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Everything posted by discophish

  1. Before I even bought my kayaks, I took rolling clinics at a wave pool, the it progressed to the lessons in white water on the big Ottawa River. It saves lives. Sure looks like a lot of work (and unsafe) having to bail from your biggest floatation device other than your pfd ... just to get back in. It's actually really easy to roll a flat water kayak upright, even with some gear on it. It's not easy when you are tossed around like in a washing machine.
  2. Great guitar performance in "The Middle". Wow! It helps that I like that song so much too. Great performances in all of them, not just that one. It would be hard for me to go fishing if I could play like any of you guys. I wouldn't stop.
  3. My condolences to you and your family through your toughest times. Keep the memories strong and life will live on forever.
  4. I find that the noisier baits are better to attract the nighttime eye. Long and skinny in the summer works well, preferably jointed with bearings. I would troll to cover lots of water. If you have a drift sock, I would use it if you don't have any luck at your slowest unaided speed (other than zig zagging). Slower the better most times in the heat. I would also find the deepest water interesting and troll for the suspended fish up top. I caught my largest eye doing just that at night. Good luck!
  5. Center lake looks like a great lake to fish, and others claim it is a great lake to fish. My buddy is off Dyno Road, so we have fished the hard and soft water seasons there. All I can say is that it's a nice looking lake. That's about it. There are more than just bass to fish in there. If you can catch them. The launch is not all that bad. The parking can get tough if people are not parking properly, especially with trailers. But enough space at the top beside the hwy for about 6-7 vehicles without trailers. Good luck. Let us know how you did there.
  6. Add a heating element to it and you got yourself a hot tub. Add some freezer packs, and you got yourself a cooler. Ours doesn't even hold water. So you are right, pop the lid and girls at the docks will dive in. That happened last night in my dreams, so it's absolutely true.
  7. You should have a Pro-Flow switch at the helm. It should say open/closed. I believe they should all have it, but not all have the recirculation. In our boat we have it by the throttle controls at the knee.
  8. Nice job! Isn't night fishing the best?!! Congrats to your successful adventure. I'm no biologist, but I thought fish had hidden legs and walked around.
  9. - To spend or not to spend - Over the many years I have accumulated ice fishing gear that stacks like a lead pyramid on my sled. It's getting out of control. The walks are progressively becoming a threat rather than something to look forward to. Obsession and impulse are two things that light your way through the store isles, and it makes it hard to pass by something and say "I don't need it". We have the huts, heaters, sleds, rods, tip-ups, augers, tackle bags, too many lures, snow shoes, fuel stoves, cameras, survival suits, goggles, electronics, buckets, bait buckets, lanterns/lights, chairs, gas cans, snacks and food to feed a douzen. But really, at the end of the day, I wish I went out on the ice with nothing more than some crap stuffed into my pockets to create a little more bulge to make the walk more honourable, if you know what I mean. If I really think about this, I buy 10 new lures that I don't need, try to stuff it in a tackle bag that is too full to stuff, end up using and old scuffed up rusty lure and not any of the new lures for the entire day because the walk was too exhausting and lazy to rummage through the stuffed bag that makes it impossible to find anything, rip open a package, and tie something else on. Anything new hasn't helped me catch more fish. New things only catch the consumer. I lived to tell the experience weekend after weekend, and for most of this winter. I broke my back drilling about a hundred holes this weekend in Haliburton, hauled everything out including the weight of a frothy jowled moose and 6 rabid deer, and couldn't find a fish by the end. Of course that's the way it goes. You become consumed either way ... buy stuff you don't need, and pretending to fish for fish that aren't there. At some point things get ruined when it becomes too much. I'm going to start stuffing my bulge from now on and leave the rest in the place that has no room for anything including itself. I think I wrote this because my winter wasn't so good. Cranky? Perhaps, but I still want to bulge. Disco Phish
  10. You can go to their site and follow up on what they have in their ice fishing area. They have store availability, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have it. I suggest you call first for what you are looking to buy. If only this sale was on when I bought my replacement jiffy that was stolen out of my garage this year! CTC was good to me through high school and college, so I'm fairly loyal to them at times. It was fun working their as a kid! Good luck and be safe on the ice from now.
  11. Just letting everyone know about the big Canadian Tire sale on most ice fishing gear, incl. augers and huts! They never go on for half. Suits too. Sale starts tomorrow! Hmm, but with the Sportsmen's Show coming up ....
  12. Great job on the bike, you have a "bobber" look to it. Very nice. How did you rake the front end?
  13. She always gets to catch the biggest fish of the day! Chunky 38". Hard to see the chunk at this angle. This wasn't caught on the riggers. The pike are still in our shallow bays, so casting big baits or flat-line trolling has worked well, at any speed. Most always predictable and really agressive. They attack anything right now. The weeds are premature enough that they aren't much of a nusiance. The ice-out on our lake was April 26, so the Pickerel have had a later spawn, and we have seen them transition in massive schools after the opener around the deep ledges of the river narrows. Try catching them now in the main lake. With the thousands of black flies the past couple weekends, and lock jaw from the unstable weather, it's been challenging, and nothing substantial. Haven't seen any extensive late spring mayfly hatch, so they can't be that full of it! I will leave that report for another cottage weekend. Good luck everyone! DiscoPhish
  14. Wow! Amazing composition of everything! The amount of mixing and synching and creativity put into this work is outstanding! You have a talent that people wish they could have a fraction of. The viewing experience sent a chilling feeling up my spine that was very exciting to absorb. Awesome job, and thank you! This is something that everyone can share with family and friends while introducing the community to them.
  15. I want to be a Stickerel ... a stick fish always gets released back to its home. I will also have a massive contribution of lures from those who don't use powerpro. Then I will sell the lures on Ebay, and strengthen my militia of stick fish and take over the lake to a point where an angler wouldn't even dare to cast. Mine! All mine! hahahaha <evil laugh> It's a Stickerel Empire! You hook me in the jaw, I cut you up and break your propeller.
  16. Awesome report! Looks like a great formula to make a tasty tv segment! Didn't you forget the T-bone on the lake .... it was right in front of you. Hehe. Good luck this weekend!
  17. The blackflies last weekend in Point Au Baril and Port Loring were so bad that stripped me of my clothes and threw me in the lake. Oh wait a sec, did I do that on my own? I haven't seen it that bad in many years. If you expect them to be bad in the Kawarthas, make sure you fasten yourself down with a 20 pound boat anchor tied to your ankle! Don't let youself get carried away.
  18. Take your time buying a boat, and make sure you are really getting that you want (within budget of course). We made the mistake of buying a boat a tad too small for us, and when I say small, I mean not in length, but in width. The beam of a boat makes a lot of difference. It's enough difference for us that next year we will get rid of a 16' boat to buy another 16' boat, but with a wider beam. Common to larger beams are thicker gauged materials for construction, weight measure, power restrict., and so on. Just a thought for you to consider.
  19. Beautiful lakes the Magnetawan system. The pickerel fishing is supposed to be fantastic. I have a friend on Sand lake, fished there many times. The rainbows and lakers are deep. You will need riggers to get down to them for sure. In the summer, the rainbow in that lake come up along the breaks and feed around the surface. You will almost have to chase them in there and literally observe the feed. Good luck!
  20. 33 inches of ice? What the heck am I sitting in front of a computer for ... I need to get out there! Great report, too bad about the success. Your trip today sounds like my entire winter season, so it's a good day in that respect. Great weather to be outside, and you can't really beat that.
  21. Awesome job both of you on your new PB's! Thanks for the great read again. Looks like the "river of tears" has plenty of fish in it! Sure looks like tears of joy and happiness to me .... makes me what to start crying.
  22. That is super funny!!! Good one! I looked into the "World's Most Smallest Violin" support group for anglers, and stumbled upon this image: ... and beneath it wrote "Cliff played this for Bly when he caught his 14lbs pickerel. She broke the violin over his head it, unstrung the bow, tied on a lure, and used it to catch her 15 lber" I decided not to join.
  23. I told her she can either take an inner tube or swim noodle to fish on from now on .... I hid all her gear. and replaced with this:
  24. It would be ideal to connect them short to a panel so that they can be taken out easily. You wouldn't want to run the wires under surfaces where it will be too much of an inconvenience to disconnect if you want them portable. Eventually, I would aslo like to loop the switch at the dash and have control of them at 2 locations. I haven't looked into that yet. Interesting to know, I have actually never heard of that. That's a wise insurance policy to invest in. Hope the sailors didn't wear too much that it them sink faster than they could be saved. Too ironic! Excellent suggestion SS. I was thinking about that and wish I could, but the boat we have is already small enough (16 foot Princecraft). I thought about the idea when Irishfield was explaining his progress on his mounts. Unfortunately we would need a bigger boat, because we are having a hard enough time making our space resourceful as it is. Great job on yours! What do you think about this Z71?
  25. Good one! Don't forget the pork and beans ... that fuels us up so we can burn some gas to propel us forward quicker than we can paddle. Works like a charm.
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