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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. I have an old 9.9 that hasn't run ( well ) for several years . I'll give you a call TB
  2. amazing report! Makes me want to get married all over again and have a stag like that ! TB
  3. The camp I hunt out of has been in existence since early 1900's we have written records from eary 40's and one (still active member) has hunted that camp since late 40 's . The deer numbers ( sighting and harvested) seem to fluctuate over the years. 40s and fiftys a deer would be shot first day for meat for the week .They were so confident that the only meat brought in was bacon. 80's when I started to hunt we didn't even see a deer some years Last 12 years or so we have had at least 1-2 deer ( sometimes more) As far as size goes , we still see some big 200 plus lb deer .2 shot in the last 7-8 years These are Ottawa valley deer , not fattened farm deer. Pressure has increased esp with the advent of atvs. Our memebers are aging and we have not hunted with a dog in the last 10 years . I think like most hunters we hunt for a) the experience the meat TB
  4. Some more - plan to have at least 1/3 more fuel than you think you will need. - ensure all required safety gear is on board AND WORKS (ie flashlight , fire ext) add some basic tools - trailer lights work ,see 2 or 3 every week on the highway with no working lights - Our rule is big motor on , PFDs on .Rough water PFDs on .Fishing alone PFDs on -invest in a floater suit for early and late season fishing - cell or Marine radio for the bigger lakes Good post TB
  5. Good Report Rich As for trying new waters it can be fun if you got the right attitude .Go expecting nothing therefore anything is a bonus! We usually try at least 2-3 new bodiesof water a year some you want to go back to ( Sparrow ) some I don't (Scugog) TB
  6. After backing my own boat into the steel dock on Sunday ( not to much damage , nick on motor housing ,broken screw on corner plate ) the Follies continued last night. Got home a bit early ,Pikeie had the boat and gear ready to go .Headed off to the only Launch left open in Barrie as the Tiffen launch is closed weekdays as they continue to work on the waterfront . Pulled into the Barrie Marina to see two big Tunnel boats getting ready to launch and two more cars in front of me ( $%#@) But no one seems to be moving! 1/2 dozen people standing on the dock looking into the water . So I head over to see whats going on and what do I see but the top of the roof and the open hood of a new new shiney Tacoma P/U WAAAYYY into the water . Apparently Backing up to launch your seadoo's and talking on your cell is NOT a good idea. One of the Tunnel boats guys yanked him and his truck out .Amazingly the guy seemed rather calm and cool ( maybe a bit damp) Pikeie has pics on hi scell that we will post later. Fished around the water front for an hour or so as we waited on my wife and younger son to meet up with us after she finished work . Son brought along a friend so we were a bit tight with 5 in the boat but lake was calm so we took a run out of the bay . Tried a few spots and had good success in 8-15 FOW plastics and cranks worked well. All had fish in the boat . Will update with pics and maybe a truck for sale ! TB
  7. no sleepimg in for me worked 5:30 till 9 am and thought why not a few hours fishing untill the storm (not) rolls thru. Don't fish KBAY much except in the winter so we spent a few hours moving around looking for fish. We did find quality but not much quantity. TB
  8. wow ..nice fish in the last pic Have yet to focus on SM this year ,,hope to change that today if the weather holds off. TB
  9. Good job on the bass . We usually have one shore lunch a year .Kind of a tradition ..a lake my dad and I fished ..now its me and my kids . TB
  10. nice report , don't let em get to ya about the slippers. takes a real man to wear those we have yet to target smallies ..havin too much fun with the LM TB
  11. wow you guys are fast and early . Thanks for thinking about Matt today tb
  12. The big 18 I suspect a local trout stream might be visited today TB (Dad) Wasn't that long ago when you were fishing the creek with Grampa ...he would be proud... and so am I . Have a great day Bud
  13. What size of boat and whats the tow vehicle .If you have smaller boat and a bigger truck I know of a concession rd access that might work .We used to launch a 15 ft tinney with a minivan ,only stuck once Otherwise to ready to pay. I have a seasons pass for Lagoon City only because the in laws have a cottage nearby and the 'free' launch won't do anymore . tb
  14. Will add some pics if we can get the card reader working me and the two boys hit the road for Sparrow lake today . We usually get there 2-3 times a year and this was our first trip of the year. Tried our usual spot that Produces Pike in the spring and usually a few mid size LM..nothing Next couple of spots the same. heavy fishing pressure ( lots a boats today) and heavy wind made it difficult. I manaaged one decent size largie after an hour or so but that was it for a while. Decided we would head up the lake for a bit of running and gunning. Seemed to be the best idea as a few more fish were caught .Not a stellar day but interesting seeing some new water. Highlight of the day Did see something I have not seen before ...lots of loons around toady and had one 'swim' almost under the boat ,man can they move. Lowlight of the day .. youngest broke his new Fluger rod today getting it out of the van ..then couple hours later dropped his sunglasses in one of the back bays . TB
  15. Last week I rented a truck ( 25oo series Diesel) for a trip to Ottawa and back Got home topped up at $95 Stopped to by gas for my van on the way back from the rental co $45 Got home Hooked up boat to the Honda , you guessed it ,Honda was empty $70 plus $23 to top up the boat. At least we caught some fish ... some very expensive fish TB
  16. yep ..don't anyone bother going for Pike. Lousy stinkin fish. Taste awful too TB
  17. We have had the best opener I can remember . 3 trips and over 20 fish ,several 30"plus.But can't break our PB of 32" Spoons and inline spinners have been the hot lure for us . Even stayed out in that downpour on Sunday as they wouldn't leave us alone 6-8 fish in less than an hour . Brotherin law landed a nice 32" and my nephew his first pike ( 20").That was the season highlight so far . Out again last night and 3 more fish . Sorry no pics as it wwas to wet on sunday and forgot the camera last night in our rush to get out . Lets hope we do as well with Muskie ! TB
  18. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . Not sure what else to say that hasn't been already. As you said enjoy the time you have with freinds and family . dave
  19. Nothing to add ... just glad I skipped breakfast this morning ! TB
  20. When we first moved to Barrie (15 yrs ago) we used to have an open fire occasionally in the back yard ,now fully surrounded by houses and a new fire hall within site we have been unable . Started thinking about building a stone fp in the back yard .Over the last couple of years have started to haul granite stone from our hunt camp in Ottawa area .Kinda crazy but like the idea of having a bit of the 'Valley' in my back yard. Have about 1/3 the stone I need (currently a fence 2' wide '30" high 15' long)and just picked up a mint condition fp insert complete with about 45 ft of s/s liner.(free ) Thats all the motivation I needed to get started . Trying to fiqure out the final location and checking with the city to confrim that a certified fireplace install (exterior) is legal ( just banned or about to ,chimineas and those steel fire pits CTC sells) Little concrete experince ,NO stone experience but not about to let that stop me Maybe post some pictures of the project as it proceeds . Anyone looking for some liner as I'll only need about 8' PM me TB
  21. What the heck where you doing at the perch festival ....there's no fish there ! I thought you would be at your secret spot Ran into your fishing partner from last year when we were in Gbay yesterday . TB
  22. 1775 max hp is 90. Plenty HP for what we use it for . 43 mph top speed. Good for tubing and sking as well .I'm 6'2" and 220 lbs ,pulls me on skis no problem. TB
  23. we have the 1775 classic and with almost 100 hours on it year one and no complaints. Good warranty coverage as well ( replaced drivers seat , tearing at stiches) TB
  24. finally ! check your PM's
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