday TB
  5. We did move the date ,Lloyd felt 50-60 km winds might be a bit much . New date is this coming sunday. TB
  6. Pikeie and I did get out this am for some river fishing . One break off was all we had. Was supposed to be on Quinte but have rescheduled for next Sunday. TB
  7. congrats on your succesful harvest ! Great report felt like I was there with you ! Have an old crossbow (30 yrs) that I have target shot with a few times , quite the powerful weapon. I as you have only hunted with a rifle . Used to regularily hunt every fall but over the last several years have found it difficult to take a full week away from home to hunt . I like the bow idea as it would open up closer to home opportunities . Would need to upgarde the equipment of course. TB
  8. No shiners yet , just river minnows .Need some cooler weather. Pikeie is working at Simcoe Bait Tackle as part of his co-op program at school Stop by and say hi TB
  9. My oldest (Pikeie) and I will be out on sturady as we were succesful bidder last winter of the days charter ( part of Tylers event that Motv8tr puts on). Not sure what the boat looks like but we will be to busy catching fish to chat anyways Looks like a wet day 60% chance showers , 35 k winds from the west TB
  10. sounds like weekend renters would be easy to find and maybe a few who would spend a week. Personally we ( family) camp a fair amount but rarely spend more than 3 days in a row . With a dry floor , larger structure , beds , stove , fridge etc I could see us spending a week no problem . How far from the closest road acess , being remote may appeal to some and being closer to 'town' may be something otherr are looking for . As far as what to charge $500 per week sounds about right TB
  11. Haven't posted in a while or fished . Busy at work and weekends have been nuts. It all started 4 weeks ago with my youngest son experiencing his first Gran Mal epileptic seizure resulting in a trip to emergency dept.Very scarey to say the least .Followed up by a trip to his specialist in GTA and an EEG . He is on anti sezure meds and has had no relapses The next weekend we were set to move on the friday to our new house but thanks to our buyer ( financing)we had a last minute delay with our closing till the following Monday .Everything was packed and loaded on the truck including clothes , fishing gear etc . We unloaded the boat and headed to the inlaws cottage for a place to sleep. We did fish Dalrymple that weekend with no luck The next weekend ( last weekend ) we had our van stolen out of the drive way , luckily found next day with no damage except missing change and cds , didn't even touch Pikeie's new Abu reel. With the move the days have been busy unpacking , small projects etc . May get out sunday for a bit but have confirmed our Charter with Fishunter on BOQ for Oct 20 , This was the Tyler auction item we won at Tylers event last winter . Can't wait for a change pf pace! TB
  12. Have always avoiding lakes with Tourneys ( either by luck or prior knowledge) we were a little worried when we saw all the boats but didn't seem to make a difference .Most of them were quietly working araes of the lake not blasting from spot to spot . The ones near us seemed to have about the same luck . Couch is big enough that we had lost of room . TB
  13. great report and by far one of the strangest catches of the year ! TB
  14. not Barrie but Leatherdale marine in Orillia ( hwy 11 just past narrows) was great to deal with with my old 60s evinrude and 80s Force. Quick , good prices to0 . Have also heard good things about Top Gun as well. TB
  15. we almost always are targetting a particular species ,unfortunatly the fish don't always know that We have however had interesting 'no targetted 'catches ,first muskie ( buzzbait bass fishing) first carp ( senko bass fishing). As far as Muskie goes the fish of a thousand casts seems understated .but I will catch my first one this fall Best fish to eat ,we enjoy pike and perch fall thru to spring , one ot two feed of smallmouth while interior camping . Personally I find Walleye a bit overrated as far as eating goes and prefer the fight of 30" plus pike or Simcoe smallies . TB
  16. Pikeie got to chose our destination on sunday ( with 1 hour drive as we only had the morning free) and we ended up a Chouch. Having fished there only once or twice we wern't sure what to expect. Launched out of Orillia around 7 am and once on the water soon realized there must be a tourney on as there were numerous bass boats around. Picked a likely looking weed bed and soon were on the fish ... perch that is . Good warmup I guess . Moved further north with more of the same with a couple of small bass added. Tried the mouth of the Severn with no luck . We decided to move a bit further south to an area were we had seen several of the bass boat guys working .Good looking area and we soon spotted some fish . White spinner bait produced the only fish of size a nice 4 lb plus bass.Hit hard in 6 FOW .I'll add photo later as its on pikeies cell While we were busy looking for a match to that fish an approaching helicopter caught our attention , it swung low over the water and we noticed what appeared to be a camera mounted on the front . Coming directly towards it form the north end of thh lake was a big bass boat flat out .figured they must be filming a promotioanl ad or something . Too far to see the logo on the boat . Shortly after noon we decided to head back to the launch and as we were passing thru the Narrows we spotted Misfish and Terry out for a fish ..thought you guys didn't fish past noon ? Observation ... the bass boat guys do not appear to be the most friendly bunch ( Misfish and Terry excluded ) Is it that they are ' working hard ' or is it kinda like Harley riders that do not wave a those riding Rice Rockets , or maybe it me ? Good day on the water , no rain , some fish and good times TB
  17. i know your secret ... go fishing TB
  18. Wayne glad t0 hear everyones ok . Things happen fast out there just glad you were a little faster. Welcome back , look forward to my baby Lund meeting the grandaddy on GBAY this fall TB
  19. Just did what I should have done in the first place ..search ! Mikemo had a post in June with a great link - Laketrout.org - that has just what I was looking for . Still open to advice. TB
  20. With a planned trip this weekend into one of our favorite lakes near Bancroft I was hoping if anyone had some simple tips should we tire of the smallies and decide to try for lake trout. Have zero experience and no specialized gear ( no downriggers , lead core etc) The lake appears to be a good candidate for lakers as we always see boats trolling , it a small lake but deep at 100 feet plus and also stocked. Bottom bouncers and spoons or inline spinners? what trolling speed? Appreciate any info you might have to offer , I promise a report when we return TB
  21. Watched it on the drive in today .Seemed to move fast until the last bit . Next one is in Feb TB
  22. Gonna miss seeing that VW on the 400 Put a OFC sticker on it so I know its you! Congrats TB
  23. Nice job We were in the same area ( judging by background) with only one fish on and none in the boat . Only thing I caught was a couple of shoals with the prop Luckily no damage. We only hung out for a couple of hours as the action was slow , water rough and my young nephew kept falling asleep ( up with the scoots the night before) TB
  24. Great Report . Sounds like you enjoyed yourself despite the tough conditions. Look forward to your next report always. TB
  25. not the best quality pic as I had left the camera at home . Pikeie took it with his cell . Didn't want to stand around taking pics of somone elses misery .
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