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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Well done Hope to get out on the BOQ this winter. I'll stop by and say Hi on my next trip to Ottawa , I'll bring you a decent cup of coffee too! TB
  2. Leafing through the new 40 anniv edition of OOD and came across the Anglers Award ad and low and behold my youngest son Mikes shining smile is looking back at me. And I think Mrs JR in the background. That was Mikes 2 nd place perch from last years Fishing for Tyler event. Both Boys have shown up in these ads over the past few years ,maybe I should stick to photography TB ( a proud dad!)
  3. I hate this ! Just when the weather cooperates for ice fishing , you have to post this ! Now I'm busy building my ' must fish' list for teh soft water season. Great storey and mike maybe if timing is right we could meet up one afternoon on this lake. TB
  4. NICE ! We 've had our 1775 SS Classic ( 90HP) for two years now and love it . Only issue was stiching on driver seat ripping ( replaced under warranty) and the trim switches.First year on the throttle ( again warranty) and last year the one on the motor started acting up. We have 100's of hours on her already plus a few dents and scratchEs ( first one one is the worse ) Very happy with the package overall and DT has been excellent to deal with. This will be your longest winter you can remenmber ! TB
  5. Congrats Mike Maybe future Muskie man ! TB
  6. Good timing as I was just thinking about contacting the usual suspects for prizes. Already have a couple in the garage ! PM sent TB
  7. aniceguy...PM sent
  8. looking for info? talk to an OFC'r .... a no brainer Thanks for the fast reply ..aniceguy , will fwd email shortly TB
  9. Nice pics Lew As you said anytime you can get out is good. I've fishing turnoff and on like a light , mind you they weren't muskie . As for Wayne ...I think its the new boat ! TB
  10. Never mind Lew ...whats Wayne got to say
  11. our new house has a small creek running thru the ravine behind. Suckers spawn in the spring and farther upstream brookies . Its a feeder creek to Simcoe. Looking to do basic clean ups , bank stabilization , silt control , landowner education etc. much of the creek runs thru city property ( private land farther south) My question is has anyone had any experince with oprganizing a stream restoration program? have looked at Trout unlimited web site but nothing obvious. The company I work has a program that provides sponsorship and volunteer labour as well. With the vast experiences out there thought I'd ask TB
  12. Now that we got that out of our system ....welcome ! TB
  13. wait for it ..........
  14. Looking forward to it . Bigger and better every year . Way to Go Mo TB
  15. nice report . Wayne the Muskie hunter strikes again. Maybe I need a new boat TB
  16. did something right for sure ...went out with someone who knew what to do right!. As far as the drum went , they are ok to catch . Pleased thatthe young fella got somenice nice eyes couldn't have planned it better. TB
  17. Didn't touch the cabinets however the cabinets being an inch lower ( floor up 1") was only noticble for a short time . Have since sold the house and already thinking of what we will do in the new ( to us) house. Most likely lift cabinets / add island. Also will try and do all flooring on main floor in one shot ( tile , hardwood) not in stages over 5 years ! TB
  18. Who doesn't like catching Drum They put up a decent fight and it's better than nothing tb
  19. We installed 18" sg ceramic in our front hall and kitchen area 8 years ago . 5/8 ply over existing OSB . apx 2500 screws ( one every 4-6") and a high quality mortar ( no mesh) .No loose or cracked tile . Span was only 10' . Not hardwood I know but I was pleased with the results . One other thing was we placed sound insulation bewteen the joists prior to finsihing the basement , nice and quiet. TB
  20. By far the best NF report I have read ! Glad to hear things are working out . TB
  21. what no white bucket! nice fish for sure , beauty day as well . hoping for at least one more bassin trip in 2 weeks. TB
  22. Leatherdale in Orillia! Have had good service experience there. TB Coffee's on me !
  23. way to Go Nice boat .heres hoping for some nice fall weather!!! TB
  24. so there really are fish out there Nice job guys . TB
  25. wish I could make it ..might even catch a fish on Pigeon. Hopefully someone takes u up on it . Helps pass the time with a partner TB
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